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The Snow Arena


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"Interesting idea Alexei, but i meant how do we position our forces, being on the defensive, means we should have the uper hand... but also raises a question.. if we win here, what becomes of the bases belonging to the peregrinists will they remain or is peregrin throwing everything at us" says shin as he bites into a cavewich
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Prague is at the point of rebelliating against Peregrine. But for now they are overwhelmed by Peregrines fleet. If Peregrines fleet will be defeated here at Emour they will rise up and whipe out what is left of Peregrine on Prague. Than we shall return to Prague and prepare a large enough fleet to whipe out any remainings left of Peregrine and his fake cult.

The Novosibirsk and the Godships can easily make heavy bombardements on Peregrines fleet. The Titans and Crusaders, in total 700 ships, will keep any hostile troops away from them. However we need troops to withstand an attack... I was hoping we could count on the others for that part of the job?

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The comet is destroyed by the Novosibirsk.

Peregrine has to do with what his own ships can produce witch isnt much. Armiena herself has to do with what she has left witch is also reduced to a minimal.

Admiral Nickolai is trying to find more ships for the Red Navy but he doesnt promis anything.

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"So does this mean I've been promoted back to a General again?? YESSSSSS!!!!"


All stare at Slaiv, not believing that anyone could be this stupid....


"Uh, I mean.....ermm......uhhhhh......oh yeah! Malchik- do you have any of the Shinjoium flubber? We could use that to defend our fleet. Also, we should place man-made asteroids around the planet, and train our armies on simulators to teach them how to fight in this situation. Note that the asteroids would be coated with Shinjoium flubber, so as to make them invulnerable; this will stop Peregrine from destroying them and giving us the advantage. Also, every single ship in my fleet has the Suncrusher torpedoes loaded onto them, so if things are looking bad.....Well.......Let's just say that one of them can destroy an entire universe. Now think of what hundreds of thousands of salvos from hundreds of thousands of ships would do........ Yeah, so Malchik.....do you have the flubber yet?"


Slaiv takes a bite out of a banana flavoured cavewich.

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Okay. Malchik sees Slaiv hopping up and down anxiously. "The toilets are at the back, get a move on. I have the special flubber and will teleport it to Emour myself. But I warn you there is only enough for one ship unless you have cloning skills. I'll be along with my enchanted fleas, the scrying glass of Galadriel (second hand) and a couple of million inmates from hell. They're complaining about the lack of heat already from all that ******* snow you keep producing. But watch out. They are a bit unpredictable. And Moljnir has a Malchik clone machine somewhere if he can find it."


Slaiv comes back from the lavatory (bathroom to you).


"Okay you are promoted to the level of hitchhiker and you have two gifts, a guide to the galaxy and a pair of unstainable trousers for those moments that are really scary. If you can get into Peregrine's ship I'll promote you to head Shadwstrike. I think I need shortly to retire and concentate of eating, drinking and being merry."


He tells his fleet to pick up any wishing to join him in Emour and prepares to get there himself. Shin should already have the flubber.


It will take half a day or so using his special clothing.


"Line up the booze!" He shouts to Shin over his intrgalactic intercom. "I'm coming."

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"Awesome! Now I have The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy AND unstainable trousers. Oh, and my men should be able to come up with a cloning machine......."


Slaiv speaks into a radio:


"Hey, people! Start work on the cloning machine!"


"There we go. Oh, and I figured out that my men aren't really invulnerable. TOday one of them was pissing me off, so I threw a donut at him. He got offended and started squaking like a chicken, and started to attack me. I'm afraid I had to put him down. They are, however, incredibly resilient to any injury and are stronger than anything known in the universe; I found this out when he picked up a 14-ton barrel of Heineken and threw it at me. I had to shoot him with approximately 37 clips of ammunition...."


Slaiv spikes a gallon jug of Heineken with Brain and Nerve Tonic and Cough Syrup, and downs the whole thing in one gulp.


"And if we have to use the Suncrusher torpedoes, it doesn't matter, because we can all go hang at Ancalagon's place and become Ice Elves!"[/i]


Slaiv finishes his cavewich and starts on another one.....


"Ahhh yes cavewich......the One Cavewich.....to RULE THEM ALL!"


All stare at Slaiv again...


"Right, time to get into Peregrine's ship, then....."


ooc>has anyone figured out what mp is yet?

Edited by Slaiv
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"So, I see Peregrine was pleased to see me." Armiena receives the battle plans for the invasion of Emour, and studies it with a grin on her face.


More good news arrives. Her mini-bases in Prague's asteroid belt have been completed, and the first shipment of reinforcements will be arriving tomorrow. On top of that, research on a massive EMP cannon has been completed, and a specially designed cruiser is being built to use it.


"Excellent! Have the construction drones help the shipyards on that project. Order the fleet to rendevous at these coordinates." She recites the location for where they will wait for Peregrine's signal.

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Andromeda system; Prague; The Underground


Deep down of what is left of Prague the rebels keep fighting of Peregrines forces. Peregrines men succeeded in driving the Red Nation citizens to the Underground where they kept fighting.

Peregrines ground forces had to many casulties so decided not to enter the Underground anymore. As long as they are there they cant herm us, they thought.

Deep down the Underground a group of rebels is having a rest near a fire. Out of the darkness a man steps towards the group. It's a tall man, with several scars on his face. He has a red bandana around his head and has a rafled uniform of what once was the Red Infantry.


"Allright ladies! You've rested enough. We need to get moving..."

"Sergei? Have you heard?"

"Now what?"

"Our spies inform us that Armiena has builded some low-life bases into the Prague orbit..."

"She really doesnt know when to stop... Dont worry lads. At the time we are ready she will pray she never got near Prague..."

"How's the status up there?"

"As predicted Peregrine is preparing his fleet to move to Emour. The final battle will soon begin. Make sure you have everybody ready 0500H after Peregrine's fleet has left Prague. We need to overwhelm those who left behind."

"Sergei... What you think the outcome will be..."


"What makes you believe that?"

"Armiena... Her arrogance will defeat Peregrine..."

"You know something we dont?"

"Yep... Com'on now, we've waisted enough time already... Get your gear ready. We have a lot of invitations to send for the party..."


The group gets up and soon disappears in the darkness of the destroyed levels of the Underground.


At Emour Alexei is calculating the remaining force. Eric sits next to him...

"Allright, we have 20 Godships... 400 Crusaders and 300 Titans... Admiral Nickolai is looking for additional troops."

Eric looks up surprised...

"Where do you think he will find those?"

"I'm not sure... He said we had to hope for the best. He better returns before our time is up. We will need the Novosibirsks firepower..."

"Whats left at Prague?"

"The statis field witch contains the entire Pegasus-fleet... But we cant reach those..."

"For god sake! Alexei, you remember the message we intercepted? The coordinates Peregrine sended to Armiena. The coordinates of the same type of statisfield?"

"Yes, the statisfield where Peregrine kept himself safe..."

"Exactly... Somehow Armiena got inside the field... There is a way in. And if we can get in we can take out the field..."

"Yea but we dont know how to get..."

"As I recall we had some men on board of Armienas fleet at that time. Maybe any of them knows something. Some of them are here on Emour... I'll see what I can find out..."


With those words Eric leaves the room.

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