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OOC> Peregrine, you question a tactical fusion cube... yeah, well star trek may not ben that good, but i couldnt think of any powerful star wars ships.


"Slaiv... go if you must, but there is something wrong here.... WE didnt destroy Peregrine, i am considering if whether or not we should make this unknown foe pay, we have what we need to beat him, but i question whether or not it's worth it, when we have a potential ally..."


*Shin sat down and sighed, bring shield up to maximum, bring the rest of the fleet around from the other side of Emour... something just isn't right.....

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ooc: Shin, what do I do now that I am dead, can I be a half dead or what. Man, I cannot belive I sacrificed my character to kill Peregrine and it was like it never happened but low and behold I am still dead. Dang It.


Emour, Surface....


Zerek, Rudy's garrison officer on Emour paced back and forth. His leader was dead. His duty's were fulfilled. His masters wish was carried out, unfortunatly he had to give his life to contribute in the destruction. The garrison was non-existent. Through his own eyes he saw that he had failed.


He walked to the cloning machine and picked Rudy from a long list of DNA samples. Then he selected the proper Memory data and started the machine. He walked across the room to a liquid filled cylinder. A probe was inserted into a coin sized fetus. It was inserting the DNA. Now that the job was done the officer put his sidearm to his temple and the 22 mm. bullet made of ice (of couse) flew out the other side of his head, bring with it his own brains. The ice zombie fell to the ground in front of the cloning cylinder.

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<ooc>Whoa...Peregrine, the Mad God, the Swallower of Worlds, the Bird of Hell, is....DEAD? Or is this a feint?


Or will I finaly meet him at the Pillars of Guard and determine his doom?



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ohGr is back at the base after the somewhat pointless meeting, ohGr is more depressed than ever, still thinking about taking the easy way out, everything went away in a matter of seconds for him, his friends, his family, everyone he knew, ohGr picks up his gun infront of him, points it at the side of his head, and shoots himself, ohGr had realised he was going no where, he was too far from the rest, and even if he had decided to send some ships up, it would be too late, every thing was gone, and his memory flashed before him before he fell to the ground, everything turned dark, and eventually, he passed out right next to the picture of samuel jackson he was going to burn, because he had made so many crap movies.


a guard walks into the room

oh my f***ing god, hes tried it again


the guard runs out, screaming out to one of the medical officers, the medical officer runs up to ohGrs quarters, and tries to save his life, before his heart rate completely stops, the medic says

...theres nothing we can do...hes dead


in an hour the funeral is already finished, one of the guards is talking to a friend of his

ahh crap, now we're going to have to find a new leader, and you know what this means, restrictions, lights out at 11pm instead of the old 4am, rations, limited supply of food, damn this sucks!


the guards friend replys

well...almost anyone could predict this, remember, he used to go psyco in that robe, and have you ever seen him at the nuclear tests, he laughs his ass off, about blowing up a planet, the guy was going insane, it was a matter of time before he felt depressed enough to kill himself...if you ask me...its no coincidence


both guards walk away to their posts when Azgorth standing at the coffin says to himself

hmm...the degenerate killed himself...i could see this happenning...i guess its better for me to leave his corpse alone for a while...in his looney state...it would be him dying twice...a shame...


kate is also standing at the coffin and says

guess i didnt know you too well...but we still had out good moments, those times when you were in a happy mood, glad about everything...nothing seemed wrong...what happened


some people begin turning around to see a man in a robe with a scythe, the snow covered the feet area of the robe, and it seemed to look like ohGr...except...as a skeleton, the robed skeleton gutted the two soldiers at the front of the base, and realised that everyone would have their arms ready, it ran to the side of the base, and called to azgorth

you betrayed me, you betrayed me!, im going to get you, and when i do...i can finally rest, im going to get you, you betrayed me!, im going to f***ing get you you false god!


azgorth realised, the things he spoke of, everything he said to ohGr must have gotten too far into him...it must have turned him insane, causing a undead him to avenge his life.

azgorth knew waiting around wouldnt help much, so he ran, he ran to one of the ships, and took off, it was either him, or ohGr...and for now...azgorth decided to run from a lunatic.

ohGr was still in his mental state, he was running around mercilessly slaughtering anyone he saw, 20 minutes later, the base was dead quiet, and ohGr just stood there, staring ahead, waiting for azgorth to come back, it seemed azgorth stole his soul, which caused ohGr to kill himself, and ohGr knew, by killing everyone and creating a ritual with other undead ones, he could complete himself, still being dead, but the same in soul and mind, only stronger, faster, better.


<occ, well...i decided to kill meself for a while before coming back as a dead person, well...sortof dead once i get my soul back off azgorth, now, if im right, peregrine is dead, pack rat is dead...and umm...nothing noticeable is happening?>

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An enchanted email arrives by Slaiv's side. "I am taking a holiday. Unfortunately my army of fleas was destroyed with Peregrine. I am in need of rest and relaxation before breeding the next lot. I appoint you head of Shadowstrike in my absence. Your weapon will forever be enchanted with extra endurance (make sure tha ladies know this) and here is a helmet of 'create chaos'. It has only one use every thirty days so don't be rash with it.


So long and thanks for all the fish!


Malchik goes for a well earned rest at a top secret location. He will be back should a new scenario start up.

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OOC: Anti-matter, anti-energy, anti-whatever is very powerful stuff. You don't want to be anywhere near it. A small amount (say a single gram) can create a very large explosion.


"Sir, our man on Slaiv's fleet is dead."

"He did his job then?"

"Yes, we detected a large explosion in his bridge. Unfortunately, Slaiv is half-dead, so..." the lieutenant's words trail off.


"It still gives us time to run. Move our asteroid bases to this location." She taps the map, indicating a region almost totally surrounded by black holes. It would provide an excellent hiding place, at least until Peregrine's return.


"Oh yes, fire the rest of our anti-snow missiles towards Emour. We won't be needing it for a while."

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With everything in dissary on the Mortal Plane, Mojlnir searches for familiarity on which to hang his sanity. Peregrine dead? His forces scattered? Who is this Parkes and what is he doing? Most bizarre.


Shaking his head, Mojlnir turns and walks back into the Great Hall of Ancalgon's castle, in search of something to eat and a hot cup of tea to help clear his head of the confusing images he has seen.

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