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"sorry but while acrids gone ineed some company, not that camc is much company... really i think he's gone nuts, raiding an undefended castle and all...."


*says shin as he introduces malchik to the bar and game room "drink?"



OOT> good work people the 400th post in the snow arena w000t :spam:

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"women? oh, there on the fifth floor cmac locked them up too... :blink: "


"snags, they're easy to comeby - chef... get me mate malchik here some snags"


"but as for a cavewich... i think mojlnir left most of his outside, i'll go get it"


*before malchik is able to say anything shin rushes outside

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*shin runs upstairs and sees the red light of the room on reading DO NOT DISTURB

ok i dont want to know whats happening in there.


*shin leaves a not on the cavewich and sausage reading 'sorry the snags got burnt my clumsy chef was sacked.... coincidentally hes sacked the person who sacked the person who got sacked and trust me i sacked him for it'.


*with malchik at his buisness shin put two eunichs at the dorr and went to go check the progress on the cmac issue.

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At the moment of the attack on the juggernaut Pack Rat was still busy getting to know the ship...


Press this button to launch the backside-heatseeking missiles... Hmm Maybe that'll do...


By pressing the button Peregrines fleet at the back of the ship fully vaporizes in flames. Pack Rat see's the event on the screens in the control room.


Nope, that's not it.... I wonder what this little button will do.


"AUTOMATIC WEAPON ARSENAL ACTIVATED", it sounds trough the ship. As reponse on the voice the weapons of the juggernaut have fully unleashed their detructive powers and made it clear that Peregrine would never get his hands on the ship.


That's not the one either, but maybe it's this one...


By pushing the button the engines of the flying fortress gets activated, since the controls of the ship are mainly the same as an battleship Pack Rat was able to return to Earth II with a new "brilliant" victory during The Snowclone war. Pack Rat's comment on the victory...


Did I do that?

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Unfortunately for Pack Rat he completely misreads what has happened. Malchik Clone has activated Peregrines warp, weft and woof. Pack Rat is surprised to have an ice-ceam, pistachio flavour, drop onto his head from a great height.


Malchik, in hell, decides to have a long lunch. He orders grilled soul.



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hmmm.. pistachio flavor...


With now the juggernaut's in produtcion Pack Rat found the time to lose some time on the military part of being the Lord of the Universe. Now he keeps him busy with some economic procedures


Peregrine... 25 battleships, makes a total of 1 ship filled with toiletpaper

Malchik... 2000 malchikclones, makes a total of 2 ships filled with .... filled with... pistachio icecream

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Juggernaut: Invasion - 0:10 Hours


The missiles vaporize the few fighters unlucky enough to be caught back there, but don't even come close to touching the fleet waiting well away from the Juggernaut. Blinded by the half disabled sensor systems, Pack Rat misses the fighters now swinging around for another pass. The survivors again launch snowion warheads, then follow them in with a strafing run using their snowion cannons. As Pack Rat tries to turn around, a wave of snowion energy crashes through every system on the ship. Everything from weapons to interior lights shuts down, circuts melted or disabled. Defenses disabled completely, the assault transports dock and begin cutting into the hull.


The commando squads drop into the ship and begin spreading out to secure the ship. No real resistance appears, as the ion pulses have even disabled personal weapons. Within a few minuites, they have control of all key sections of the ship, and the engineering teams behind them enter and begin repairing the disabled systems.


The bridge doors behind Pack Rat explode revealing the commandos behind him. As Pack Rat and his crew suddenly find themselves covered by at least ten different automatic weapons, resistance becomes suicide. Once the leader manages to stop laughing at the sight of the ice cream covered captain of the ship, he gives a simple deal. "Your ship is in our hands. You may surrender or die." Pack Rat's sanity appears intact, and he orders the surrender.


Peregrine's engineers quickly replace the damaged engine components, and once all Pack Rat's crew (with the exception of Pack Rat and a few officers held under close guard) have been loaded into freighters and taken off their former ship, Juggernaut and Peregrine's fleet jump into hyperspace.



Deep Space: Invasion - 0:10 Hours

The fighters and gunships that were behind Juggernaut's engines appear somewhere far from the battle. A few minuites of calculations trace back the jump, and the missing ships enter hyperspace again, on their way to rejoin the main fleet.

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When silvuru goes out of shin`s castle his getting a evil plan.


Silvuru finds a nice spot and are thinking "here I wont`t to build a castle who is rebulding itself if it`s gettin destoyd. Silvuru beggins to build this castle with some scamp`s he had hired.



Mohahahaha he thinks for him self

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