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The Snow Arena


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From "Pegasus" Pack Rat looks at the fleet of Juggernauts and Titans floating nearby his capital ship...


The "Pegasus" has the looks of a ship but has the capability's of a fortress. Totally untouchable...


The destruction of Earth II made an end to the Snowclone war. the "Pegasus" and the Juggernaut and Titan fleet moved to the far corners of the galaxy. The other battleshipfleets were already at location. Pack Rat surrendered to Peregrine and withdrew.

Location = unknown


I saw enough slaughtering during a war that had no point...

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Earth I Orbit: Invasion +14:00 Hours


As Peregrine's flagship neared its jump point, Peregrine watched Pack Rat's surrender message with satisfaction. Finally, things were going well. Repairs had gone as planned, Malchik lay dying on the planet below, and his main opposition had left the war. Peregrine stopped just long enough to record a reply to Pack Rat, accepting the surrender and declaring peace, before entering hyperspace to rejoin his fleet. On the way, plans began forming in his head as he scanned the list of targets remanining in the universe.

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*AdamNeko's squadron catches word of PackRat's surrender and signals Peregrine's fleet for return co-ordinates. With the new co-ordinates in hand, he and his squadron blast through hyperspace and rendezvous with the fleet. *


" Peregrine, Orange Squadron reporting in and awaiting orders. "


*AdamNeko keeps his squadron in action while awaiting orders.*

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No longer able to stand idly by, Mojlnir's fleet is nearing completion. The nearly one sided battle that has taken place up to this point is no longer an acceptable option.


Mojlnir sends word to Pack Rat that within several days time, his fleet preparations will be complete and that he would enjoy the opportunity to provide assistance.



"Hold for just a couple more days, friend." Reads the message "Help is coming. The Four Horsemen shall soon be among you."


Mojlnir tents his fingers and nods in grim satisfaction as the latest status reports scroll across his screen.

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*Leaping out of the shadows of Purgatory, Ancalagon appears on the bridge of the Peregrine's flagship in front of Peregrine. He hurls a mighty snowball at the birds head, does a back spirng and vanishes with a "WHOOP"!


*The bridge is quiet, and only the sickly sweet smell of NyQuil and Absynthe serves as a reminder of the events previous. In the cargo hold (assuming that the flagship has one) another, smaller portal opens up from Purgatory, and a large sack is tossed through the portal. What devious gift has Ancalagon left for Peregrine? Find Out....NOW!


*The sack is full of...KRIKKET BALLS! And as the writter is typing these words another portal opens up and the Black Krikket bat with the safety button depressed is flung towards the sack! HORRORS! What insues can only be described as 'It Go BOOM!'

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*Shin wakes up on the 442nd piece of Earth II


*Shin looks around to see that it is pointless if he were to revive the earth AGAIN for the 6th time iut would not matter as once again it would be destryoied by the mighty space ships THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SNOW


*Unless..... shin thought if i destroyed all of them first


*the 442nd piece of Earth II was now layered in enchated spoons, shin called upon the power of the spoons and brings to gether all of the snow planets in the universe, creating just 2 massive hunks of snow planet each a billion, billion times bigger than earth


*Shin sent the two massive chunks of rock at each at speeds of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000km/h





*Shin destroys every ship in the universe and now every thing is as it was when all of this began NO SHIPS...

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Just on a whim, Armiena decides to take a small fighter craft for a test run in space. As she returns for her landing run, she sees a massive snowball fly towards Earth II. "MINIONS! EVACUATE, NOW! You have about 5 minutes before you're all dead!"

At her base, her robots scramble aboard their ships. Only a few supply ships and light cruisers get away before Earth II detonates. Her fleet devastated, Armiena returns to her tiny space station for refitting.

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*Fortunatley Ancalagon is in Purgatory at the moment of the Big Bang, and he still retains his massive Armada (devious cunning fiend that he is) though he plans to hock the ships off on eBay for resonable prices and in mint condition because...HE HAS NO USE FOR THEM! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Hyperspace: Invasion +16:30 Hours


The Krikket explosions shattered the ice armor hull of Peregrine's flagship. As hull frame after hull frame collapsed, the shock wave reached the anti-snow warheads still in the magazines. The resulting explosion reduced the battlecruiser to a cloud of expanding snow dust. Peregrine's crew barely had time to hit the pod eject switches, and losses were heavy as over half the crew was vaporized before they could move a hand.


From his escape pod, Peregrine had an excelent view of his flagship's death. As the escorts began recovering the few survivors, Peregrine swore revenge on those responsible. A revenge that could end only one way: with Ancalagon's head mounted on his pike.


But unknown to Peregrine, his flagship's death in fact saved his life. The delay to pick up survivors caused the fleet to miss its intended drop out time, and as the universe exploded and reformed, Peregrine's core fleet sat safely in hyperspace.


Universe II, Outer Rim: Invasion +21:00 Hours


The bridge of his temporary flagship, the BC-G Longbow, gave Peregrine an excellent view of the new universe. Here and there, a planet could be seen in the first stages of creation, or a star's first light illuminating the dust clouds that would be its system. "An appropriate sight for the birth of revenge", he thought. "You really do know how to start a crusade, don't you, ShinJiOh....."

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