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The Snow Arena


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<ooc: but it all is snow! Anti-snow missiles, planet sized snowballs, ice armored ships, etc... How's that any different from snow artillery and all that stuff that appeared within the first page! But anyway, notice my last post... the fleet is out of it for now. I'm willing to have a little fun before I finish taking over the universe....>


Ancalagon's World: Crusade +20:15 Hours


As Ancalagon's mind and vision clear a bit, he realizes that what stands before him is not Peregrine, but what can only be a group of Ice Elves. Noticing you have recovered from your wounds enough to listen, he addresses you in a voice filled with hate and triumph. "You have betrayed us, Ancalagon. Your words would bring down the wrath of god on us. We are not your children. Peregrine is the only true god, and our only father. In your last moments, I beg you. Reject this treason, and pray for mercy. Your soul is between you and Peregrine, but for now, the laws of this world are clear. You must die. Take comfort in the fact that your death may spare us the wrath of Peregrine." He raises the ice blade high above his head. The last thing Ancalagon sees in this world is the massive sword coming down to meet his neck.


Outside, Ancalagon's head decorates a pike in front of the new construction. A temple to their new god. The chants of prayer can be heard, inspiring the Ice Elves in their work. The scout watches for a while, making sure everything is going as it should. Then, he finally turns and walks away. Once safely out of sight, he can finally remove the uncomfortable mask and makeup that the past few days had forced on him. The return to the fleet will be a welcome one, he thinks as he readies his ship for launch. Revolution and a high priest's duties had been fun, but so tiring.....


BC-G Longbow: Crusade +20:30 Hours


Peregrine watches with satisfaction as his latest strategy is proven to be a good one. The scout's report is clear, Ancalagon is dead, and his new world is ready to welcome him. The image of a returning god fits him, Peregrine decides. But what to wear to such an important event?



<ooc: don't feel bad, you're not the first parent to be murdered by their children...>

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Malchik sends an enchanted email to Peregrine. "Why dontcha c'mon down and watch ROTK with us. We can get back to the snowball fight afterwards. We've got booze and girls and popcorn and girls and booze and girls and some guys for the girls or the guys that like guys. You name it, whatever your poison we've got it all on tap!"
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ooc> I know it's all snow but I just dont bother typing snow in front of it everytime.

But I made a mistake on the "dust" part, soz for that.


Pack Rat began the refining of the ice mountains and putted it for sale. The Ice can be used to create new armorplates for ships.

Off course Pack Rat keeps 70% of the produces on Mars II. The reminaing 30 are for sale and a very reasonable price. Altough, to avoid the same incident as Earth II now every ship that comes in and out the port is checked. Weapons are not allowed on the planet.


Thanks to the satellites, Pack Rat saw the incident with Ancalagon and Peregrine and stares into space with disbelief...

Peregrine is truly getting mad...


Maybe one of Malchik's flea's has something to do with it...

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There is an annoyed curse from Malchik. A DiCaprio clone has got into the castle - must have got in with him and has bumped his seat at ROTK. Now he will have to watch it tomorrow night instead. Aagh!


Malchik breaks down in tears and chews the carpet in frenzy, swallowing several fleas in the process.


He chokes on the bits of fluff and passes out until the next day.

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<ooc, did you not read my post? Jeebus, if Peregrine wants to play God then so be it, sadly, this shall be my last post in here so everybody PARTY!...:P


*Peregrine heeded not Ancalagon's words, and his children betrayed him. Far above the planet, the silver and white orbital ships of Ancalagon's loyal Ice Elves and their leader Ranyar Admaron, make preparations to make the FTL jump. As they watch their once beautiful home, now marred by treason and trechery, Ancalagon's words echo in each of the Elves minds. Ranyar turns away from the sight and begins to give orders to make the jump:


"23 degrees starboard, aye. Bring the engines up to full thrust. 1st mate, give the count for FTL jump on my mark....MARK!'


*As the crew member begins the countdown a brilliant white flash startles the crew. They gaze out the window and see a string of massive explosions (not nuclear, but anti-matter!) rip across the surface of their old homeworld. On the planet surface the traitorous Ice Elves wail in horror as they are vaporized in the death throes of their planet. As the fireball from the dying planet reaches out and destroys all of the traitors ships, only Peregrine's officers escape. Ancalagon spoke true of his words, but he is dead now, and only a memory in his True Children's minds. As for his Children, Ranyar Admaron and his followers spent 1,295 years in hyperspace, before their ships engines failed and dropped them in a parallell Universe. They crasehd on a planet far from war, death, and sorrow. And it was there that they spen many many years, until one day their lord returned to them. But that is another story, and shall be told another time (cliche I know <_< ).


<ooc I'm out! May someone overthrow Peregrine the tyrant and return peace and normalcy to the Universe, while it lasts...:P

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<ooc: Yes, of course I read your post. Then I corrupted a tiny fraction of your Ice Elves with some of my agents disguised as Ice Elf priests. Guess I should have been faster to post where your civilization escapes thanks to your sacrifice. And, yes, I am playing god! As your earlier prophecy stated, the end of the universe will come at the hands of the mad "god" Peregrine.>


Ancalagon's World Orbit: Crusade +1:01 Days


The flares of nuclear explosions down on the planet below brought disappointment to Peregrine. "All that effort putting on this god costume and they can't be considerate enough to live to see it..." And the escaping ships that stood mocking his efforts were just as annoying. The only comforting thought in this whole mess was that their "escape" was the death of their home and the loss of their civilization. "Oh well, would've been too cold down there anyway..."


Malchik's World: Crusade +1:01 Days


As Peregrine contemplated who to bring the gift of his enlightenment to next, Malchik found himself burried under a rain of snowballs. Engraved on each one was the message "I am coming, save me a seat!".

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2 days later Pack Rat got word of the destroyed planet. It reminds him of Earth II witch was cowardly destroyed by a man who thinks to be a god but only is going the direction of self-destruction.


The Ice plate sales are enormous as Pack Rat now began creating snow machines. Once they've produced the snowballmachines refine the snow to excellent snowballs who are put in refrigerators and are transported all over the universe. The profits are enormous and so MarsII becomes a snowyparadise. Everything is well decorated and shows the wealthy of Pack Rats people.


The war that was ment to destroy them now made Pack Rat an honest businessman with a loyal wealthy population

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Preparations are nearing completion. Mojlnir's fleet stands nearly ready to ride the heathen combatants down like spring wheat. As the oddly purple-orange glow of the nearby nebula casts triple shadows across the shipyard, Mojlnir walks among the workers, stopping now and again to congratulate them on a job well done and to promise them that he will take good care of their ships.


Having visited the cloning facility just several days prior, Mojlnir is in exceedingly good spirits. More than 3/4 of the requested units have been completed and of those fully 2/3 have been fitted with Ragnarok-2r advanced space marine reactive sno-armor. Barely supressing a shudder, Mojlnir is glad those troops are his. They will ride into battle upon the newly completed P-5 class heavy space assult ships. Each is capable of carrying 5,000 troops who, due to the P-5's innovative hostile assult boarding system, can completely infiltrate a captol-class ship in less than 15 minutes.


Mojlnir makes a mental note to throw a party for the engineers and draftsmen who created his new ships. The P-5's which are code-named "Pestilence" are only one of the 4 news classes of ships. Mojlnir decides its time to go check up on the K-2l code-named "Famine." Moljnir's grin is wide as he jumps a yard transport for the "Famine" staging area.

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While the darkness fell over Mars II, Pack Rat could not sleep. He stared trough his window and remembered the scars that the war had left behind.

The madness Malchick once caused is now over and Pack Rat sees clear again as the true leader of Mars II and what is left of Earth II.

He decides to write Peregrine a letter.


Years ago, we started a war. A war that would rage for years A war that none of us could win and still we fought, for years...

For years our forces have clashed and killed...

For years our people were killed...

For years our space was filled with explosions...

For years we lived in fear for what the next day would bring...

For years, I hoped the war would end before it ended us...


The snowclone war is reaching it's climax and every day new sides are teaking up weapons. Every day new sides are looking for victory, everyday leaders think they can grab victory.

Let me tell you my lord, there is no victory to be founded in this war. Only defeat.

The eventual total defeat of mankind.


Today I ask you my lord. How did it come to this?


Your honorable

Lord Pack Rat, Leader of Mars II.

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