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The Snow Arena


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Yes Sir, I will get to work moving the launchers to the drifting planet immediatly!


Oh wait, they were all destroyed somehow, remember. Problem fixed.


The new ones are set up on the drifting planet anyway. (which is shielded)


ooc: does ooc meen out of character?


ooc: how did Peregrines ships get through your planetary shields anyway?

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<ooc: to launch missiles out, you have to drop the shields>


BCG Longbow:


"Sovereigns?? Is that the best he can do????"


Peregrine couldn't believe his own eyes as he watched the new arivals. Sure, they had destroyed one of his dreadnaughts, and five of the decoy drones, but those ships were barely 2/3 the size of his own battlecruisers! Even as he said this, one of them came in too close on it's attack run and smashed into the side of a dreadnaught three times its size. Burning wreckage bounced along the shields but not a bit of damage penetrated to the hull. Peregrine sent new orders to his escort screen, and a group of light cruisers moved into position to engage the Soveriegns. The "battleships" began to die under his cruisers' guns, and a few of the battleships added their firepower. Beams that were meant to destroy much larger targets killed the "battleships" with only a few hits. But Peregrine's main fleet had more important targets. Leaving a few escorts behind to finish up the Sovereigns, Peregrine's main fleet slipped past and deeper into the system.


On the map display, Peregrine's group finally reached the point of light that reperesented ideal firing range. And all of his newly arrived battlecruisers had full pod loads. Another 30,000 anti-snow missiles smashed into the defending fleet. Ship after ship became burning wreckage, almost randomly. The maximum range launch could not target as precisely as Peregrine would have liked, and clouds of missiles that would kill a battleship wasted their power on tiny escorts. But enough ot the battleships were hit, and brilliant fireballs marked the deaths of at least a few. As the defending fleet scrambled to fill the gaps in its formation, Peregrine's ships turned away, holding the defending fleet within missile range, but outsided the defenders' effective range. For now, Peregrine would take a reduction in accuracy in exchange for softening the defenses for his dreadnaughts to overrun.

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Two unknown advantages were with then defenders. Peregrine saw one looking from the window of his bridge: The drifting planet, which was now locked in Emours orbit was coming around Emours horizon. soon it was behind Peregrines line, but by then fire was already ripping through the hulls of ships on both sides.


Suddenly Rudys command ship emerged from Emours atmoshere, in escort five stolen godships loomed over the rest of the defensive line.


"Launch all available ships left on the drifting planet. ASAP. We can trap Peregrines forces."


the reply came quickly: "We have no ships remaining, they were all destroyed. You are on your own."


Rudy swore.


an explosian ripped through one ship in Peregrines line, Rudy stared at the large piece of burning rubble hurtling at the bridge.


"Evasive action!"


The command ship raised and flew over the rubble, their thrust was at 100% when it happened, A smaller chunk of hull apeared through the bridges view plate. It was to late to avoid, the pilot crew made it out just in time as the chunk smashed through the bridge. the airlocks shut as an explosion came within inches.


The bridge was destroyed.... The command ship continued uncontrollably at full speed directly over Peregrines line. Enemy fire ripped through the bottom of the ship. Peregrine saw the doomed ship as it dissapeared into the atmosphere of the drifting planet.


As Peregrines attack turned it saw a barrage of missles, snow nukes that had been launched from the drifting planet. it was a solid wall of explosives, each one with the power to destroy one of Peregrines battle cruisers.


A few of the ships broke formation turning back to the weakened defending line. They were the first to see a second barrage of snow nukes from the remaining ships in Rudys line. It was far less than what came from the opposite direction but still blocked the escape path.


A massive explosion came from both sides of the line of peregrines cruisers. The plan issued by Rudy before the command ships peril worked.


However the defending line was dwindling, another assult would shatter it.

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<ooc: stolen godships? who had those? I thought only pack rat did, and he's out of it>


BGC Longbow:


"All dreadnaughts, destroy that planet!"


The surviving 14 dreadnaughts altered course slightly, bringing their main guns into alignment with the drifting planet. The heavy siege guns glowed sligtly as they charged to full power, then 14 massive beams stabbed deep into the planet. Mile wide craters appeared in its surface, then began to expand into a web of cracks. The dreadnaughts turned a few degrees, sweeping the destruction across the planet's surface. The cracks deepened, and finally the planet began to break up. As the first sections drifted away, the dreadnaughts cut fire, and diverted power back into the shields and engines they had been forced to take offline to power the siege guns.


As Peregrine's fleet resumed its course along the edge of the defense fleet's range, he contemplated the system's other planet. The destruction of this one had been pretty, but what he really wanted was to see the death of Emour. But first, he would have to get his dreadnaughts through the defensive line and into firing range....

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Before the destruction...


The command ship was lodged deap into the drifting planets surface, as the survivors filed out into a chamber of dead ice zombies Rudy was the first to see the dreadnaught on a nearby monitor.


They were in the armory, hundreds of Avenger Snow Nukes were piled 5 high in storage.


Rudy knew he was dead when the plan hit him. Activate every explosive...


Rudy raced down a damaged corridor, everyone inside was dead.


He reached the control room just as the alarms rang, Enemy fire in bound Rudy reached the console and pushed the carcass of his officer aside. He worked the bloody controls swiftly. A warning message popped up in front of him, like he wanted. 'Self Destruct Activated'


Rudy smashed through a glass cover with his fist and hit the button under it before being instantly killed by a smash against the wall of the control room.


The planet was breaking apart. the signal for self destruct whizzed through every comm line, many just before they were ripped apart by the planets supperating crust. the signals reached their destinations and planetary destrucors where activated.


Peregrine saw the huge chunks of rock floating away for eachother, they had once been a planet.


He staggered back and fell as the blinding flash erupted from every chunk of the drifting planet. The heat from the blast began to melt the hull of his ships and the shields dropped rapidly. He was losing power. Peregrine shouted his last orders to flee before the shockwave hit him. It had already destroyed the dreadnaughts which flew by the LongBow at incredible speed. Finnaly, the strong hulls of the LongBow ruptured, the ship imploded killing Peregrine before sending the ship (crushed as a tin can) hurtling through his ranks and then Rudys defensive fleet.


The shockwave reached Emour, the force disabled the planetary shields for a moment, just long enough for every destroyed ship, Peregrines and Rudys hurtling down. They crushed the snowy plains beneath them as they landed. Each one bursted into flame.






Peregrine was dead. The war was over.

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<ooc: I believe there were a few complaints about one post kills!>


BCG Longbow:


"Abandon ship!"


The announcement echoed through the battlecruiser's corridors. The damage from the planet's explosion combined with the damage suffered in the first wave's attack had finally broken the battlecruiser's hull frame. The stress of the spin an impact had sent the ship into was breaking the ship open, and Emour's shield was approaching fast. Peregrine made one last check of his crew's safety, then slammed the eject button. As the pod floated away, he watched his former flagship break up, then slam into the planet's shield. When the last explosions faded away, no recognizable debris remained of the ship he had commanded for so many years.


Around him, other ships met a similar fate. Six more dreadnaughts died, but their deaths absorbed most of the impact. "Only" twenty more battlecruisers were destroyed, and a few more took hull damage. But a still powerful fleet emerged from the cloud of death. Eight dreadnaughts and over sixty undamaged battlecruisers continued on to meet the last defense line before Emour.


DN-S Divine Wrath:


Peregrine stepped out of the pod and into the dreadnaught's officer's hangar.


"Welcome aboard sir. We are honored to be your new flagship. We've got the last of the pods onboard, and we're standing by to attack on your order."


As Peregrine walked past the officer and towards the bridge, he had only three words to say: "Kill them all."


A few minuites later, Peregrine watched from the bridge of his new flagship as his fleet turned and began its final attack run. The eight surviving dreadnaughts were still enough to destroy the planet, if he could get them through....


The fleet reached firing range against the defense line. As the first missile salvos began hitting its battleships, Peregrine's fleet turned and began curving around in a long arc that would give them maximum missile engagement time as they closed. Again, the fireballs of anti-snow detonations began to light the defending fleet, and the universe's most devastating battle began to claim even more lives.

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Malchik issues orders to his fleas. They have now infested every ship except Peregrines new flagship.


"Attack - spread madness and disease. Make them unable to distinuish friend or foe. Go."


He turns to Shin. "Now what do you want me to do? It's damned cold up here!"


As an afterthough he says to Slaiv. "I promote to to jobsworth. Here is a ring of complete indolence. When you wear it you will be completely incapable of doing anything other than laze by the pool with beautiful women. And here are the fishnet tights of invisibility. They don't actually make you invisible but if your friends see you wearing them they will traet you as though you were."


Suddenly all of Peregrines ships except the flagship are totally out of control. Attacks are random on everything in sight even Peregrine's flagship.


Malchik sends an enchanted email to Peregrine. "Why don't you come and join the party, mate?"


Would he have the courage to accept?

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*Shin sits down... thinks and the swallows..."Malchik.. get the f*** out of there"

*As malchik flies quickly away shin commands contingency plan 2 to be put in phase


Peregrine had forgotten one crucial element in this battle, Shin's famed ice death star, of course it was unmanned so there were no spies but it had shielding none the less


Orders sir?

"Destroy that petty starship that is Peregrine's new flagship, while it is distracted by it's own units... We end that motherf***ers life and fleet once and for all! this battle is finished"


What of Armenia?

"So what it will be easy"


but Peregrine is famed as a god an indestructable one

"As that SOB would have you believe, but he is not"


How can you tell?

"Two reasons, one i am also a god but to come back to the land of mortals you have to be half-dead(slaiv is as well) and all that does is keep you in tune with the spirits...

The second, have you ever known an immortal person who needs to wear anti-explosion armour?

Clearly he is not as he claims to be. Now blast the S*** out of him!"



*The death star charged its weapons, let its shields down and fired on the flagship obliterating it into space dust... Peregrine COULDN'T have lived shields back up the death star resumed orbit and Emour watched on as Peregrine's units fired upon themselves.


Meanwhile right before it blew up, shin sent a spiritual(or telepathic) message to Peregrine.... "see you at Ancalagon's if he lets you in"


OOC> that wasnt one post really your ships are still there i just didnt like youre char. I wonder if that even worked... probably not but still if it didnt it is kinda unfair because i spoiled a suprise i was keeping so i could have the edge if i was losing and if you're still alive then that makes it REALLY unfair(and yes i am aware of the odds)


OOC>And in regards to the ships that Pack Rat stole well he actually just gave it to us long with his men and troops hmmm... another ace...

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(From the last I stopped)


Almelexia walks into the airship and she sees a large room with controlls and buttons. The man that the noble friend told them was standing in there,


-What do you want?


-We want to borrow this ship master and are going to fly us


-So you are almelexia huh? well Jaeibub told me about you and Hancir.


-Thats right we must leave as soon as possible


-Well I wil starts th air ship


-Good and what is your name?


-Jac but after all we are hunted by the city guards so you guys could call me in public J


Almelexia walks to one of the chairs and sits down


-Well then lets go!!

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*Starts as if from a long sleep, hears his name mentioned.


'....sngHuh? Oh right I'm awake....arrgh..'


*He stretches, and looks around, decides to view the Mortal Realms again, sees destruction, death, famine, war, and plague having a tea party. He recalls Anyar and Zanyar back to the blessed realm, recieving no message from Mojlnir. Ancalagon paces the about the Dais, trying to think of what to do. He knows that Peregrine and Rudy just took a massive wholloping from eachother, that ended in Rudy's demise and the subsequent demise of an entire planet. Emour was crippled, one of the last strongholds against Peregrine's forces was severly damaged. Yet so was Peregrine's forces (<ooc> I think, can't remember...getting...foggy...), which meant that he would have to spend a considerable amount of time recuperating and recovering from the onslaught and previous battle.


'Which gives Shin and the others time'


*Not to mention that some of the forces loyal to Rudy may have survived, and that a guerella war might be fought, until Peregrine amassed enough power to crush them utterly. Ancalagon walks to the Scrying bowl upon a marble-ice column and places his hand over it. The silverish liquid inside begins to swirl, then glows in a fiercly bright blue. He removes his hand, and the glow stays for several seconds, then slowly fades.


Glaurdranaught, Arcturus System, Andromeda Galaxy, 360 Light years from the periphery


*Ice Elves are gathered around a shimmering form of an Astral Spirit (one of Ancalagon's) and it is in Elven form, though it retains a silver aura and white eyes. They are conversing and holding a Council, when the Spirit starts from its seat. It pauses and closes its eyes, and a low key thrumming sound is heard. The Astral Spirit opens its eyes and the sound fades, it then stands and tells the Ice Elves:


'We have no more time for Council on who goes and who stays. You all must go, and we must leave within the hour. Ready your ships and I shall guide you past the Pillars of Guard into the Blessed Realm.'


*The Elves stand, and one by one fade off into the night to tell their kin, and to ready for the journey.

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