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Mars II, Community Hospital A -743


Several of his loyal councilors stand beside his bed. Anger and disbelief rages in their hearts. Suddenly Pack Rat opens his eyes...

"My lord!", one of the councilors speaks in relief.

Pack Rat has a quick look at the surrounding men and then tries to get up

"No, My Lord! You should rest".

"Dont be redicolous" Pack Rat replies and stands up. The markings of the wound are very vicible. Pack Rat stares at his men who now has relieved look on their face but also a very tired face.

"How long have you been here?"

"From the moment we brought you in, My Lord."

Pack Rat takes the man by his shoulder

"I will never forget this... I am honored to have such men at my disposal."

"We did not abandon you during the rebellion, we will never do, we will follow you to whatever end"

Pack Rat moves his shoulder to see if the wound did not make any permanent damage. Pack Rat soon realises that it was nothing more but a flesh wound.

""The assassin?"

"Dead, My Lord"


Every councilor knods:"My Lord, Peregrine will start a new war, we have the military and economic strength to withstand him but we are afraid it will cost many lives, on both sides..."

"Peregrine thinks he's a god... How can a mortal become a god? There once was a man who thought he was a god, his name was Julius Ceasar... You know what happend to that god? He was murdered, by his own friends and followers... No my friends, the war will come but if Peregrine will survive it... that is an other mather"


Mars II, the public council house, 12 hours later


Pack Rat meets the ambassadors Armiena send and starts to ingotiate. While his loyal councilors are waging the pro's and contra's Pack Rat thinks about the dark tides that were about to come.

He stares at the red flag with the sickle and hammer.

Suddenly Pack Rat hits the table with a closed fist...

"If Lady Armiena wants to forge an coalition with our red nation she must be prepared to face the consequences. She will lose many people during the war and we will need every soldier we can get. Peregrines forces are close to nothing for now but he will get an army ready soon enough... If Armiena is willing to sacrifice herself and if her people is willing to sacrifice themselves than I will accept the coalition."


Mars II, 15 minutes after the assassination attempt


The shot was heared by several soldiers who immediatly rushed towards the building the assassin was hiding. Several soldiers stormed the roof but the assassin succeeds in driven them into hide-outs. More and more soldiers show up and make sure the assassin could not leave the roof. Without being able to hit anyone he runs towards the other side of the roof and finally finds a SnowTiger fighthelicopter floating 4 meters away of the roof. He realises this was the end and turns himself towards the incoming soldiers.

"Peregrine!!!!!!" he yells before the heli and the soldiers perforate him with hundreds of bullets...


The assassin dies at the roof, not knowing that his attempt had failed...

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ohGr is out in the warfield with 2 other personal guards with him, ohGr was trained as a Navy Seal, even though he wasnt american, he still was a Navy Seal for a year and a half before getting discharged for stabbing the drill seargeant 28 times and calling it self defence he whispers to one of his men


ok, flank to the right side of that building, throw a flashbang, and open fire, we have a sniper 150metres back to cover us, trust me, this guy can hold a rifle steadier than....a vice, now go


the soldier sneaks over to the right side of the abandoned building, throws a flashbang in the air, when it goes off, they all hear the shouts and warcrys of the satanists, ohGr says to himself


ive had enough of these lunatics then shouts give this to your god f*ckers!


they all open fire on them, mercilessly slaughtering the satanists, after a minute of

constant firing, they stop, ohGr stands up, walks into the camp and looks at the after effects of a well planned 4-man ambush, some of the tribals were still alive, coughing and moaning in pain, ohGr just ignored them and looked around, he begins to hear some shouting in the building up ahead, he signals one of his men to set explosives around the house, quietly, the soldier sneaks up to the building, sets the charges, and backs off, ohGr turns on his radio to contact his sniper


ok, we have some bombs set up at all four corners of the house, all on the outside, shoot one of them at will, over and out


the sniper holds his breath, takes aim and fires, it hits one of the explosives and blows up the building, debris, sparks, and things on fire are flying everywhere, ohGr looks at the leftovers of the house and sees a sword, a sword with a tint of blue in it, one that looks masterfully crafted and extremely valuable, ohGr walks up to it, and grabs it, the sword rumbles around for a little and carves a strange marking in ohGrs hand, he ignores it for now, takes the sword and the case it was in, ties it to his waist, and goes back to base with his soldiers, upon entry of the base, ohGr heads straight to the Advanced Communications Center, he heads to the top floor , to the communications officer, she looks at him and says


nice sword, dont tell me, stolen


ohGr replys

lets just say it survived a c4 explosion, some of the satanists were probably protecting it, bloody good sword from the looks of it


ohGr looks around the place and walks to his desk, he grabs a donut and eats it, he sits down, and begins to inspect the sword, do some research.

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Malchik nudges Pack Rat.


"Er if you don't intend to use my gift of total invincibility, can I have it back? Otherwise it's a bit unbalancing. Maybe one of the others would like it?"


He wonders whether there are any sane players in the game and hopes not.

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Pack Rat replies to Malchick


I am very gratefull for your gift and I will make good use of it when necessary. I just do not want to abuse it's powers.

However this may be a decisive thing in the upcoming war.


I thank you in name of the entire universe and in name of all the freedom fighters who are about to withstand Peregrine


With the full knowledge of the upcoming war, the Mars II nation has become it's war preparations. Many soldiers are recruted, the Juggernaut and Titan fleets are increased by numbers and technology, the Pegasus was upgraded and even the technology of Malchick's gift was installed. There are even rumors that the legendary fortress-battleship, the "Hydra", would be fully operational.


However Mars II authorities are refusing to give any details and even deny the existence of the "Hydra". Guards were increased and every possible military target's defences were heavily fortified and increased.


Pack Rat is still waiting for the reply of Armiena. He wants to know if he can rely on her forces and herself or not... However since Peregrine betrayed the alliance during the first war, Pack Rat has not much faith in the promises of Armiena...


"She will prove her quality's and her ideals during the war..."


However Peregrine succeeded in fooling the people of the Mars II nation the first time it will not work a second time. Pack Rat's people now know he is an imposter and prefer to fight and die than ever have to kneel for him again...

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*Bored to tears at the lack of any real excitement in this Universe, Ancalagon decides to open up a barrel of the old Longbottom Leaf, and procedes to puff some on a pipe made of ice and snow (conveniently enough, it doesn't melt).
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"So, Pack Rat's willing to accept a coalition against Peregrine?"

Armiena nods to her returned ambassador. "Tell him that Peregrine ransacked my own people before he... disappeared. I'll be proud to fight... and die alongside him."


Armiena leaves the room, and is informed that one of Peregrine's disabled cruisers has been towed back to her shipyards. All of Peregrine's technologies are being studied. The cruiser itself is being repaired.

"Would you like to rename it?"

"Yes.... name it Scylla." Armiena responds.

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ohGr wakes up from a long sleep, he looks at his watch

oh pooe, its 2pm, ive been sleeping for exactly 24 hours!

he gets out of his bed, gets changed into casual clothing, the normal Marduk t-shirt with the big panzer tank on the front, with black pants, that are a bit too big for him, he walks out ignoring the cold, and straight to his post in the advanced communications center, in there he sits down, and begins to say to the communications officer

anything on?


she replies

well...armor is done, weapons are done, forcefield is done, and the plumber forgot to turn on the heating in your quarters


ohGr looks around on the radar and thinks on who to attack

hmm...i might just do a big of scouting first, load the ship the techies build, we're going to see whats going on out there, probably a conferance between other generals giving reasons on why they bombed eachother, haha


she replies

in what your wearing, and you havent had a haircut for quite some time, your hair is already at your shoulders


ohGr replies

ive done that for a reason, now i can start headbanging like those looney guitarists in Vader


she replies

nevermind that, the ships ready, the soldiers are on incase of a problem, lets go


ohGr and the officer head to the ship, they go in, take a seat, while the pilot goes on about the saftey instuctions, the ship takes off, and out of sheer boredom, ohGr says

uhh, officer, i never got your name


she replies

its, sarah


ohGr smiles and says

ok sarah, about those forcefields, who actually did them


sarah replies

one of the nerds down in the powerplant


ohGr looks up and says

the wonders of having a NOD base, i have my own quarters, and the nerds dont ask me questions like "what does this do"


ohGr stands up, walks to the back of the ship, he engages in a conversation with one of the soldiers

so soldier, how long have you been in the service?


the soldier replies

4 years now, i decided to sign up with this army, i heard good things about it


ohGr replies

yeah, do nothing, shoot tribals, and get drunk, its the life


ohGr smiles and walks back to his seat, he notices that sarah has fallen asleep, so he picks up a book, and starts reading for a while.


<occ, the officers name sarah was for a reason, in deditcation to a friend of mine, and the fact that i got annoyed at typing up a 8 letter word all the time>

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Malchik nods to Pack Rat. "Yes, use it with care. But I will help you a little further. Armenia is in serious need of fashion advice. With a bit of help it may be possible to use her to divert Peregrine's attention in 'other' ways while subverting his supporters with cavewhiches and whatever Ancalagon is smoking. Or there's a girl called Sarah, somewhere or other. I know for a fact that Peregrine is looking for - someone shall we say. Maybe Armenia is too proud but... Think about it."


Malchik teleports away, considering what he might do next. He munches on a ice yoghurtpop.

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ohGr is sitting down reading, almost about to stand up, and go straight to the booze.

ohGr looks around, undoes the belt, and goes straight to the back of the ship where the soldiers are, he closes the soundproof door, and says

Alright boys, wheres the keg?


everyone in the back of the ship begins to play drinking games, and one of ohGrs favorites, Centurion, his record was 87 before passing out, this time, he passes out on 80.


ohGr wakes up hearing some footsteps, he looks up and sees sarah, and she doesnt look too impressed, she comments

looks like they found the keg, and got smashed


ohGr tries to stand up, but fails, so he just sits down

it wasnt my fault, the soldier dared me to centurion, i annihilated him 80 to 53


sarah says



ohGr replies

bloody oath, anything on the scanner


sarah replies

the pilot is heading back, he just saw ships, big ones, ones big enough that they could take out an entire planet


ohGr replies

oh great, and all we have is a NOD base with lazers


sarah laughs, then says

well, we should be home in 4 more hours, and ive got nothing to do


ohGr thinks for a while and then says

you know, that j mansfield had some big breats


sarah cuts him off by saying

your pickup line wont work, the only reason why i fell for it was because i was drunk


she walks out of the room and ohGr says

drunk!, you had 4 bottles of whisky!


ohGr decides to lay back, and do some thinking before he gets back to home base.

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Mars II: War Preparations


On Mars II, The Office of Defence tries to work out every plan that Peregrine might use to have a slightly succesfull chance on defeating Pack Rat.

Pack Rat sits in his office finishing some administration when the telecom beeps.


"What is it?", he asks

"One of his councilors, Jun'Ko, replies in the telecom that a representative of the OoD wants to see him."


"Send him in..."


A man in black uniform enters.


"Colonel... What news do you bring?"

"My Lord, we, the people at the OoD, could not find any possible way how Peregrine may invade Mars II. Our planetary defences are way to fortified to launch a direct assault on the planet.

Witch is the same thing for the colony's... The planets can not be invaded nor be destroyed the way Earth II was destroyed. And with the dock every incoming ship is checked for any illegal wares.

We fear that Peregrine might take on Armiena and her men first... My Lord, She will get crushed!"


Pack Rat stands up and looks trough the window. This time the windows are bulletproof glass.


"Send word she has to move her base near Mercury II. The Mercury fleets will make sure she wont be overrun from the beginning and she will get fire coverage from the batterys on the planet. Also send word she needs to get her fleet operational within 3 days... I fear we wont get more time..."


The officer has an unsure look on his face.


"Can we trust her enough to move her so close near Mercury?"


Pack Rat sighs


"No... But if she has become a puppet of Peregrine, she'll betray herself..."


Pack Rat asks Jun'Ko to come into his office


"Is Malchik's statue ready?", he asks

"Yes, My Lord", she replies:"We've placed the statue on one of the markets, but My Lord, If I may ask, why did you orderdered to construct a statue of Malchik?"

"That statue was constructed so my people will never forget Malchiks aid..."

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