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Malchik, totally out of his head, rolls back from lunch on his way to bed (quickly). He thanks Peregrine for not killing anyone in his absence an then accidentally locks him in the lavatory of time loss. When Peregrine emerges he is only one year old!


Silvuru gets an enchanted email. "Watch out for the elastic aubergine of gross out!"


Malchik collapses in several heaps.

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MISSION: Juggernaut unleashed

TIME: 05.30



After the capturing of the Juggernaut test ship our beloved leader scrambled immediatly the Juggernaut fleet and the First two groups of the Alpha Fleet. The military councilors adviced that the force would be too big. Pack Rat ignored...

At rconpoint 428-Dg/ Alpha, Our fleet gathered up with the Bravo and the Echo fleet. Orders were simple, Peregrine must pay...


Appearantly our Leader decided that the main fleet is Peregrines pride...

Our orders were to eliminate every hostile ship and to recapture the Juggernaut test ship. At 03.30 we encountered Peregrine's fleet.

Peregrines fleet was battleready. However thanks to our large numbers Peregrines Main fleet was soon overrun and several battleships were destroyed. In a rather inorganised attempt Peregrine scrambled several fighter wings who were unfortunatly shot of by the carriers.


At 04.00 Peregrines main fleet was on the retreat. From the moment they turned around the Juggernaut fleet showed up resulting that the remainings of Peregrines fleet were crushed against a titanic wall.

Appearantly Peregrines scrambled several other fleet-s but they were to be intercepted by the Charlie and the Foxtrot fleet. Our forces borded the Juggernaut as ordered and were able to recapture the Juggernaut at 04.25. Our cassulties remained limited. Fortunatly nothing of the necessary equipment was damaged making it able to fly... Under escort of the Echo fleet the Juggernaut was returned to Earth II. We remained at postition with the Foxtrot, Bravo and Charlie fleet. As soon as the Juggernautfleet was organised again we left for Earth II.

We arrived at Earth II at 05.00.


CAPTAINS COMMENT: A sad battle with many loses, hopefully the end of the Snowclone Wars.

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Sadly Pack Rat remains deluded by the influence of Malchik clone. Another icecream, cherry and hershey bar flavour lands on Pack Rat's head. Why does he not take the hint?


In Hell Malchik rolls over and falls into a lava pit. Fortunately he is resistent to anything except Leonardo diCaprio clones who make him run screaming into infinity. (That is Infinity Nebraska). So far no one has tried to use diCaprio clones.

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*Acrid is suffering from amesia and dosn't know his name or where he is.................................... maybe my ID card will tell me, Acrid pulls out a card, hmmm... my name is visa?..... Visa then goes back to sleep, if anyone needs me they'll just just have to come get me.


*Acrid trys summoning a Ice shade, but forgot how instead a diCaprio clone apeared, oh well he can hold a gun, Acrid summons a army of 50,000,000 diCaprio clones.

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ooc> Peregrine isnt dead, a bit shaken up but he's fine... His fleet on the other hand... well at least he has some battleships left to go home :lol:



New clone division?


Rumors say that our beloved Leader Pack Rat has contructed 500 new clones. Soldiers who work at the cloning instituut came home with fear in their eyes.

We asked Pack Rat what is his latest creation.


I'm gonna be sorry for this...


Our resources just confirmed that the new clones are Jim Carrey-clones!

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<ooc: for future reference, hyperspace means no battle. I can't hit you, you can't hit me.>


Hyperspace: Invasion -0:05 Hours


Peregrine laughed in ammusement at the propaganda coming in from his intelligence network. While the loss of Juggernaut was an annoying one, casualties had been few. As Juggernaut's hyperdrive failed early stranding the fleet, defeat became inevitable. Peregrine's boarding teams had used their time wisely, getting off the ship and well away before any reinforcements could arrive. Even the tiny rear guard fleet that stayed to fight had managed to escape with only light damage. Which made what he was watching so much more unbelievable.


From the propaganda broadcasts, apparently Pack Rat's commanders had thought the ecm decoy drones were actual ships! A fact Peregrine would have counted among the greatest lies in history if he hadn't been watching it for himself. NO enemy he had ever seen had been ignorant enough to confuse the anti-missile defense decoys with real ships, not after the battle was over! And even Juggernaut should be dealt with soon enough, he thought with satisfaction.


On the main display sceen, the massive battleship floated motionless in the middle of Pack Rat's fleet. Suddenly a cluster of brilliant flares appeared on its reactor and weapons systems. The ship appeared to rock slightly, then a series of massive explosions ripped it apart from the inside. As the fireball of anti-snow detonations consumed ship after ship, the cheers of his crew echoed down the corridors. The charges left behind by the capture teams had worked every bit as effectively as hoped. As the fleet closed on its exit point, Pack Rat's forces were reduced to chaos and glowing wrecks.


That battle dealt with for the moment, Peregrine turned his attention to the falcon chick sitting on the chair next to him. "Damn you Malchik, may you rot in the deepest pits of Hell for this..."

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*Acrid realizes that Leonardo diCaprio has been in some less than straight movies, and runs for his @ss


*Help!!!! I'm being chased by 50,000,000 less than straight Leonardo diCaprio's!!!

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*Ancalagon, still standing on a scaffolding above his less-than partly completed fleet in front of his Viewwindow, observes the battles unfolding before him. He then looks towards his second ship being constructed, "Vulcans Forge", a massive dreadnaught three miles long. A veritable Titan amongst ships. He sighs,


"The Forge is 1/4 of the way complete, and I still have more ships to build, and then the Capital Ship which shall be the largest. This will take a long long time.


*Swigs some more Nyquil, and hears Mojlnir mention something about killing his liver, to which he replies


"...Ok, good idea"


*and he throws away the Nyquil bottle, he doesn't need it anyways, he drank enough of the stuff to guarentee that he will not catch the Flu for about 10 to 20 years. He then regards Peregrine's strength, and decides that no matter how many gigormus ships he will build it will never be enough to defeat him, for he is a Birdman, and is full of trickery and cunning. Ancalagon decides to continue building his ships anyways, cause they would be cool to have and he may just join sides with Peregrine, if the Birdman accepts the terms. But for now, Ancalagon must study for his College Finals, which suck tremendous snowBALLS.

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