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Almelexia smashes everyone in her way to get trough a large group of people, and for an second everything is dark she says.


What the hell?


And a man answers you are in heaven.


Where am i?


n heaven i just said


Should it not be light in heaven not dark?!


Darn! you've got me, now prepare for an fight!


Almelexia kikes the man in the face and makes a ugly sound like Xena warrior princess.

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Pack Rat enjoys the new-yearsday he is celebrating with his 12 councilors. They laugh from time to time, tell jokes...

It has been ages since Pack Rat felled this good, not even at the end of the war...

"My Lord?": Jun'Ko asks

Pack Rat looks up from a hot cup of cofee he's enjoying near the fireplace

"You're so silent..."

Pack Rat smiles

"I feel like I'm spending a day with my children, like we are one family..."

Jun'Ko smiles and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek

"You have always treated us like your children, we have become a family"

She then turns away and goes helping the others with cleaning up the table.

Pack Rat smiles as she walks away, he has always seen her as a daughter

A young man aproaches, Eric, who is one of the youngest councilors. Also he has a cup of cofee in his hands

"Any word yet?"

"Nah... The future has become dark for me... However I am very glad Lord Malchik has chosen to assist me, I will never forget what he has done for us. He advised we should go talk to a commander named ohGr, he's bit of a fool but still reconizes good from evil. And since more and more of our few friends abandon us, We might need to look for new friends."

"We always have Lord Malchik... and who knows, maybe Armiena isnt acting foolish but she may be trying to prevent the war..."

"Yes... She may be doing that... But I dont see how... Peregrine's hatred against our nation is too strong... He wants us gone... No mather what it takes!"

"My Lord, even if Armiena is on the loose we are quiete capable of withstanding and even defeating them. I know you dont want war but the how things look like now..."

"These are worries for later however I want you to send word to Commander ohGr that I would like to meet him..."

"Is that safe? Wont Peregrine try to kill you?"

"Dont worry, there is always Malchik's gift..."

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The war is beginning for real and the troops by the feared Peregrine and his allys are starting to move, who could defeat them no ever know but Almelexia makes many ironballs in her fortress that she has found from the middle age and in the fortress she is now preparing for the most furius fight ever.
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Slaiv humbly accepts Peregrine's alliance.

Slaiv returns to his homeworld and addresses the planet under his rule, Aurvandil:


"People of Aurvandil-we have entered an alliance with Lord Peregrine! As of now, we are awaiting the return of Peregrine. We must prepare for the coming war-the Great War that will determine the fate of all who exist in our age. Mobilize the armies! Increase military supply production! Prepare we must, for soon, the Great War will start; when it does, we will fight alongside the unstoppable Lord Peregrine!"


This address is praised by the People of Aurvandil. Now, the preparations fro war have begun. Soon, Aurvandil will be ready to take side along the forces of the mighty Peregrine!

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Mars II: The war begins...


Mars II is now fully prepared for the upcoming war. It's planetary defences were improved and now contain 5 times more the power they use to have. It's enormous fleets are waiting on the planets for the day they will be attacked. Each fleets contains enormous numbers of battleships, juggernauts and Titans.

All the other colonys grew out to the same miltiary strength as the capital itself. The Mars II nation, that is for an unknown reason a threat, will not fall easily.

Today Pack Rat gave a speech for his people and the colonys


Three Lords to create a war that would tremble the entire Universe

One gone, two left... New lords rise by the day.

All the ones who once found liberty and equality important, not many have remained.

There once was a tide we all stood together against the threat of our freedom.

Now most of us crawl to the enemy, hoping their pathetic lives will be spared and that they may live on in a cage!

But not us... My citizens, our nation will not give up it's ideals of liberty and equality so we can live further for a few more years in a cage!

No... If liberty, equality has to be removed from the universe, it will disapear with us, when the last loyal citizen and the last believer of our ideals falls and fades...


It is likely many of us will die during the upcoming war, but do not wheap! Be happy, for than you may be sure they will never see the world from a cage.

I will not ask you to fight, I will not ask you to bleed, I will not ask you to die for our nation and it's ideals... I just ask you... Remember the ones who did...


The crowd cheers as Pack Rat disapears to the CO, from where he will direct his forces. They are determined, not it's soldiers nor it citizens will allow the Red Nation to fade away.


Mars II, Capital, Office of War


"Send word to Andromeda, they must have their army stand by for the moment we are in need of assistance. Are all the colony's ready?"

"Yes, My Lord, they heard you, they wont give up. Every planet contains the same defences and number of troops, they will not fall..."

"Good, make sure every possible target is well fortified. Report on the enemy?"

"Their main force will be Peregrines troops, supported by Armiena and Slaiv..."

"Who's Slaiv?"

"We dont know sir, some lord that just signed up with Peregrine, probably same reasons as the others did..."

Pack Rat looks at the officer


The officer knods


"Very well, so be it... Our statistics?"

"We have Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury standing by, The Andromeda force has been warned... And there is always the Pegasus fleet with it's enormous numbers but older ships but as you decided we kept their location secret... Our ground forces are ready. We have the shipyards working on 105% We get tons of new ships every day... We might lose but at least we'll give them a stand they will never forget."

"Any word from Commander ohGr yet?"

"No My Lord, it seems we'll have to make it on our own this time..."

"Very well..."

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Aurvandil Military and Government Building, Aurvandil, 1730 hours:


"Sir! The Mars II System is ready for battle! This will not be an easy fight sir. We have intelligence reports saying that they have obtained Juggernauts and Titans for planetary defenses! They also plan to mobilize the Andromeda army!"


"I know this. We too are prepared for the war, but not enough. Send greeting to Armiena as our new ally. Ask for a squadron of Cruisers to aid our defenses. Load the ground forces into the Invasion Fleet. Mobilize the Planetary Fleet. Have all Military forces ready to move at my command."


"Yes, Sir."


"Travel to the Intelligence Centre and see if word has come on the forces from Urelm and Halgim."


"Yes, Sir."


"You are dismissed."





Aurvandil Intelligence Centre, Aurvandil, 1800 hours:


"I have been commanded to check word on the forces from the planets of Urelm and Halgim."


"We have word. Urelm and Halgim stand ready for command under Lord Slaiv."


"Excellent. I shall inform him at once."





Aurvandil Military Headquarters, Aurvandil, 1800 hours:


"Yes, Lord Slaiv?"


"Are your forces ready to go, Lieutenant Beckhaal?"


"Yes. The entire fleet has been modified and fitted with our research team's newest find."


"Excellent. With this, we will be unstoppable..."

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Pack Rat stares at the screen and shakes his head in disbelief

"I tried so hard... I did everything we could but what did we do that we are so hated?"

He stares at the moving dots of Slaiv's fleet. Jun'Ko stands beside him

"What shall we do?"

"we shall show one last time that we do not wish war... They know where our borders lay... If any of their ships cross them, you open fire... And Jun'Ko... Spare none, they will not spare us neither..."


Pack Rat walks to the chapel at the OoA.

He kneels and prays that the Lord will have mercy on his people in the upcoming tides.


Eric enters the chapel


"I believe it's time to prepare yourself..."


Pack Rat sighs and has one last look at the statue


"So it seems..."

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Scylla sits inside the Ring Nebula, as Armiena listens to the transmission.

"Near complete authority? And a full exchange of technology..." Armiena says to herself. She knows the techies in engineering would love to get some of Peregrine's toys.

She takes a walk around the ship to clear her thoughts. About 15 minutes later, she returns to the bridge.


"Alright, we accept. Where might I evacuate my people? I expect Pack Rat will soon learn of this, and will bomb Alpha Centauri until only ash remains."

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*looking into the bowl shin sees the future of the war, there is much death and much bloodshed... and the victor, but truely it is just a battle the war will never end... not so far as i see it.


*peregrine, he hath become a dark lord and is over powering the minds ofmen into joining him, the frontier of men who stand in his way. Many have succumbed to his mind altering tricks. Armenia, Slaiv..... even part of my own army who now that i'm dead have no leader. "good flaiven.... they have my ice death star, very crushing, i must get it back or this war will be quickly over.


*Shin flies to his far away galaxy in the Emour system. As shin appears in front of his once loyal followers on the death star. "Squad...? what are you doing?!"


*Awe follows as the soldiers realise their leader has come back. Suddenly out of the darkness comes Optimus the new leader. "Who the feck are you?"


"I am Optimus, lord nerevar of the milkyway... i plan to drive these fetchers out of our galaxy. Lord Peregrine will be the ultimate leader and will kill all in his wake."

"Oh no.... OhGr, pack rat and to alesser extent malchik" says shin as he attempts to run out of the death star. When all the doors lock.

They will find those who stand against him and kill the ones who lead them


*Shin pulls out a spoon and casts frost throwing Optimus back, after a lengthy battle shin is defeated. and is stuck atop a tall tower with a magical sheild on the planet Emour.

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