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The Snow Arena


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<occ, this one will have a title, for a reason>

Barbaric Order


ohGr wakes up with his face in the snow, he stumbles up, and turns around before falling down again, he feels dazed, a little concussed, it seems the base has been destroyed, by who?, as ohGr stares in disbelief, a sharp pain hits his back, he blacks out, he wakes up in a old, abandoned cathedral, he sees people walking around in black robes, from what ohGr could gather, they had technology far more advanced then his, he hears a voice, a strange voice, one that sounded like a repeating noise, only understandable

tribals....base.....destroy.....slaughtered.....a dream........is not........fade......die


ohGr jumps up he tries to talk, but one of the robed people speak quickly

you are the sum of a mistake, we have sheltered you in out hideout, everyone you know is dead, you must seek refuge, we will keep you here for a year at the most, any more, and you will die, our god is a tempermental one


ohGr, stunned, calls out

your.....the tribals!, the ****ers who tried kill me


the robed man replies

i may be, but we werent trying to kill you, your brainwaves, they caused an earthquake, if you can learn to break the rules of gravity and physics, you can use your mind to cause destructive things


ohGr calms down...he then replies

that computer, may i use it


the robed man replies

as you wish


ohGr walks to the computer, still failing to keep his balance, he sits down on the chair, and decides to see if he got anything, a message or something.

another brainwave message, what do these people want...

he continues checking, he sees a message from pack rat, it seems he wants an alliance.

ohGr calls out

excuse me, robed man


the robes man replies

i have a name, it is Azgorth


ohGr replies

ok Azgorth, how can i get to this planet called Mars 2


Azgorth replies

we can teleport you there, do you wish to go now, because once you go, you are not welcome back


ohGr thinks for a while then replies

yeah, ill go, i have no intention of coming back to this planet


Azgorth replies

as you wish...


ohGr's memory flashes before him, then he ends up in a city, when he is in there, he is amazed at the place, the sight of it all, the size, ohGr then realises what hes wearing, the same marduk shirt and black pants, ohGr walks around and he comes across a civilian

excuse me, where may i find one by the words Pack Rat


the civilian replies

hes normally in the office of war, its just a few minutes from here, you cant miss it, its that big office over there


the civilian points over to where the office is, ohGr begins walking towards the place, he still has a weary feeling that it could be a trap, hopefully, just an alliance.

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*MDRud216 suddenly appears from somewhere under the snow on a barren icy wateland. It's quiet,

"Hmmmm... when I went inside to take my nap it was in the upper 80's." he thinks. "This is a first."

He looks around, wondering where everyone is. He notices that the snow is not untouched; thousands of small bunny footprints cover the snow. they are in an organized pattern, straight lines, ranks maybe he thinks. They stretch out as far as he can see in all directions. they are heading north. "hmmmmmm"

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*Ancalagon gazes from his tower, still searching for Peregrine's whereabouts and his own Ice Elven Children. He is still in his Elven/Human form, though retaining the fiercely glowing blue eyes and a pale aura about him. Ancalagon has a fillet with a snow diamond that shines brightly from his forehead, his armour is a silver kind of Ice stronger than diamond, and a long flowing cloak with the white dragon symbol for a clasp to hold it in place, and upon his hip is a mighty sword made of steel, diamond, and ice. Looking regal he proclaims with a booming voice:


'Someone stole the cookies from the cookie jar'

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*On Emour Shin is atop th edark tower where once again Optimus has confronted him.


You will fail, you and the rest of those fools who stand in peregrine's way

"perhaps, but maybe not today" as shin jumps off the tower and flies away to Mars II.


*where he finds an massive frost giant threatening the entire planet moving from some unknown source. There is a fleet of Malchik's old ships there about to be destroyed by the frost giant.


*Shin pulls himself in front of the frost giant and yells, "YOU CANNOT PASS", and after another lengthy battle Shin wins,tossing to the giant to a faraway, turns his back and the frost giant makes one last swipe, trying to take Shin to another planet.


*Malchiks planes rush towards shin in a feeble attempt to rescue him. he puts up a hand stopping them all, "Fly, you fools" says Shin as he gets thrown towards another planet.


*Shin rebattles the frost giant on top of a very tall mountain and stikes a crushing blow, then falls to the snow and drifts out of time and space.


OOC> anyone have any idea how many copyrights i have just broken :lol:

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The Nebula Ring: Consequences of treachery


As the Scyla makes plans to move away from the Ring, the silence on the ship is suddenly disturbed with two explosions on board. Armiena wakes up from surprise and rushes towards the bridge.

"What the hell is going on"

None of the present people dare to answer, but words are not needed. The screen shows 10 Juggernauts. The Scyla was outnumbered and outarmed and would be destroyed for sure if any of the ships opened fire. The Juggernauts circeled around the scyla making it imposible for her to move away. Several carriers from the Juggernauts are launched to board the ship. They reach the Scyla's dock and the present troops are soon overrun. The forces work themselves toward the birdge ands find hardly no resistance left. Once they've reached the bridge the door was blown away and 50 warriors enter the bridge. They take positions and make sure they have everybody under fire. Than a man enters the bridge. He carry's a red cloack with an armor of dark ice. He carries an iceblade of Mars...

Armiena stands in disbelief and sits down into her chair.

"You are here to kill me?"


The man shakes his head.

"Lord Pack Rat insisted that I let you alive so you could go crawl back in disgrace to your new Lord Peregrine. You have insulted the Red Nation by breaking an alliance you proposed, you said you'd be proud to fight along side My Lord and after not more than 2 days you betray him... I myself would have you and your kin wiped out for you have become a disgrace to the ideals you once served...

You have become coward, one of the few women who had leadership and the guts to stand up against Peregrine and now even you flee... However My Lord is not me. He will let you and your people go for the service you did during the First War but cross the Red Nation borders and you will be shot like any other enemy of our nation."


The man turns around but before he leaves he speaks one last time

"Lord Pack rat insisted that when you crawl back to Peregrine you give Peregrine his regards..."

The soldiers all start laughing

"Let's go men, there is nothing left to be done here"

With that words the Red Nation soldiers leave the Scyla and return to their motherships. Once every soldier has returned the Juggernauts leave as suddenly as they came.

Eric sits down...

After the journey the ships land on Mars II, Eric goes to see Pack Rat immediatly

"I did what you asked of me, My Lord."

Pack Rat smiles

"As I suspected... You did well, you have made me proud"


Red Nation Borders, Slaiv's fleet: Removal of the minions


As the fleet keeps hovering towards Mars II a bright light rise up in front of them.

"What the hell is that..."

Further the man did not spoke since there are no words for what they saw...

A massive battleship uncloacks in front of slaivs fleet but what a ship. It height was like if there were 62 Titans placed on eachother, it's broadness stretched out like 150 Juggernauts were placed next to each other. It's weapons were like cannons that were used for planetary defences.

"My god... Fire at will"

An enormous number of missiles and torpedos is launched towards the massive ship and every one of them becomes a hit causing an enourmous explosion. Due the fire Slaiv's commanders cant see a thing but soon the fire vanishes... and the ship still stands where it stood and unharmed.

Every soldier at the bridges stood with an open mouth.

Before any came back to sences the ship opend fire at the fleet causing several battleships to explode of the slightest hit.

"Engage! Engage!"

Slaiv's fleet begins to attack, wing by wing.

"This Alpha wing, we are engaging from th... Alpha wing disengange disenga..."

It was too late, the wing had moved too close towards the ship and took a full hit of a salvo witch was launched by the left turrets. Burning wrecks was all what remained...

"Bravo fleet prepare for engage, charlie cover us"

"Bravo watch your flank!"

But the warning came too late, several missiles destroyed several ships of the bravo wing causing it to retreat in full haste.

"This is Charlie to Delta, try a full aproach from behind"

"What? Are you mad? We need to get by the sides of the ships then, they will tear us to peaces, we are already losing ships like flies."

"Just do it!"

"It's too late!"

With those words the capital ship of the Delta wing becomes a fireball, taking several other ships with in it's destruction...

"Oh my god..."

Only 3/10th of Slaiv's fleet had survived the encounter and started to retreat.

The battleship did not follow them but cloacked again and disapeared.


On Mars II the confusion was great, what was that ship, Jun'Ko and Eric had followed everything on the radar screens and stared to the numbers of bruning wreckages that left behind.

Pack Rat enters the room, Jun'Ko turns around

"My Lord, what was that?"

Pack Rat sits down in one of the chairs

"My Lord did you forge a new alliance with a new unseen power?"

Pack Rat shakes his head

"I decided it was time to show our enemy a bit of what we truly are. The ship you saw... was the "Hydra", she is one ship of a fleet with 20 of them..."

"You mean there are 20 of those ships?"

"14 complete, 6 others are still under constrution, the "Hydra" was the prototype, the productive ships are stronger."

"My Lord, how come it was not damaged by the massive slavo..."

"Remember Malchik's gift? I did not only give orders to install it on the "Pegasus" but also on the "Hydra", she cannot be destroyed by any weapon that exists or needs to be invented... At least not from the outside... The only way to destroy one of the Hydra-like ships is from the inside... and can only be done by a code witch needs to be entered, a code that only the commander of each ship and myself know."

"But what if they capture the ship? They will surely use it against us"

"Yes, but the hydra-like ships do not have docks, so they dont contain smaller fleets, the only way to enter the "Hydra" is by a gate near the upper cannon battery's"

"But why did we use it already and did not use it on Peregrines forces."

"Because I do not know what Peregrine is doing, will he come back in peace or war... So I had to make an example... Slaiv came in war so I decided to make an example of him... an example towards the enemy's of Mars II..."


An officer enters

"My Lord, there is someone who is willing to see you..."

"Who is it"

"He says his name is ohGr, My Lord""What? By all means... send him to my office... Jun'Ko, Eric, you two come with me, the others continu your tasks..."

As the three enter the office, ohGr stands up.

"Commander ohGr, I am pleased to see you... What may I do for you?"

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*Shin gets of his @r$3 and flies into purgatory for the last time in this death.


*Shin appears in a great flash o light in the meeting in front of Pack Rat and OhGr.

"You two have been very valiant thus far in holding off the armys of peregrine and his new allies, but they have many more ships on the ready and i return to you now at the turn of the tide


and offer my allegience which will last only to the end of this battle, on any day, look to any direction and i shall have brought a fleet, to help battle the dark lord peregrine. Also i'll see if i can get Malchik off the dole and make him and his remaining followers fight in this war..... Farewell, for now."

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Malchik is mumbling into his beer (St Paulli Girl).


"Somewhere in here I will find the spell I'm looking for - ice cold beer."


His conscious mind prods. "That is not the spell you are looking for. You are sitting on the spellbook. Get a grip."


He finds what he wants and emails certain spells to Pack Rat.


"These spells can only be used to protect your people. They cannot be used to attack."


The words gestures and by translocation the required ingredients appear in front of Pack Rat.


"Move out of time", "Freeze Time", "Reverse Time", "Total Invisibility" "Dimension Hop" and "Instant Cavewhich".


He hopes they will be used wisely.

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Pack Rat accepted Lord Malchik's new assistance during the war.

He decides to write Lord Machik a letter

You have given us your "Gift", witch brought us the victory upon Slaiv, however the victory was not enough, it is only a delay of what will come.

Today you gave me these spells, witch once again I am very gratefull for.

Your aid has preventd us from being overrun, these spells are a light in the darkness of war.

I will use them like you ask, they will only be used for the protection of my people, not for the slaying of my enemy's...


You sincere

Lord Pack Rat, leader of the Red Nation

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