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The Snow Arena


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Andromeda system; Mark A - 458; Exact location unknown


Alexei was getting some rest in his cabine while an officer spoke over the intercom.

"Commander, we are about to reach Mark A - 458"

"Very well... I'll be right over"

Alexei mumbles the words and gets himself dressed. As soon as he putted on his uniform he left his cabine and began on his way towards the bridge. He soon reaches the bridge.

"Commander on the bridge!"

The men and women salute.

"How far untill Mark A - 458"

"ETA is 5 minutes, captain..."

Alexei sits down and waits for the fleet's arrival at the rcon-point with the Prague-ships.

"Captain, we've reached Mark A - 458"

Soon there is a voice over the radio.

"This is the RN - Viking. Captain Dozer speaking... I'd like to speak Lord Pack Rat"

Alexei has a quick look around and gives order to turn the communicationmodule on.

"This is Commander Alexei of the Red Navy. Lord Pack Rat is recovering from severe injuries. I am his replacement untill he recovered."

"I see. Very well then Commander. No need to stay here. Our ships will take place around your ships. We are sending the coordinates of Prague. Glad to see at least some of you made it..."

"Yes, we were lucky. Ready when you are, Captain..."


Soon the fleet takes course towards Prague under escort of 12 Titans.


"Captain, what are the risques of this journey?"

"Hardly any, Commander. The only ships we might run into would be some small-time pirates or some trade-ships from an independent planet. There are a few of those in this area but they are peacefull and have a good tradetreaty with the Red Nation and the Red Navy."

"Independent planets?"

"Yes Commander, mostly new established bases from refugees from the First War. Dont hope on getting too friendly, they are sworn neutral."



Andromeda system; Prague


When the survivors of the massmurdering got of the battleships they couldnt believe their eyes. This base was quiete the image of the original Prague on Earth II.


"How come this base has the style of the actual Prague?"

"Well, Commander, after the destruction of Earth II it were mostly former Polish and Russian people who were transfered to this base. They wanted to call the moon Prague and tried to make it look a bit more like home. Dont be mistaken commander. This base is very advanced in technology. I might even say we have beter defences then Mars II has.. had.."

"It's amazing..."


Under heavy escort Pack rat was transfered to one of the hospitals, where he would soon recover from his injuries.


"Captain, if I may... Your name isnt Polish or Russian, how did you get here?"

"I originaly served on Mars II, but I was transfered around the time of the colony's"

"I see, tell me Captain. How many people live on this moon?"

"I'd say around 4 milliard, sir. Most of them are citizens of the nation who were trying to get away from the war but a large group of them are soldiers."

"What's your fleet strength"

"I'd say around 1200 Titans, sir. I know the Red Navy used to have much more ships than we have but let's not forget, we are just an outpost..."

"1200 Titans... Any stations?"

"We have the station St Petersburg and Novosibirsk, who should be finished some time around next week..."

"What's their capability?"

"The St Petersburg was created to make more use of like a dock so she can carry up to 700 Titans. The Novosibirsk on the other hand is more a fortress and has a limit of 300."

"It seems you make more use of Titans than Juggernauts..."

"We never had any Juggernauts, we use more advanced types like the Crusaders and the Raiders. The Crusaders are a mixture of a Titan with a Juggernaut, the Raiders on the other hand are small battleships. They are small so they can outrun the enemy turrets and they have quiete some firepower but they cant destroy a station for example, you'd be better off with a crusader for that kind of job."

"You have more types than the Red Navy originaly had!"

"That's because due the distance we cant communicate with Mars, we had to use messageships for that. We were quiete advanced but just couldnt get word to Mars. Yes Commander we have the technology but we dont have the numbers..."

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After some time in the pass a avalanshe is starting to move, the only things almelexia nad Hancir is hearing is a quiet sound of falling snow, but they cant find out what the sound is.


-Do you hear it Hancir?




-A stange sound


-I cant hear anything


After a while the sound is higher and the grounds begins to shake.


-Now I can hear it Almelexia do you hear it now?


-Yes of course, I can hear the sound and I can feel the ground shaking.


From a open path about 800 metres before Almelexia and Hancir storms a large avalanshe down with a horrible power, the ground is shaking so hard now that the skeletons has problems to stand up.


-Do you see that hancir!!


-Yes dear Almelexia we are dead!!


-No wait you see the open path just to the left behind us!? Well there e must run now the snow will not come in there RUN!!


Almelexia starts to run with the fabricants and the skeletons following after, Hancir just stands and looks at the avalanshe whne it comes and the latest of them all he starts to run to the little path that showns up to be a cave.


-Hurty Hancir! hurry in to the grotto and make it fast!!


-I am coming my highness dont run away from me! i will come with you.


And after almelexia ran in the cav the avalanche smashed the cave walls and made it fall togheter in the middle. Almelexia opens her eyes and sees a pack of snow laying outside the grotto and the only one that was avaible to come in was one fabricant. Almelexia looks around the best she can in the dark cave, she tends a torch that sje was carrying before and looks around, the fabricant looks more scary in the dark then the sunlight. And when she looks to the wall of snow that lies before her she realizes that the fabricant has sharp claws and can easily scratch trough it.


-Fabricant dig! dig trough the snow wall! dig for the light dig for my freedom!


The fabricant starts to dig and after a hour the ear in the cave starts to feel thin, and there are harder to breathe. But after a hlf hour more the fabricant succeded to reach the open world and the sun looks in trough the little hole that he has made. And just for an second the air feels more easy to breathe. Almelexia jumps out of the hole that the fabricant has made bigger and starts to search for Hancir.

And after a while she realizes that the avalanshe must has crushed them to death and their bodies can lay miles away from here at the bottm of the mountain.

Almelexia starts to walk by herself up trough the pass with the fabricant and when she reashes the top she looks over the whole land and sees the city that she were travelling to far away. And after a little while when she reashes the bottom of the other side of the mountain she sees some of her skeletons that had survived. They just stands there with some of the lost bodyparts like a arm or a head or something like that.


Almelexia starts to walk trought the city and after two day she arrives to is. And by the gate a man that looks wery familiar waits.


-Hancir is that you?


-Almelexia i've thought you were dead so i started to walk to the town myself.


-Why did you do that we are just going to go to this town just for a ship and you didnt need it anyaway.


Hancir looks at Almelexia with a smile on his lips


-Well there are something i didnt tell you Almelexia, the ship we are going to take isnt just a normal ship.


-Then what is it?


-The ship we are going to take is a high tecnology ship made by the dwemers.


-Why didnt you tell this before Hancir?


-Well because it was ment as a suprise if you dont mind!


-Oh sorry Hancir i was just so exited well where is your friend i want to see that air ship.


-Well if we are going into town then you need to get lost of the fabricant.


Almelexia sents her fabricant away with a smile.


-Well then lets go!


-keep close to me the guards wont recognise you if we pretend to be a cuple.



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Armiena's stasis field begins to weaken, as the Second Age begins. She suddenly feels.... almost godlike! She can see everything, from Almelexia in her alternate universe, to Pack Rat's ships fleeing for.... some massive base.


And the ruins of the Solar System.

She sees, to her relief, the the Hailey Comet was far from the devastation, and her base has nearly been completed. Hordes of drone ships are being churned out, in preparation for an attack that may never come.


She sees her fleet all around her. Her vast numbers of tiny fighters, hanging in midspace. Her massive carriers and cruisers, engines firing, yet not moving at all.


She sighs... this is actually quite boring. She decides to open up a bottle of wine, and drink her boredom away....

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Prague; Public Hospital: Undefeatable


All of sudden Pack Rat opens his eyes and gasps for air... Jun'Ko rushes towards him and grabs his hand

"I'm here, My Lord, I'm here..."

"Jun'Ko, my child, always by my side... Where am I?"

"You are in the hospital, on Prague..."

"Prague? But what about Mars? Neptune? Mercury..."

"They are gone, My Lord..."

"This cannot be true... How many got away?"

"Not many, My Lord, only 20 hydra-like battleships and 26 Titans..."

"Oh my god... Milliards of lives... Over 15 milliard lives... Men, women, children... All dead..."

"They will pay! I promise you, My Lord, Peregrine and his dogs will be slayed and their heads will decorate our fleet..."

"We are one Prague, my child... Prague doesnt has the numbers to march into war..."

"When the time is right Peregrine will feel the burning of a true leader and his nation... He is afraid of us... He doesnt risks open war. This is the second time he get rids of us like the coward he is. If his Second Era would have begun already he would have been overrun by our numbers."

"Jun'Ko, my child, there will be a day... that you will lead us to victory. Your pure heart and your courage will lead us to victory... Where are the others?

"Only I, Alexei and Eric survived..."

Pack Rat closes his eyes, after a few seconds he opens them again and a tear roles out of his eyes...

"I curse you, Peregrine, and it may kill me but I will make sure that you will harm no one anymore..."

Jun'Ko has problems keeping her emotions to herself. She stares in disbelief as Pack Rat tries to stand up.

"No! You should rest!"

"He couldnt keep me in bed the first time nor will he this time... We have work to do..."

Pack Rat stands up and dresses himself in a Red Navy uniform. Jun'Ko reaches him a staff but he refuses.

"I'm not that young anymore but I'm not that old!"

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When almelexia enters the city and walks as a "cuple" with Hancir to the castle where they are going to get a flying airship. The cold snow is falling from the sky and almelexia looks forward to eat something and get into the warm again.


-Are we there soon Hancir?


-Yes look forward, there over the houses, there is the castle where my friend lives.


-Ok and in a castle where do they have such a big airship, it doesnt fit in a single room.


Hancir putts his hand agains almelexias mouth and speak quiet.


-Dont talk about he airship here, and dont even mention the dwemer, people fears the dwemer here.


-Why do they fear them?


-No time to speak here is the castle


Almelexia and Hancir opens the large doors and enters a large room. A man comes over to them and says


-welcome Hancir is this the women you have talked about outside the gates?

But you told me she died


-No she is not dead she survived and we want the airship as soon as possible, we must get away from this planet we are hunted.


The noble man answers


-Are you not gonna eat?


-No we must go


-Ok foolow me to the dungeons of the castle, we will send food with you in the ship


-Thanks my frien


Almelexia walks down with the noble man and stopps by a door he opens and when they enters they see a large airship will glass windows and sturdy material made by the dwemers.


-Shall we Almelexia?


-Sure whe must go


the noble man stopps them


-wait i must tell you that your food lies allready in the foodroom so be careful and a driver for the machine is allready in there. He repairs the seats and tell him from me that he will be your guide to drive the machine.


-Thanks for everything my friend


Hancir starts to walk in the machine and almelexia follows.

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*Shin walks down to one of the surviving buildings, the spoon chamber on the planet Emour, still next to what once was Mars II


"it's time to find out what happened to my allies"

says shin as he closes the door to the spoon chamber and sits crosslegged in an awkward manner in the center of the room.


*Shin sees into the mind of OhGr he is well and he is flying away at great speed with Pack Rat, then they land on the prague. "EEEEEEEEWWW," says shin as he tunes out of OhGr's thoughts, "i really wish i hadnt seen that,"


*Shin decides that it would be a better option to look at Lord Pack Rat, he is in a hospital, recovering from the attack, technology is new, people are few.


*Shin takes himself out of search mode in the chamber. "Hmmmm, this is not good, neither of my allies are capable of fighting, none are nearby, this war is now, one-sided..... But i would rather die AGAIN than have that pidgeon peregrine rule over me!"


*suddenly a message form malchik enters Shins mind, and shin sends one back

"Malchik, i was dead, then i found purpose and now i am half-dead, this shielding will only last 2 months but i need 3 to repair the world engine, i'm a sitting duck and will die soon, but i promised ancalagon i'd go to his place when i died..."

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<hold on shin, so now im prague?, i assume so from what you say>


ohGr wakes up, and sits down on a chair

so i was dead....how.....and why does this happen when i dont have a coffee dammit


he continues to ramble to himself, while remembering a few things, a big explosion, the same as his base turned out, no one probably knows who ohGr is here, so he should quickly find pack rat and find out whats happening, before it makes another suspicous move at the last minute, ohGr then wonders, what happened to sarah, so he stands up, and walks around the building, he sees a list of the deceased, on that list he sees sarah

oh well, guess i cant turn back


ohGr then realises, he still has the plans on him, and with those plans, he can make his only choice, form an alliance with Pack Rat, and stop whoever did all this, ohGr walks up to a lady behind a counter, he says

ive a message for packrat


the lady replies

ill type it down, what is it


ohGr replies

tell him its ohGr, im in a hospital, whereever this place is, youd know, i have the plans, and am waiting for that alliance


the lady replies

your in prague


ohGr replies

holy ****, russia


ohGr walks off, realising he has much thinking to do in the future, but first, he has to wait for Pack Rat.

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Command Ship, Aurvandil Theta Fleet, Stasis Field, 1900 hours:


Slaiv decides he has had enough.


"You know what? This sucks. Ancalagon, Malchik, and shin look like They're havin a h*ll of a lot better time than we are..... But do not do anything. We remain Peregrine's ally."

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Armiena's attention shifts towards Slaiv's fleet in his own stasis field.

So that is my ally... Armiena realizes that she has not even met her own ally yet.

I wish... I could actually meet him


She unexpectedly teleports onto the bridge of his command ship.


What the!?


"Oh... um, uh...." She stutters at this awkward moment. "I am Armiena, and you are Slaiv, and an ally of Peregrine as well," she says in a knowing manner.


"Something to drink?" She holds up the partially-drunken bottle of wine.

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*at the top of a tower Shin is sitting down, watching the construction of the world engine, when a soldier in a green and red uniform approaches.



"SIr, we have reports of many sick and wounded on this planet."


"So?, put them in the hospitals and make sure that they have something to eat."

"That is the problem sir,the hospitals are full, and the food stores on planet emour are low and are unrenewable because there is now nowhere to grow food.


"The peregrine strikes again, who'd have thought that feathered rat could..., hmm, this is not good, how long will our food stores last?"

1 month


"1 MONTH!, send a ship to... to.. uh to.., do we even have any other planets"

No,sir this WAS your backup planet.


"I have it! go to my castle on Earth II piece no. 442 and get the cavewiches from it, and how long will that last us"

2 months by my calculations sir.


*Sigh, "I wish i was dead" :lol:

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