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The Snow Arena


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*Shin recieves the message from Rudy....

He laughs harder than he has in years. "Doe sthat person really think he can join this war and become yet another god, already he has been struck down by peregrine, though it was his fault, he does not rule the Earthen solar system. It ahs been destroyed, he may rule what is left of the earth, but Emour is the only good planet left in the Earthen solar system."


"Get me some pilots"

*fifty pilots enter the room. "Guys, seriously peregrine never does a good enough job at finishing someone... hehe birdbrain, ok nevermind that but i want you to finish off this new this mental asylumm escapee before he becomes bothersome.


* afew hours later the pilots return saying that peregrine actually did a good job for once and wasnt a lazy bludger....

"Oh good, another one bites the snow...."


OOC> peregrine sorry about making fun of what you are, but as enemies, we're supposed to hate each other.

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Malchik sends an emergency message to Pack Rat.


"Hey I need rubber for flubber. Then you can coat your ships with it. Anything hitting it will bounce off. I've almost fixed it except for a bit of extra elasticity. Send rubber urgently!"


He then sends his enchanted army of fleas to visit Shin. "Whoever invented the Malchik cloning machine, tell them to put it into overdrive. I feel I may shortly need to be ubiquitous. Peregrine is toggling god mode again and I need to find a way to disable his cheats. And by the way is there any chance of inventing a cavewhich that doesn't taste of snow?"


He stirs the vat of gooey semiliquid gunge and consumes the last bottle of Strega. Hell is running out of booze! Aaargh.


"Hey Ancalagon, have you anything to spare? And, please, don't make it a snowball."

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ooc> After the war I might introduce a new scenario... Depends on Peregrine...


Andromeda system; Prague 1200h.


Pack Rat stands on top of the stage. Behind him stand his three last Knights of the Nation. A massive crowd in front of him fills the entire Red Square. Cheering rises as Pack Rat salutes the people of the Nation.


People of the Red Nation!

Today we stand together at the turning point of the war...

Peregrine has returned!

Slaiv- has fled!

And Armiena awaits her death!

Peregrine defeated us on Earth II... But we did not dispaired...

We rebuilded! We regained our power! We did not let our heads down!

Mars II and it's brethren were destroyed... but we did not surrender! Our entire nation was blown away but we did not surrender! We grew stronger and were waiting for our time...

Today, my brethren, the time has come!

We have lost many people during our struggle for survival...

Many of you lost their parents, brothers and sisters and even their children! But the time for justice has come!

The crimes that have been done to us will be repaid with the blood of those who dared to defy us!

Enemys will be slayed, traitors will be punished and we will restore the universe!


The war has been unleashed as the Red Navy was rebuilded. Justice they seek, revenge is their goal and victory will be their outcome!

Pack Rat and his men now stand ready to face the Mad Lord... Three of them, one fled, another seeks a way out and the last one... Is the one they seek...


Soldiers board their ships, ships are supplied with their munition and commanders were given their orders...

The Red Nation has send their riders... The Red Navy will bring the Red Nations word to those who dared to oppose and to betray them...

War has come and war will be foughten till the last man...

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*Grining to himself, Ancalagon senses Peregrine's return. He orders the garrisoning of all the lands in the Blessed Realm, and the Pillars of Creation to be shut against the Mortal Realms. Far off in the distance he espys Narcalya in Human/Elven raimient atop a silver prowed ship that is leading twenty other such ships. Upon these ships are Ancalagons children, returned to him at last. There is much rejoicing and shedding of tears, for many thought him to be dead.


Going out to the ships he meets Ranyar Admaron, whom he named the High-King of the Ice Elves before he perished on their orginal Homeworld, long ago. There is a moment of silence, and the Ice Elves all bow to their Old Master, now reborn. Ancalagon speaks:


'Come, rise my dear dear friends. This is a time of merriment and celebration, let us make a repast that will forever be remembered. Ranyar, bring your people into my Mighty Tower, as another one shall be built for you and your people wherever you wish.'


*Ranyar bows, and embraces Ancalagon as a brother and father (...hmmm, akward) then he turns and the whole Elven host follows the two inside the Tower.

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Slaiv remembers that he forgot something... :huh: He returns to life from Ancalagon's World....


"Ok, Commander....Arm all weapons onboard this ship."


"Done, Sir."


"The sun-crusher torpedoes, too?"

"Then the stasis field should stop the blast that would normally destroy the universe..... :blink: "


"What, Sir?"


"Gather all of our fleet here."


"Done, Sir."


"Fire a torpedoe into the nearest ship."


"SIR! That would destroy every ship inside the stasis field!"


"Yes, it will. We have removed our alliance with Peregrine, and have sworn an oath against him."




"This will destroy Armiena's fleet also."


"Firing in 5 minutes, Sir...."


Slaiv laughs maniacally.


Slaiv enchants all of his fleet members (all septillions of them) so that they may return to where Ancalagon resides when they die....


"Sir, the torpedoe is firing directly into Armiena's Command ship."




Five minutes later.....


Nothing that was inside the stasis field of Peregrine [including Slaiv and his crew] exists anymore...


5 more minutes later.....


Slaiv addresses his crew:


"WE have sworn an oath against Peregrine. We are dead now, but what does that matter?



"Those too, Sir."


5 more more minutes later :D


"Ancalagon, my people are at your command... We request that we be fitted with armour and weapons of your people. We wish to fight for you in death. We wish to become part of the snow-elf people. With your blessing, we can fulfill our wish...[We can even change our race and past lives, though I do not know how......... :huh:] What say you?"

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*Ancalagon recieves Slaiv's message with uttermost contempt.


'FOOL, you dare raise your hand against Peregrine and his followers, and then come HERE? You will bring them here, though they cannot enter, I will not have murderers and brigands housed behind my walls. Nay, I banish you from this place; though you have my blessing, your lot is to suffer outside these Blessed Realms and never enter until the Final Judgement has come.'


'No, now is not the time for apology nor for repentance,

if you reside in my Halls now, then you shall bring Peregrine's wrath upon this place and there will be much bloodshed, for both sides, and I will not suffer my own Children newly returned to me to such horrors that Peregrine can devise or inflict upon them.'


*Ancalagon, his wrath consuming him, calls forth his Citadel Guard and has them escort Slaiv and his followers outside and across the lands to Pillars of Creation. Before forcing Slaiv out Ancalagon calmly gives Slaiv advice:


'If you seek atonement for your crimes, no matter how just they may have seemed, go to Emour where Mojlnir and Shin await anybody who seek to challenge Peregrine. I cannot get involved with this War, not now, nor do I forsee a time when I shall. All I can do is build up my defenses and block out the Mortal Realms so none save the dead have hope of entering. Go now, go to Emour and tell Mojlnir and Shin you have my blessing. Here, take these ships and with all haste get thyself to Emour.'


*Ancalagon has five silver prowed ships brought before Slaiv and they are full of provisions, weapons, armour, all that Slaiv will need. Without saying another word, Ancalagon turns and walks off towards his Tower, with three hundred Guards of the Citadel following him.

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*Shin sees the arrival of Mojlnir on planet Emour "Mojlnir, sorry about the golf course thing, but they are only supposed to be part bunker not all bunker, anyway, Welcome to Emour"


"Men, people, whatever you are, get this friend of mine a room, and $40 dollars worth of chips at our casino, sorry Mojlnir, but i have no use for you on this dying planet, i have no use for myself, and lord knows where the flaiven hell my allies are.Really, it is a question, whether or not anybody can help us now."


*Shin gets a message from Malchik "Cavewich, without'snow flavour ay?"

OOC> get without sno flavour.... oh nm :help:

"Malchik it can be done, however i only have baileys and/or banana flavouring on me, what kind of flavour do you want? As for these fleas..... not sure how much use, they'd have against a giant ship made of metal.


*Shin orders his right hand man to make sense and order everything up, in a way so that he doesnt get bothered. Shin goes to his room and says to himself when are people going to stop giving me useless junk and gimme something to fight the war with.

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inside the Pluto complex the floors shook, fortunatly despite the unerving movement the main complex remained intact due to it being suspended by springs inside a huge cavern of the core of Pluto.

"What the hell was that' Rudy yells-he is cut short as he sees a single message on his com moniter:


Go To Hell


The orders are made and construction begins on the largest fleet of offensive ships ever created.

By that evening the huge workforce has completed the fleet and it is crewed and set forth baring the insignia:







A scout ship jumps to hyperspace heading for Peregrine's fleet. It declares the message of war before flying into a mass of the largest ships. It explodes with a devestating force severly damaging most ships in the vicinity and completely destroying one.


The next order is made and a massive kamakazi fleet is sent to Emour. Before firing numerous destuctive frost blasts nearly two hundred unmanned ships loaded with tons of explosives each crash into the surface of the planet- the outcome is devastating....


Consider this a demonstration of my power, It was no Joke Threat sent forth in my message-all who resist will feel my wrath

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*Shin is suddenly disturbed,

"Sir, we have reports of that Rudy whoever he is re-appearing on a planet that was destroyed!"


"and which one would that be" says shin who really doesn't giva

Pluto, sir


"PLUTO!, doesnt that fool rudy realise the whole solar system that earth was in was destroyed, except Emour."


*Sigh* "is there any easy way to finish him.

We found a way to blow up the core... blowing up the whole planet


"Well go do it then!"

"We already did, the planet was destroyed"



"To report sir,"


That is it, get out and report to Bruce, my right hand man, any word from our allies.. tell me that is all. :help:

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obviously your equitment is flawed, I aproached Pluto and even came to a planet that had been occupied for some time. Now it is mine and shall not be destroyed.


*The message is sent


Due to the immense energy of war a tear in the fabric of space time occured. Causing Rudy to apear on earth after it was destroyed, and allowing him to change the future and save Pluto.


The tear is gone now and the effect is not reversable, Rudy will make sure of it

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