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The Snow Arena


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while the others fight Silvuru has just completed to build his castle. Silvuru is glad and in the happines he decide that he wants to take over the world. He is building the largest army ever with just scamps (who sucks) and thinks "haha the Earth II is mine allready moahahahahaha". :halloween:
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The destruction of the Juggernaut was a big hit in the face for Pack Rat, however the loses of Peregrine during the battle were quiete the hit too... Since both sides are quiete cunning and very strong none of them is advancing... Peregrine still controls Earth III and Pack Rat Earth II, Acrid the third party in the Snowclone war has been driven out a bit since his fleet wasnt a match for neither Rat's nor Peregrine.


Pack Rat constructed 48 new Juggernauts in the shipyards on Earth II. The planetary defences were fortified and doubled. Also Pack Rat's engineers have constructed a new type of ship. the "Titan". A Titan is one and a half the size of an ordinary Juggernaut but it's steering is far more advanced and it reacts far better than the juggernaut. It's arsenal is the most advanced of the entire fleet and we all know what the juggernaut's are capable of. The Titan was kept on Earth II this time to avoid the same result as what happend to the first Juggernaut.


Pack Rat also rose the number of fighterwings. Every battleship now contains three times more fighters. The juggernaut's 5 and the Titans can carry up to 8 times more as a standard battleship.


Also all ships of the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo and Foxtrot fleet have been repaired.


Pack Rat knows that in the end the Snowclone war will be a clash of titans and smaller pawns will not stand a chance...

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<ooc: Earth III? Why would I want to make that my base? And since you've misread a bit, I haven't even sent any significant forces into battle yet! Unless you really are counting those ecm drones as kills?>


Mars II, Picket Squadron Flagship: Invasion 0:00 Hours


"HOSTILE CONTACT!" The commander's voice was almost a scream, and was quickly followed by the sound of a breaking cup.

"Hyper signaiture, mutliple battlecruiser class and escorts."

As the sensor net relayed back the full details of the incoming ship, the flagship's bridge was silent as a tomb. Finally a single officer dared speak, his voice barely a whisper. "Peregrines. And with that acceleration, they're towing heavy pods. We're dead....."

As if to prove his point, a solid wall of red dots detached from the attacking squadron, each point an anti-capital missile. The picket squadron barely had time to bring a few point defense guns online before the missiles hit. A few of the thousands of incoming missiles were stopped, but far too many got through. Even with the poor accuracy of a maximum range launch, every single ship in the picket squadron was reduced to dust.

The attacking squadron paused just long enough for its freighters to drop a cloud of anti-snow mines and automated gun platforms thick enough to walk on, then reentered hyperspace once again.

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ooc> never said it was your base, it's the only place I know you control...


Officer: My lord there are marks of fighting near MarsII

Rat: Did you send a small unit?

Officer: Yes mylord. Everybody there was dead...

Rat: Our people?

Officer: No mylord, It must have been pirates or an independent fleet, we do not have any forces in that area, defenitly not since we've begon the contruction of the Titans.

Rat: I've got a feeling Peregrines forces are in that area. Contact all the colony's, their planetary defences must be on full alert and they have to keep producing forces.

Officer: Yes Mylord

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Deep Space: Invasion + 0:30 Hours


The attacking fleet dropped out of hyperspace to find the missile freighters waiting exactly where they should be. A swarm of tugs began moving missile pods into position for the battlecruiser's tractor beams to lock on to. As soon as all ships reported ready, the fleet jumped again.


Earth II Orbital Shipyards: Invasion + 2:15 Hours



The yard commander's report was a scream of desperation as the solid wall of red appeared on his sensor screen. All shields and defense guns were down, and the 48 new Juggernauts still under construction were little more than expensive target practice. And with the missiles only seconds away from impact, there was no time to react. As the entire command staff watched in shock and disbelief, they had only time for a brief prayer or comtemplation of the past before the missiles hit.


The entire shipyard became a massive fireball as over 15,000 anti-snow warheads detonated in and around it. 48 new battleships and the system's entire manufacturing capability vanished in seconds. The few fragments left as the explosion faded weren't even worth salvaging.


Safely away from the attack, Pack Rat's remaining fleet had an excellent view of the disaster. Now on full alert, their sensors easily found the eight battlecruisers that had launched the missiles. Now free of the towed missile pods, they were heading out of the system at maximum power. The jamming static that had hidden their presence faded away as they fed every bit of available power to their drives, pulling away at an acceleration no ship in Pack Rat's fleet could match. As the stunned crews turned in a futile move to intercept, they jumped to hyperspace.

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Armiena, just for no reason, looks up at teh sky, and sees... a whole lot of flashes. Thoughts of her paltry evacuation fleet cross her mind. SHe reaches for her comlink, but realizes that her fleet is on the far side of the universe.

Still, she decides to test out her new turrets.

Armiena goes into the control room, and sees that the lasers are fully charged, and her shields are steadily charging.


She yells to her gunnery crews "FIRE!!!!"

A few seconds later, there's a lot more flashes.

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*Shin looks through the telescope of his castle and sees that people are figthing with huge fleets. and says to himself


"strange..once a pon a time we used to use snow to do our fighting now we use machines that have nothing to do with snow... and we fight over planets covered with ice like it's a limited resource"


*Shin sits back down and picks up a dry martini "my time has truly passed"

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*shin turns around "WTF? was that!"


snow on the ground shin can only assume in was someone in their drunk stupor


*Shin turns back around to see silvurus army through his panoramic window

"you're joking silvuru, attacking an undefended castle, that's low"


*Shin picks up as spoon and summons a 100,000 frost giants wielding snow balls which quickly eliminate the scamps shin then sends silvuru a message


"this castle is unprotected if you want in just ask, toilet on level 2, bar on leve 2 also, but dont go to level 5 that's where malchik is..........and whatever he is doing."

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