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The Snow Arena


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Hearing Ancalagon's call and having experienced a dream very similar to his, Mojlnir returns from his wandering of the Void, certain that the impending Doom will bring new notches to his pistol grips.


"My business is killing...and business is about to get good." mutters Mojlnir as he passes through Ancalagon's massive gates and into the sanctuary.


Heading to the tower, Mojlnir decides to see what Ancalagon has brewing.


The time alone in the Void has altered Mojlnir's appearance and he is now darker and more brooding than ever. Once clean shaven, he now wears a long beard, braided and forked. His hair has grown long and gives him the look of a derranged lion. Heavy physical training has rebuilt his body into a hulking mass of muscle, while martial arts training has maintained his agility and flexibility. He appears barbaric in every way save his eyes. They are sharp and alert, missing nothing while at the same time revealing little, save to those who know him well.


More oddly still, Mojlnir is not alone. He is accompanied by three others, battle-mates and travelling companions from times long since passed. They have wandered the worlds as well, though always ready for the call to reunite under their taciturn leader. The largest of the three companions, Rothgar, is a giant of a man, standing nearly 8 feet tall and built as if he were cut from granite. A Frost Giant, Rothgar was cast from his ancient home in the time before memory and has wandered with Mojlnir for longer than either can recall. The second companion is a man of about Mojlnir's height, though of slighter build. Called Loki, he is a master of deception and stealth, having numerous times discovered and alerted his friends to ambushes and traps. Fiercely loyal, Loki has travelled with Rothgar for countless ages, and relishes the chance to be reunited with Mojlnir again on the eve of battle. Lastly, an odd looking little man dressed in furs and riding a stocky horse. Called G.K. by his friends, the little man literally shakes with a barely contained fury that borders on maddening bloodlust. Useful in battle and a steadfast friend, the little man often becomes a handful in the long periods between battle.


Turning to his companions, Mojlnir informs them of who they are about to meet.


"Ancalagon is friend in all places, and in the coming times, he will be our greatest ally. G.K...don't piss on the floor okay? And Loki, I swear to god if you try to steal his pants, I will beat the hell out of you myself. Clear?"


With that, the Four Horsemen walk into the Great Hall, reunited once more.

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OOC> no ancalagon, i didn't mean the part about the mormans i meant when you said s*** without censorship but it doesnt matter.... Oh cr@p Peregrine is here keep working people. :shifty:


Oh yeah and 45 pages joy take that other illustrius site, who also had a snow arena of sorts.


*In the Cavewich store, Buisness was booming..."yes now i can finally buy that thing... that i wanted to buy!"

*The Patrons all look at him in stupor :blink:


*"I mean thank you for your buisness, come again"

*Everything returns to it's bustling state... and shin goes back to making profits from his new cavewich restaurant chain called KFC(Kool Frozen Cavewich) When suddenly 3 men in suits walk in...



"Yes, that's me"


"We have the right to sue you for name theft.."

"What name theft?"


"KFC already belongs to a fried chicken franchise being sold over 30 worlds"

"Well, Cavewhich is just for the blessed realm, so get f***ed"


"Yes, but we're opening a KFC just across the street"

"I said, get lost!"


"Then you leave us no choice KFC makes trillions a year and you make a mere 100,000 icicles... how petty, we'll see you in court" *The 3 suited men leave and shin says

"Well no-one told me"

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ooc> Thanks Peregrine, now I can return ^_^ :halloween:


New Earth, exact location: Unknown


As an icy wind wholes over the mountains a man stares trough binoculars and checks the horizon for incoming forces. The rest of his face was hidden into a white cloth the secure his face from the wind. He weares a black uniform with a black cap. Clearly a former Russian idealist but who had been banned along with his unit from the former Russian Nation because they could not let the "old" politics go...


The Red Nation had always contained the "old" politics but this colony only cared about getting the most powerfull. So the colony was teared up by civil-wars. Over the places new massive corporations began to form again and they had become this man's customers along with several leaders of the other factions that had formed on this New Earth.


People didnt quiete liked them because they hung vast to the "old" politics.

This man had become heartless if it was regarding the "other" civilians of New Earth. He only cared about his men and himself. So did his crew of a quiete unknown number of men and women who were removed of the Army. They only cared about their "colonel" and themselves. Altough these men and women were coldhearted when it came down to other people there was a vast unity in the group. They would always stand up for eachother. They were brethren and each one of them would give his life for another as long as that other person was one of them.


Even they needed money for their supplies and food so they became mercenary's. Deadly trained by the Red Army, they had become one of the best-known mercenary organistion on New Earth. Everybody knows they have a large base somewhere but no one knows where. The base was well hidden into the icy mountains and was well defended by machinegun-turrets. They even had workshops where they created their "mobility". Leopard tanks, humvee's, huey-helicopters and even several feared Tiger-helicopters. These men had all the equipment they needed. They were good and there for they werent cheap. Only rich factions and corporations could afford these men. They had no valor if it came down to something outside their group. They killed whoever they were paid for to kill, as long as it were not children.


After making sure he couldnt see anything on the horizon, the man turned and walked inside the well hidden base.

"Close the gate", he said to a few men who had guard duty at the gate.

"Allright, Colonel."

One of the men pressed a button in the bunker they kept guard and the gate automaticly closed itself.

With the sound of a lock that was locked the door stood still again.

The man himself marched trough the base towards his quarters. On his door there was a sign.

"Colonel Alexei Nickolai", it read.

Alexei entered the door and sat down behind his desk. He checked out some invoices that had to be send to some of their "customers".

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Malchik is having a good...




"What is all that wailing and gnashing of teeth. I thought I'd left that all behind and yet I can still hear it?"


He struggles out of bed and searches for his scrying glass of Galadriel (second hand). Shin is in trouble with the law? How can this be?


He dresses hurriedly and beams himself up to his teleport chamber. Instead of going himself he sends a hologram to Shin.


"Can anyone tell me what is happening here. Can't a guy get a bit of peace and quite and - you know - without cries for help. And who was it who cried out anyway? I just got the end of the message. Something about Doom."


"Okay, if it's saving the world I'm up for it!"


He suddenly notices that he has dressed in his former 'entertainments' fish net tights.


"Oh ****." He quickly don's his current uniform all read and gold braid! He returns in hologram form to Shin. "Sorry about that!"


"Tell me where I'm needed and what I should bring."


He mixes himself a Red Biddy and waits for a response.

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Slaiv returns.......


Slaiv enters the Blessed Realm on his mount, answering Ancalagon's call.


But Slaiv does not seem the same as he has been...


Unlike his former, mortal self, this character is a lot darker. Garbed in a black, torn, hooded cloak, Slaiv's face and body remains unseen. Slaiv's figure is enshrouded in darkness and shadow. He carries with him the sword Chirraam So'llas [sheer-rom So-loss], the Claimer of Souls. He is mounted on a black steed, with flames dancing in his eyes.


"I guess this is what my soul looks like, for my siding with Peregrine will not be forgotten, no matter how much I try to redeem it. It will always remain that I sided with evil, but my deeds afterwards redeemed me, so that I may enter this place. Though I look dark and inhuman, I have redeemed my soul and myself...."


Slaiv rides up to KFC [shin's], and after buying a cavewich, Slaiv says:


"Howdy Shin! What's up? What have we been summoned for?"

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Shin says to Slaiv...


"Slaiv, don't you have to be dead to get into the blessed realm... and yes i am aware that i am not dead, but there are only 2 of these shirts and Malchik has the other"


"Ancalagon's problem? what isn't his problem but i think this time he's just worried about Peregrine or something getting in here and destroying it all"


*Shin and Slaiv go for a walk in the local forest, "Ok look, i also have a problem i need you as a witness, now you have never heard of something called KFC before have you?....

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"Nope, never heard of it. [if that's what you want me to say :D] And by the way, I got this shirt at one of those cheap Chinese Shirt Retailers [no offense] on the streets of New York, back on Earth II."


The shadow covering Slaiv's chest blows to the side, revealing a shirt saying:


"I'm trying to be very sneaky be pretending to be dead, and I'm doing a helluva job at it!"
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Never heard of it you say, not even in all 30 worlds that it exists in this is good now i have a case they cant sto my cavewiches, they never can.


*At that moment Shin returns to the store only to see it blow up.... oh, you SOB


*Shin says to Slaiv "I must go"


*And with that shin decends down a staircase, and decends into darkness in the basement of his blownup store, the snow stopped the fire....

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"Hmmmm...KFC or KFC?" Mojlnir asks his companions.


"What's the difference?" asks Rothgar, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.


As the group looked at each other, a yell was heard from what appeared to be a burned out building...


"The difference?!" hollared Shin from the basement, "The difference?!!!!"


"Who was that?" remarked Loki.


"Oh, that's Shin, a good buddy who just got his place trashed by a bunch of corporate no-necks with suits. They put up the competing place across the street, named KFC and then blew up Shin's joint."


"Well," quipped G.K. with a dangerous gleem in his eye, "I'm not doing anything right now, whacha say we give KFC something to think about?"


"I'm down," mutters Mojlnir, gently stroking the barrel of his grenade launcher, "Let's do it!"


And with that, KFC disappeared into a giant fireball as four slightly insane friends unloaded a giant wave of heavy weapons fire on its red and white bucket. When the fire died down, G.K. ran up to what was left of the building and started to kick the ruins.

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New Earth; Warshau; The Local opera


As the Opera "Carmen" took place, it attracked lots of warshau inhabitants. The entire opera was booked for the opera of "Carmen". While the visitors were enjoying the opera, a black stolen BMW stood outside waiting. In the car itself sat two men. Each one of them wore a black costume. They looked like ordinary opera-visitors but only few knew that the man on the passengerseat had two Yarygins holstered beneath his vest.


While passing by the car you could hear Wagner and his "Ride of the Valkyries". From time to time they looked at the entrance of the opera. Waiting for the people to leave.

The man behind the wheel had laid his gloved hands onto the steering wheel.

While having another look to the entrace he spoke:

"Who is it this time? Someone familiar?"

"Not exactly... Look at his picture, this guy just asks for it..."

The driver takes the picture

"Arrogant one, he!"

"So it seems, appearantly he took a whole lot of money from someone and blackmailed the person."

"Blackmail? He steals money and then he blackmails?"


The driver smiles...

"Ah yes.. Fraude?"

The passenger knods and smiles

"We get half of the money he stole for our little service..."

The driver has another look at the entrance.

"Tell me, Alexei. How much would that be than..."

Alexei smiles as he watches his watch and then looks towards the entrace.

"Oh something around 15 million dollars..."

The driver smiles and knods his head.

"Now I know why he pissed someone of this badly."

Alexei knods. The driver looks towards Alexei.

"Alexei, if I may but what do you do with the money?

Alexei looks up surprised

"What? You know what happens to the money... We all get the equal share and the rest we use for our equipment ..."

The driver knods

"I didnt ment it that way, I mean what do you do with your share..."

Alexei smiles

"Ah, wel I keep the most away and the rest I use to nurse my birds..."

The driver smiles while looking towards the entrace once again.

"Birds? What kind?"

Alexei smiles as he watches the entrance.


The driver know looks toward the street ahead.

"Typical for you... Predator birds... How many do you have at the moment?"

Alexei thinks loudly

"Well I got 3 Hawks, 2 Towerfalcons... And then the pride of my collection, 2 magnificent Peregrines..."

He clearly smiles as he remembers his birds.

"Are they trained?"

"Sure they are... These birds are killers and darn good ones... Especially the Peregrine, the fastest bird in the world. I got a male and a female for know but they are breeding. The female is now breeding on two eggs so in some weeks I'll have four Peregrines..."

Sergei notices that Alexei is enjoying talking about his birds but has to stop his friend for the moment.

"Enough talked for now, there they are..."

As Sergei points the entrance, the opera visitors leave.

"And whats the escapeplan?"

"There is a Huey waiting outside the city, right over here..."

Alexei points the location on the map.

"They will take us back to the base..."

"And what about this car?"

"We take it along... We'll melt it back home and use the steel for other purposes..."

Alexei looks at every person that leaves the opera. All of a sudden a man with long hairs leaves the opera sided by two beautifull girls.

Alexei notices it and has a last look on the picture.

"That's him", he says as he points towards the man.Sergei notices the two girls.

"I wonder if their services are cheaper than ours?"

Sergei smiles as he speaks.

Alexei knods and takes one of his Yarygins.

"Ride pass them..."

The black car know drives silently pass the man and his girlffriends. At the end of the street Sergei turns the car so that the man walks at the side of the passenger.

Alexei opens the window and waits for the right moment...

"No witnecess, Alexei..."

"Hold on... Wait untill they go into that alley..."

Alexei concentrates. He can't afford to miss or they'll have to start all over. As the man and his girlfriends walk into the alley Alexei shoots three times. Three dry sounds of gunshots fill the alley. The man grabs his chest and drops to the ground. He took two full hits. One of the girls took a bullet straight in the heart, the other girl screams and tries to run away.

Sergei watches how she desperates tries to get away.

"Finish it..."

Alexei shoots another two times and the girl drops dead, being shot two times in the back.

"Get us out of here..."

This all happened within 10 seconds, as the car drives away. After 40 minutes they reach the helicopter.

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