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The Snow Arena


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*Ancalagon awaits for Mojlnir's response. He munches on a snowcon, flavored pina colada and JD, and eats a toblerone.


'So, has anyone heard that Peregrine is back?'


*He pauses, and decides to do some more explaining on the History of the Usurpers and the Darkening of the House of Aldmaron...later though...he is busy right now with his Pina JD snow-cone and toblerone, and <ooc> WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS MOJLNIR!!??!

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the original universe icer had been destroyed, but there was still hope.


Peregrine had spared him, although puzzled Rudy realized that he held no seat of power in this war.


The fleet had retrieved Rudy and imediatly a message was sent to shin...


I have been stripped of my one true hope of victory in this war, the icer is destroyed. My numbers are still vast but i am vonurable. I urgently request refuge from Peregrines forces.


Please... My army will fight to the death under your command.

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*Shin turns on his computer and instantly the compuer starts up by havinbg a picture of a hot chic saying, "hello shin, you're quite good at turning me on" Sure am shin thinks to himself.


You have 789 new messages, "ok someone get me something with caffine in it, now let's start with the first one...... WTF they're all from rudy"...


"i see all the same thing basically, join me or die, join me and become ultimately powerful, please join me, join me or the mafia will get you, join me please i'm dying.... this is rather bothersome im not going to join him he can die, i'm not in the war anymore, i've signed out."


BUT what is this....'join me and you can have all the women you want' "ooh, such a tempting offer, so very tempted, but must resist. I'm sorry Rudy you want to fight peregrine dont be so rash about it, do it carefully. Peregrine has no reason to attack me now, as i have not touched him and have left Pack Rat the betrayer's side. So i do not need peregrine attacking me just because you wanted to annoy him. NOW back to the kareoke bar.


10 minutes later.....


"So i said, kiss my arghth butthole *hic*, now where did i put that charcoal"


OOC> Ancalagon is right where the hack is Mojlnir, he's missing the party

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Rudy sits alone in his quarters on the drifting planet. His hands are in his lap, he is holding a snow-pistol, he tilts forward and back thinking.

A moment later he puts it to his head...


A war against an enemy that is invincible, a war that offers no alliances, a war that is hopeless


An officer walks in through the door and stops in his tracks at the site of his leader, contiplating his own suicide.


Without a thought Rudy squeazes the trigger and his officer flinches.


....The chamber was empty.


Rudy walks out of the room, pushing the officer away from the doorway.


At the control center Rudy issues an order to remove all offensive projects.


A week later the drifting planet is fully fortified. towers run all the way from the surface to the barrier in the atmoshere. from the tops of the towers generators are placed. Increasing the barriers strength 10 fold.

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Malchik sends a piece of pink meat to Shin's party. On it is a message. "Where the **** is that ShinJiOhium you promised me? I've got a very important top secret mission for Slaiv. Make sure he returns sober."


Malchik's first neutral ship lands near Rudy. "If you are not attacking in this conflict and you intend to remain neutral you may have access to unlimited supplies of food, medicine, alcohol, dancing and cavewhiches. If not you can have your freezer restocked with ice-cubes and that's the lot. What's it to be, mate?"

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*Shin says to Malchik "what's up doc?

oh cr@p, i forgot, umm Slaiv....."


*Meanwhile Slaiv is singing "and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiii will always love you...."


*"AACk!, blasted Slaiv and his catstrangling voice." mumbled shin "Slaiv, i need you to take this, it is a bag of charcoal water it takes all the alcohol out of your blood." Shin administers the charcoal to slaiv and says "Now, Malchik has been getting his hair ina fuzz of late because of his boredum, that Shinjoium content i found, be very careful not to un do the shields or you will be really fookt. Go i will remain and continue the stone cuter meeting...


"who keeps the martians under raps,

who keeps the metric system back

we dooo, we dooo we doooooooooooooo"


OOC> Malchik can you spell anything right... CAVEWICH SHINJOIUM

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<occ, the base is now complete, incase you people are wondering>


ohGr is sitting back in his chair, realising, that he forgot to warm up the cafe latte machine

oh no, not again!


he runs to the machine and quickly turns it on, he heard the satisfying hum of a coffee machine warming up, in celebration, ohGr takes a donut from the box of donuts, and happily eats it up, he says to himself

ahh, so much better, robed people who are actually human, another communications officer that has the greatest body i have ever seen, and a neverending supply of donuts and coffee...yep...its a matter of time before i have to start working out again


ohGr pours himself a cafe latte, and drinks it, after a few seconds, he is fully awake, in his looney state, he puts on his monkey suit, and jumps through the window, he turns around after hitting the snow and realises the glass reparied itself, ohGr begins to appreciate the advanced technology of his fellow humans, the communications officer calls out

oi, ohGr!, we need you up here, the donut machine is ****ed!


ohGr quickly stands up and as he runs back up the stairs he says to himself

must save donuts...must save donuts, screw donuts...MUST SAVE CINNAMON!


ohGr walks in, and the officer bursts out laughing realising ohGr took a machine that seriously, ohGr says

christ kate, you know im very sensitive to this machine, its death could impale my very normal lifestyle


kate (the officer) replies

yeah, well i wouldnt call it human...maybe inhuman


ohGr realises he is tired, so he gets another cafe latte, kate says

are you trying to break your record of 14 cups again, remember what happened last time, you were bashing on a sheet of titanium for 2 hours straight, all you need to do is look at the dints and the unusually large hole in the center of it and anyone could tell you were there


ohGr smirks and replies

thats my style, FORTRAN SMASH!!!!


kate laughs and says

well you better hurry up, fortran, you have a nuclear test in 3 hours


ohGr turns around with a big grin on his face

nuclear bomb test....im having another one, now i can always see the effect of a nuke on a nice quiet mountain, GRIM AND FROSTBITTEN NUCLEAR WARFARE OF THE NECROWIZARDS TRIUMPHANT DEATH MARCH!!!!


kate sits back down and says

gee, your only 20 yet you act like your 10


ohGr continues to act like a idiot in his hypo state.

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Andromeda system; Prague: Final battle


Pack Rat stands at the bridge of the "Hydra".

Together with the 20 godships a great number of the Prague fleet left Prague to face Peregrine... the final battle was about to begin...


The Red Nation marched a long way before they could finally face Peregrine...

The field around the Pegasus fleet didnt affected Pack Rat a bit... The Pegasus-fleet had done it's task... Now it was Prague's turn... Prague... The last moon of the free world now moved itself into war and the hope to finally defeat Peregrine and bring the end of the SnowClone Wars...


20 Godships formed one massive wall as the Crusader and Titan fleets of Prague moved themself above the Godships...

Prague had pushed everything out of her possibility's to prepare this fleet... The Red Navy wanted Peregrine dead and justice for the crimes he did... Justice for the over 15 milliard deaths Peregrine had brought to the Red Nation...

They were destinated to face the Universe's madman... The one who once scared all those in his path, the one that now fears what was about to come...

Peregrine knew that he stood alone now...

Slaiv fled on him... Luckely for Slaiv, or he would have found death in the conflict too...

Armiena was crushed as the Red Nation promised... And thinking that Armiena could have been victorious along side of Pack Rat... But no. She chose death and betrayed the Red Nation who once were her friends...


The once so certain Peregrine Alliance was now scattered and was nothing compared to what it once was... Peregrines once massive order was now nothing more but a scathered and unorganised fleet. Armiena was gone... Slaiv was gone... And for the first time... Peregrine was afraid, knowing that his end had come and that with him the War would finally end but not in the way he hoped for.


The Red Nation was from the beginning overwhelmed by Peregrine and his dogs...

They were defeated at Earth, they were defeated in total on Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune and when they finally reached Prague... The war turned... The Red Nation was no longer afraid for it's future and accepted it... But they would make a stand.

And then they realised Peregrines weakness... Divide and conquer. And that's what would actually bring the defeat of Peregrine... Peregrine was separated of his puppets and stood alone now, overwhelmed and facing total defeat...


Andromeda system: The Final Battle begins...


As the massive Red Navy wall moved itself towards the hastly scrambeled fleet and what was left of Peregrines fleet. No reinforcements from Slaiv or Armiena... They were alone as the Red Nation always stood against Peregrine.

The Red Navy moved itself towards the enormous fleet of Peregrine.... Enormous numbers but not the technology they needed to face the Red Navy...

Peregrine sended everything he had... This battle was too big to use many tactics here. Hope was the only thing he could do at his flagship. As both fleets moved themselves towards eachother the weapons were loaded and the shields were driven to the maximum...


With only 500 meters left between the two fleets, hell was unleashed... Canons and lasers fired out of full power and hundreds of lives where vanished in nothing more than 20 seconds.

Peregrines fleet moved itself towards the Titans and the Crusaders, the weak ships of the Red Nation but it was difficult to reach the them since the upper turrets of the massive warships shot them off.


The battle now raged in it's full fury and both sides suffered severe loses.

Pack Rat knew that now was the time to use a tactic.

He ordered the godships to take the lead and the Titans would clean up what was left.

The crusaders would move themselves beneath the godships and clean up there what was left of any hostile forces.

Peregrines men did everything they could but the Red Navy was rolling over them. Peregrines fleet was overrun and now began to flee but they hesitated.. They couldnt let Peregrine alone and turned around... turned around to see Death himself.

Peregrines flagship was heavily damaged and the front turrets were gone.

The "Hydra" launched several carriers to board the ship and finish Peregrine.

Several detachements of The Red Nation Infantry fought themselves trough the several decks, facing heavy opposition everywhere. At some places they succeeded to break trough and they kept advancing... Pack Rat was one of them... Carrying two Nation Blades on his back... He was here to end the war personally.

At the end Peregrines men were driven to the upper decks of the ship.

Pack Rat entered with a white flag...

Peregrine and his men were devistated...


Pack Rat drew one sword and threw the other towards Peregrine and spoke:

"The men have done their work. Now it's the Lords their duty to finish it..."

Peregrine accepted and drew the sword and prepared himself to face the Lord of the Red Nation. The man who he always succeeded in being one step ahead now outsmarted and outnumbered him...

Altough Pack Rat hated Peregrine so much he still gave him a chance to defend himself.

Both the men stormed towards each other striking their blades where ever they could. Pack Rat succeeded in blocking several attacks and then tried to attack himself. For one last time Peregrine outsmarted him and ducked away to the right. By rolling himself underneath Pack Rats sword he was free of the strike and then striked for himself.

Pack Rat cried of pain as Peregrines sword planted itself in the upper-rightleg.

He stumbeled and then fell to the ground, leaving a trail of blood.

For the Red Nation troops it seemed the end at that time but they feared to soon. Peregrine moved his sword above him and stroke with the speed of light. Altough his leg was mostly disabled Pack Rat succeeded in rolling away of the strike. The sword hit the floor. With the last remainings of power left he standed up and attacked Peregrine who kept blocking Pack rat's strikes but at the end failed cause of fatigue... The sword planted itself in Peregrines shoulder who now fell on the ground and dropped his sword.

Now Pack Rat had the chance to finish it but he didnt... For he could not kill Peregrine...

He putted his sword away and walked away of Peregrine. Peregrine could not lose with honor, grabbed his sword and wanted to throw it towards Pack Rat. But when he was about to let the sword go, the Red Nation Infantry opened fire, perforating Peregrine and killing the madman of the Universe...


Peregrine was dead and justice for his murdering and crimes had come. The once so outnumbered Red Nation achieved victory by fleeing to their last little moon.

By separating Peregrine from his puppets, he was lost...

Pack Rat himself died after the battle cause of the wound Peregrine gave him.

However his death was not in vain... Pack Rat promised to release the Universe of Peregrine, even if it would kill him...



ooc> If Peregrine agrees we will introduce a new scenario soon...

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BCG Longbow, Hyperspace:


"Crash translation in 5 minuites. Brace for impact."


The announcement echoed through the corridors of Peregrine's flagship. On the other side of the hyper wall, if all had gone well, Peregrine's lead squadrons had done their job and scattered Pack Rat's formation. But there was no time to check... Peregrine's desperate gamble would take the fleet out of hyperspace right into the middle of the battle with no way out but the death of Pack Rat.


And so isolated in hyperspace, Peregrine missed the death of his lead squadrons and his second in command.


Prague: Battlefield


Reality shattered and Peregrine's main fleet dropped out of hyperspace. Brilliant energy trailing from the ship's shielding, the fleet came down on Pack Rat's fleet at a speed no ship could match. The dangerous hyperspace jump had maintained most of the fleet's velocity, and now they would reach firing range in mere seconds.


Over eighty battlecruisers launched their full pod loads, then a full salvo from their internal launchers. Almost thirty thousand heavy anti-snow missiles slammed into Pack Rat's fleet like the hammer of God. Ship after ship shattered under a density of fire no defense could stop. But still the battlecruisers charged into the fleet, internal launchers already firing again. Every four seconds, another five thousand missiles hit Pack Rat's fleet, and this time each salvo targeted a single surviving ship. As Pack Rat's ships turned desperately to engage the new threat, their numbers dropped more and more with each second of delay.


Finally, Peregrine's battlecruisers slashed through Pack Rat's fleet, now in range of their energy weapons. 10cm broadside lasers stabbed through battleships as if they weren't even there. Ship after ship exploded, and now the survivors of the first wave resumed the attack. Pack Rat's surviving commanders had no choice but to order a retreat to Emour. Abandoning all hope of fighting, the surviving ships scattered, and somehow a few managed to get out of weapons range before they died.


As the last remains of Pack Rat's navy escaped, Peregrine contemplated his new planet. "Now what to do with my new toy...." An evil smile appeared on his face as his thoughts turned to divine wrath for those who had dared to defy him. But even now, he wasn't satisfied. On his map, one tiny point of light occupied his attention. Emour, the last stronghold of the forces still opposing him.


Paying no attention to Peregrine's latest insanity, the rest of his fleet entered the system. Repair ships moved into position to fix the few damaged ships of the second wave, and to salvage what little was left of the first. And in the distance, minelayers began setting up a defensive shell no attack could get through unnoticed and unhurt.

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Malchik still waits to hear from those involved. But as the day wears on he realises he will need a short holiday. He will be in touch over the next two days only intermittently - if at all! He hopes now that both Peregrine and Pack Rat have killed each other (interesting that) they will be back in less aggressive guises. But perhaps miracles are impossible!
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