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The Snow Arena


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OOC> Guys back on topic please.


*Shin decides that fighting his own death star is stupid and so asks his men of old to throw a mutiny... It works and the ice death star is now once again belonging to Shin and not Optimus.


*Shin returns to Emour and Mars II with his fleet of 1000 x-wings and his Death Star. Only to find Mars II destroyed and a massive chunk taken out of Emour.


"Peregrine..... no, you monster. There will be suffering whne this war comes."


*Shin thinks for a second... "But what of OhGr and Packrat? surely my allies in this matter have not died. but wait, i thought the planets were protected by a gift from malchik!


Officer Dabura!"

yes sir,


Find out if we can still move Emour or was the spoon obelisk destroyed?

Sensors show no sign of it sir


How long will it take to rebuild?

three months sir


Argh and what of the billion ships that were guarding mars II

All gone sir.


Dag nabbit son, gimme a good piece of news!

At least the ships were computer operated so no lives were lost.


True, Land on what is left of Emour have the death star take orbit nearby

Sir, what if lord peregrine attacks again?


He cant, i used the shield that ancalagon gave me when he was drunk, everything is protected for the next 2 months.... Wait a minute you said "lord peregrine " you're a spy, GUARDS!


Allies if you live take refuge on Emour it is safe... for now

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ohGr looks around...then thinks

not again...im in a bad mood and i dont have coffee here or a donut


ohGr says to pack rat

so uh.....i got the blueprints...their undamaged in there, one of them is a regeneration blueprint, its a emergency machine used incase of something bad occours, but um....what happened, it looks like the same thing happened here as it did to my base


sarah looks around in disbelief

did you notice, the roof is missing


ohGr looks up, and sees red sky

yeah, and the sky is red instead of blue, suppose we might be dead?


sarah replies



ohGr stands around, waiting for a explanation, an answer

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*As the the light in the Blessed Realm fades from Dawn to Dusk, and the sky changes to a beautifull azure, purple, pink, and orange, the snow shines as if it were ablaze with a soft fire, and the stars spring out above. At the summit of his Tower, Ancalagon rests upon his throne, which is centered under an open top ice marble dome. All about the surface of the dome is carved graven images of the happier days with the Ice Elves, followed by carvings of the Betrayal and the scattering of his Children. The throne is carven from a living tree that is white as snow with silver leaves, and the throne is nestled in the center of this tree. All about the floor of the throne is carpeted with soft grass and small fire-colored flowers. Surrounded by his Captains, Servants, and friends Ancalagon summons his Bards forth, and says:


'Play 'Bard's Song' and some other Blind Guardian hits...I feel like some time for reflection...'


*Tankards are passed around, the finest Ice-Ale and Snow-Draughts in all of the Realm, and many sit quiet as the Bards play. Though he is listening, Ancalagon's mind is elsewhere, he searches for Peregrine but cannot sense him though he knows he is somewhere out there. He orders some of his Dragon Messengers to pass unclothed and unseen to spy on the happenings of the Mortal Realms, while he picks up a message from Narcalya that his Children have been found, but there may be more stranded on other planets in the Other Universe.


'Bring my Children forthwith, so they may live in bliss with me forever and take some joy in the peace and quiet while there is still some left here, in this place of the Gods.'


*He smiles, and knows that soon ALL of his Children shall come here, for it was forseen by him, and he knows that many more souls shall come to him in the next few thousand years...

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Sitting at the back of Ancalagon's great hall, Mojlnir listens to the tales woven into song by the skillful bards. His mug of snow ale sitting nearly untouched on the table next to him, Mojlnir reclines his chair and places his boots on the table. Lost in thought, his mind wanders to times long past and deeds that were done, both good and shameful. Absentmindedly moving his hand to his lower back, Mojlnir rubs the spot were the sno-blaster struck him as he knelt of a fallen Peregrine.


"So much left unfinished..." mutters Mojlnir as the hall rejoices around him "And now the Lost are beginning to return....so much left unfinished."


Mostly unnoticed, Mojlnir walks to one of the balconies the jut off of Ancalgon's throne hall, and rests upon the railing, watching the fading sun. Hearing footsteps behind him, Mojlnir turns to see Ancalagon joining him at the rail. Concern is etched upon the familiar face, a concern which Mojlnir understands all too well.


"You look like someone just killed your dog my friend" says Ancalagon "what's going on. You haven't been quite square since you got here."


"I can shake the feeling that I left something unfinished..." sighs Mojlnir "I've been watching Peregrine grind the Universe beneath his heel, and while he is quiet now, his minions continue to plague peaceful worlds."


"It is the way of things, all must eventually come to these halls" answers Ancalagon, knowing that answer will not suffice.


"I'm going back" whispers Mojlnir and Ancalagon's face falls, having known the answer when he saw Mojlnir walk from the hall. "This is not only about vengence though, I will search for your Children....I owe you more than that, but I cannot wage what is not mine to give."


Placing his hand on Mojlnir's shoulder, Ancalagon stares deep into the dark eyes of one of his most faithful friends. The pain and guilt are plain as driven snow, and Ancalagon knows there is no stopping Mojlnir.


"You owe me nothing, but I am grateful for your help. Walk tall my friend, your's is a path none other could hope to follow. You know you are free to come and go as you wish, and my hall will forever be a safe place for you. We will meet again afore too long. Go in peace, friend."


Mojlnir clasps Ancalagon's shoulder and nods slowly. Ancalagon smiles and turns, reentering his hall and the rejoicing throng within. Mojlnir, his shoulders straight as if a burden has been removed, walks down the stairs of the tower and strikes off through the dense forest, towards the giant pillars and the pain of a mortal existence.

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"Ahhhhh...." says MDRud216 my snowman is...<*sticks a frozen carrot into the upper-most snowball>...complete" :rolleyes:


Suddenly despite his thick layers of snow proof gear MDRud216 shudders. A shrill wind blew across the barren snow plains- MDRud216 (commonly called Rudy) looked at his perfect snow man. the scarf was blowing about his neck. The coal eyes were begining to glow-Rudy stepped back from the snowman, it was coming alive! Its coal stone mouth fused to make a clear slit. the tree branches that served as arms for the inatimate object were moving, stretching out as if still for some time.

"Yahn..." the snowMan blinked. and jerked his head to and fro. then locked his icy gaze on Rudy.... I come with tidings of war...Yes war. Among the front runners of this huge war are Ancalagon, Almelexia, The Bird from Hell and the one known as Pack Rat.

the snowman says: "Your destiny must be fulfilled, you were meant to rule the universe and I will help you do it. You have resurrected be from the snow and now you will be repaid...Rise my legions." *Thousands of snowmen sprout from the ground in neat ranks* "Our army is 100,000 strong and is growing-they are under my command and I, Frosty the Snow Man am under yours." or someother nerdy BullS**T like that.... "Make your fist move my liege"

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*Ancalagon watches Mojlnir fade off into the distance, then he turns to one of his servants and in an angry voice says:


'Alright, dammit, I want to know WHO stole the cookies from the cookie jar, and I want to know NOW, if I don't find out soon, some of you will be a whole HELL of a lot deader than when you first arrived.'


*He stalks back to the throne room, where the Bards have finished and the room is almost empty. Moving out of the throne room he approaches his Dais and sounds a gong. Instantly, two Silver Dragons appear before him out of the sky, he places his hand under one of the Dragon's jaw, and looks into it's eyes colored like molten metal: white hot and glowing like a brand. The Dragon speaks in a deep, rumbling basso voice:


'What do you desire of us, Master?'


*Ancalagon pauses, and the other dips its head down to Ancalagon and continues:


'Speak us your mind my Lord, you desire us to pass beyond the Pillars and into the Mortal Realms, though the reason for is unclear.'


*Ancalagon looks at the other Dragon.


'No, it is not unclear Zanyar. I do not want you two to search for my other Children, they will be found soon enough (if three milennia is soon enough). I want you two to follow Mojlnir, and guard him unseen. Make sure he reaches Lord Shin at Emour. Once there I want you two to reveal yourselves by your true names: Anyar and Zanyar heralds of Lord Ancalagon the Father of Dragons and Guardian of the Blessed Realms. But you cannot pass through as you are clothed now, you must change into a form as mine, but must pass unseen until Emour.'

*The two change into Elven forms, with Silver hair and Silver eyes that still shine bright as if on fire. Both wear a silver fillet with a white gem in the middle that shines as if lit with some sort of light. They are both identical in appearance and they wear the same armour that Ancalagon has, with the same White Dragon clasp and Elven plate Ice Armour. The two bow and make leave for the Mortal Realms and Mojlnir.

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Alexei enters the room and turns himself towards ohGr


"No,you're not dead... A group of our men succeeded in getting you of Mars in time. You are lucky to be alive... You are on the "Hydra", the new flagship of the Red Navy since the "Pegasus" was lost"

"Where are we going?"

"To Prague... The last fortress of the Red Nation. You two will have quiete some time to spend with each other since it is quiete the journey. I'm also here to make some propositions. Once we've reached Prague you may, if you wish, remain on Prague and become a citizen of the Red Nation or once we've reached Prague we will suply you with an old battleship and you may go where ever you wish to. No need to decide already. We still have a long journey to go..."

"And what about the war?"

"Prague is far away of the war. You might say that with the destruction of the planets we were thrown out of the war. We have too many loses and too few men to fight now. For now, Peregrine has won."


Alexei salutes ohGr and Sarah and leaves the room.

He soon reaches the bridge.


"Commander on the bridge!"


All soldiers turn around and hit their leftchest with their rightfist.

"Are we still on course?"

"Yes Commander, as soon we've reached Mark A - 458 there will be several ships of the Andromeda-fleet to escort us to Prague."

"Very well, what word from the other ships?"

"They are ready and are waiting for orders..."

"Very well, give every ship the location of Mark A - 458, however they must remain in the colone. We cannot afford to lose any ship..."

"Very well Commander..."


20 Hydra-like ships and 26 Titans form up a small fleet and move in to warpspeed. On course for Prague, the last moon of the Red Nation..

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Malchik is surprised to discover the Pack Rat he has been dealing with is all but dead and supposes he has been dealing instead with some near death experience. Nevertheless the spells and the defenses must have arrived somewhere in their vicinity.


Hell has frozen over but there is still plenty of fire deep down inside. Malchik is having a devil of a job trying to find the ingedients he needs for his wonderful re-invention - Flubber. It had been discovered years ago by an absent minded professor. It has a coefficient of restitution so high that anything hitting it will merely bounce off. The little difficulty is where it bounces off to.


He mind-links to ohGr. "Find out what's going on with Pack Rat will you? I can't help a dead man!"


He drains a glass of fire water and grumbles that there is no ice. Or rather, there is too much ice, but not just where he can lay a hand on it.


He then sends another thought wave to ohGr. "That regenerater whasisface has in Stargate, the one that got nuked. I've got the prototype. If anythings left of the Rat I can get him back to normal. Have to meet him on the surface though. I'm only allowed in here 'cos I've got a long spoon."


This makes him think.


"Hey Shin, you're dead aren't you - and you've got a spoon - pop down for a chat sometime!"


He continues to flubber about.

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Next almelexia starts to walk in the --Snow-- outside of the pilgrims rest. The city will be near but how near that is a question that she wonders to herself. But after two hours they stops to rest and eat, hopefully they have taken food from the pilgrims rest before with themsleves. And now the food is about to end, all the food i gone after they have eaten and they starts to walk again. Thet stopps after one hour in the winters cold snow outside a mountain pass.


-This looks kinda scary to me


Hancir tells almelexia thet there rests ghosts in this mountain pass and they should not enter.


-What do you say Hancir? are you a coward to not keep going trough a little passage. Then if you dont want to follow then you need to take another way around i will not help you slave.


Hancir looks at almelexia


-why are you calling me slave almelexia? what have i ever done to you


-Ohh sorry Hancir it is just this book i found in the dwemer ruin it tells how to summon the ancestrals of the dwemer and the dwarfs.


Hancir looks at the book almelexia slowly takes from her bag she got at the pilgrims rest.


-May i look at it almelexia? I want to see in that book once.


-No! this is my book and you may not tuch it! i found it in the dwemer ruin Hancir and i felt that somebody where close to me when i took it.


Hancir looks at almelexia and answers.


-Well then lets get going, i think we will have the time to walk trough the passage before the nights if we starts to walk now


-Well thats sound like a great idea Hancir! lets get going now


Almelexia summons two more fabricants before she enters, now the totally count of the summoned beasts is 26

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