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New Earth: Sarajevo-base


"Valkov thought I would call him... He wants the location of Sarajevo..."

The others knod. Sergei keeps staring in his drink. All of a sudden he looked up.

"Mitchell told us he was C.I.A. witch means his file is classified... No one could have known he was C.I.A. unless..."

"... they had acces from the inside. You're right! The "Yanks" have corrupt men inside."

"What do you think of Valkov? And of Mitchell?"

"Mitchell was too frightened, he spoke the truth. We need to get him out."

"Why? Charity isnt exactly our strongest side..."

"Because if he really has been locked down in Siberia I believe the man has suffered enough and if Valkov is who I think he is..."

"You got an idea?"


Alexei knods. He isnt sure but he knows to look in what direction.

"St Petersburg..."

"You want to send some men over?"

"Won't be necessary... I'll contact some old friends."

"What friends?"

"From the time we were K.G.B... I think they could use the exercise."

Sergei smiled. Most of the "Sovjets" used to be undercover K.G.B. to eliminate corrupt officers in the Red Army. Someone found out about them and sold them out. Alexei believes that Valkov was one of the corrupt officers and problably still is... It is publicly known that the "Sovjets" are still related to all former K.G.B-agents, another reason why people tried to stay out of there way.

"Those men were russian?"

"Russian, American, German, they dont care what they are as long as it pays!"


"I believe it's revenge this time. But we'll find him and we will make him pay for Boris and send Mitchell back to the U.S.A."

"What about Parke?"

"Send him word that I'm gratefull and that I'm in his debt. If he ever needs me tell him to contact Ivanovitch."

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After consideration and mental dabate Rudy makes the decision to contact an old allie, Shin


I have discovered a buried city, it seems that there are many unused resources and...stuff. I have stumbled across a substance I do not recognize, It is glowing, metal like and is very heavy. My calculations show it has a mass of 100 grams per cubic inch. It puzzles me, some energy is being emitted from it- what the hell is that- Shin! Shin! I am under attack! May Day! May Day! *Gunfire and screaming* HELP!!!!!!

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New Earth; South of St. Petersburg; Valkov Manor.


Beckam enters the all too familiar room of the Valkov manor. Valkov sits behind his desk in a shadow. He has all the curtains closed. Beckam takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk. He looks down to see a bank account number written on a small piece of paper.


"Listen, dont talk. You have succeeded in the assigned task and as promised in that account is one-hundred, fifty thousand US dollars. I want you to go. You will be taken and placed on a plane to be sent back to the Republic. I was just wondering one thing. Did you tell them my name? I really hope you did, because if you didn't then the mafia will be looking for you from the moment you step off of that plane." Valkov remains silent and waits for his response.


"Of course, I didn't tell them. I didn't think I was suppose to. And I am not leaving. Because as you said the moment I get off of that plane, every damn man in the Russian mafia will be out to kill me! You owe me protection!" Beckam sits as Valkov stands and walks around into the light. He is about sixty years old, tall, slim and wears a military uniform adorned with metals. He holds a pistol in his left hand.


"I'm glad. Otherwise you'd be dead. My name is General Mishkin Valkov. I'm ex-KGB, ex-military, and considered a radical anarchist among my friends . . . who I killed. I am glad you feel I owe you protection, for that I do. I have got great plans for the future of Russia. You, hopefully, will be a part of it. My second task for you is to lead my operation in Moscow. You're ride is waiting outside. I am glad to do business with you . . . Evan Mitchell." Valkov holds out his hand toward Beckam.


Beckam shakes."Lets keep it Beckam. Mitchell was the good-hearted marine I killed many years ago. And I am glad to work with you."


New Earth; On Route to Moscow.


Beckam rides in a BMW 740i, which is the last car of three, on his way to Moscow. He sits in the back seat with a small Russian man and another sits in the passenger seat. They all have been having a good conversation in Russian. Beckam couldn't understand a word of it. After many moments of silence, the passenger tells the driver something in a peculiar tone. The car pulls over to the side of the road leaving the caravan.


"Get out." The Russian beside Beckam has a pistol pointed at his head. Beckam opens the door and gets out of the car. He walks a few meters away from the car. The small Russian gets out, stands, and then fires one round at Beckam's head. Beckam's body falls to the ground. The Russian gets back into the car and they depart. Beckam lies motionless for a about ten minutes. Then he feels the back of his head and only has small scrape from the bullet. He timed his fall just right.


"Seems right they'd try to kill me. Thats twice I've had to dodge a bullet. Probably get me the third time. Nevertheless, my only hope is with the mafia." Beckam reaches into the pocket of his coat and retrieves the cellphone he stole from the manor. He fiddles with the wires and chips. He then types a message that will be sent to every cell phone in Europe. The message is as follows:


To Alexei: Need help for E.M. Can find between the capital and the saint.


Beckam then crushes the phone and throws it into the snow. He then begins to walk south toward the city.

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Armiena slides away from her desk, having finished her addition to the Book of Peregrine.


The Book of Rebirth, Chapter I

As it was written: Even though the leader falls, another will rush forward to carry his banner.  The faithful will rise again on distant worlds, and fight to destroy the infidels in the Third Age.  They await their new leader's ascension eagerly, for she will lead them to victory, and reward their loyalty beyond the dreams of any mortal.  Beware, unfaithful, for doom comes, and you will beg for death before the end.


"I'm not sure if this really does Peregrine justice. It's somewhat.... different from his writings," she says to Chavez.

Chavez looks over her shoulder.

"Hmmm.. It is somewhat different. Well, different writers."

"Transmit it to our base for publication."


Armiena cuts off her conversation with Chavez as she sees an aide approaching.

"Your Holiness, your plane is ready for your trip to Cuba."

Excellent. Outwards, I'm making sermons to the Cubans. But at night, I'm out in the nightclubs, smoking cuban cigars.... T'is good to be Pope.

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-Onboard one of his corporate jets, Mojlnir and Rothgar are enroute to Prague-


"Any word on the situation in Prague?" Mojlnir asks casually.


"Some more activity, but nothing serious...you're right, those Russians are efficient" answers Rothgar from behind the latest issue of The Guardian Weekly.


"We'll see how things go, we should be on the ground in about 3 hours." says Mojlnir. "I hope the food is as good as I remember..."

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New Earth: Prague, Public Airfield.


As Mojlnir and his compagnions got of the plane they saw two blue BMW's waiting. Several men stood beside the car. As they saw Mojlnir leaving the stairs two of them walked towards him. Mojlnir stopped at the end of the chairs, not feeling confortable.

"Sir Mojlnir, I presume?", One of the Russians spoke.

Mojlnir knoded.

"My name is Il'ya Romanov. I am the new manager, after the tragic fate that has come over Boris Selenikov, of the "Red Star" so I do not belong to the Sovjet-organisation. We will escort you safely to the hotel where you may spend some time. You have an apointment at 11.30 PM at the Red Star. It's is very close nearby your hotel, you should be able to find it. Contact me in the "Red Star". Oh and I advise not to take any weapons along. The guards will search you anyway before entering and they will refuse anyone carying some "hardware". Do not worry, you are under the protection of the Russian maffia and the "Sovjets" as long as you reside in the Red Star."


Moljnir agreed and soon the two BMW's left. The cars stopped in front of the hotel. As Mojlnir entered the hotel he was quiete surprised. The Russians made him stay in problably the most beautifull hotel in Prague.

"Here is your key, you have two rooms. Do not feel obligated to use both of them, we didnt know with how many you were coming. Enjoy your stay."


New Earth: Road to Moscow

AS Beckam stumbeled to Moscow two heavy cars stopped with screaming tires beside him. Two men jumped out of the first car and dragged him inside, taking off with screaming tires again. Beckam hears the man in the passenger seat speaking to the man next to him. They speak russian and he doesnt understand a thing.

"How is he doing?"

"A nasty wound but he'll live.."

"I should kill him for murdering Boris!"

"Do that and the Sovjets will do much worse things to you. For now he's our only lead to Valkov."

"Who is this Valkov anyway?"

"A corrupt officer from the Red Army, Aleksei and the K.G.B. got rid of him because he sold Russian weapons to Afghanistan during the war. He was sentenced t death for betraying his country. Valkov disappeared on the day they would execute him for his treachery. Somehow he got away, problably some lap-dogs left in the Army."

The man in the passenger seat knods and looks to the road.

"Bring him to Ivanovitch..."


New Earth: Prague, Ivanovitch second estate.


as Beckam woke up, he felt the bandage around his head. He looked around and saw a man standing in the door. The man yelled trough the hall.

"Aleksandr! He's awake!"

A minute later Ivanovitch enters the room and sits down next to Beckam.

"Seems you've chosen for the wrong side. You are lucky you had orders or Aleksei would have killed you for certain. Now he's after Valkov... Valkov, former Red Army and former K.G.B. Correct?"

Beckam knoded. He still couldnt believe how efficient these guy's were. They knew everything within seconds. He clearly made a bad move by killing one of them. Ivanovitch spoke again.

"Listen, we know your name isn't Mitchell. Let's say we took the liberty in contacting some American friends of us. Mitchell is dead for years, murdered... Problably by you... We'd like some intel around you, making sure we wont make the same mistake again by having some charity with you. Tell us everything and we'll make sure you will be safe."


In the meanwhile Ivanovitch had sended a letter to Parke.

Honorable Jonathan Parke, President of the United States Republic.


I speak in my name but I also have the honor to speak in the name of Aleksei Nickolai. You must understand that that I am the only one who is able to communicate with the "Colonel". Everything he says goes trough me. He insisted that I let you know that we are very gratefull for the information you gave us. Aleksei is very gratefull. We also know of your "deeds" and Aleksei congrats you with your way of acting. I hope you know where I'm talking about. Aleksei also notified me that you should contact me if you have any matter to be solved. A favor for a favor, you might say. You should also contact me if you are visiting Prague or any other place in the former Sovjet-Union. Aleksei would be honored if he could meet you.


Aleksandr Ivanovitch

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Inside the Idaho homestead Malchik has been left alone with a man dressed in a heavy black cloak. A wide-brimmed hat is pulled so low that all Malchik can make out is that the man has a beard. When he speaks his voice has a foreign accent, perhaps Hungarian, certainly from central Europe. He speaks in a strongly sibillant way, more like a hiss. It could be an attempt to conceal his voice.


Malchik is supposed to know this man but he certainly does not.


The man clears his throat and sighs out. "You have heard of Warwick the Kingmaker?"


Malchik quickly thinks of his usual contacts, Peg-fingered George, the one-armed bandit; *kittie kittie* Golightly, the cat burglar and Peter Mann the safe breaker. Once he came across a Giapetto the toy-maker and even that most cringe-making guy ever to meet at a dinner party Eric the Usually Red With Embarrassment.


"I don't know anyone called Warwick."


"He is dead!"


"Well -er -what - er-"


"He died several hundred years ago. He was in that insignificant little island known as Great Britain - though not called by that name then, of course. He was never the King but was the maker of them. You see, I am no one. I do not exist. And yet few people in this world who matter manage it without my assistance. Whatever they may think to the contrary."


A dry chuckle emerges. "They do not even realise they have strings when I pull on them!"


The man rises. He seems tall but the cloak goes to the floor. Malchik cannot tell if he is disguising his height as well.


"There are some who seem to want to change this state of affairs. You and I are going to change it back!"


"Er - me? Listen, I'm just a con-man, a small-time petty crook who..."


"Who in the guise of Margaret Thatcher pushed through some of the most right wing policies the UK have seen in years. I know what you did to the real Maragaret Thatcher."


Malchik babbles "I wanted the backlash, you see. People always think you can get away with murder under free enterprise. Really my job is so much easier when there is a wealth of government bureaucracy no one can be bothered to wade through..."


"There are several world leaders today who have circumvented my time honoured system. You can be sure their ends are not as mine and they must be stopped. In the facility below this house I will supply trainers in the simple arts of poisoning, silent garrotting and various lethal little moves learned from martial arts. I will return shortly to see that you have mastered them all. And believe me - it will be a question of kill or be killed, even in the training."


The man sweeps out.


And all he'd wanted was a little place in which to defraud those who expected real meat in their burgers!

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Neu Bundesrepublikdeutschland Government Headquarters


"Sir, the votes have benn collected."


"What are the results?"


"You have become the new President of Die Neu Bundesrepublikdeutschland. You managed to get 83 percent of the total votes. No one else even came near you in the standings."




Neu Bundesrepublikdeutschland Government Headquarters, Presidential Wing


Slaiv begins his Presidency with some new strategies.....


"Begin our new "educational system".....


"Yes, Sir. We will begin immediately......"


As of now, the citizens of Die Neu Bundesrepublikdeutschland are being influenced by the subtle new "advertisements".....


The children and teens in schools are being taught to follow Slaiv, subtly.......


Soon, Slaiv will remove himself from the seat of President......


And place upon himself the crown of Dictatorship........

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Armiena does some research on the history of the Pope's power.

In the Medieval Ages, the Pope of the Roman Catholic church was arguably the most powerful man in the world. He controlled the salvation of his followers. With a mere word, he could cut them off from the church's services. And from heaven.


He had the power to send thousands of knights and peasants to die in the Holy Land. Only until the Protestant Reformation was his reign challenged.

Even then, Europe was in his holy grasp. However, the concept of the separation of church and state limited his power, until he was merely a figurehead.


Unless, of course, she could pass through new laws that would give her the Pope's old power.



The tall, muscular man enters the room.

"Send a message to our base. We need some clones here. Tell them to send the finest speakers, the most influential politicians."


The next day, another disc-like transport lands in Nevada. The clones reach Armiena's hotel in Cuba before the United States' military even detects their arrival. Armiena gives them their forged papers, identifying them as prestigious members of Italy's legislation, and their mission, to push through legislation that would give her control of Italy.

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Poor Malchik is undergoing a gruelling regime of fitness training. In the few moments free he is expected to learn tomes on poisons and various fatal 'accidents' that can be brought about by the use of chemicals.


It is quite clear that he is going to be used to assassinate somebody. But who and why?


"Why me?" He groans.


The man is behind him. He has this horrible way of gliding up as silently as midnight.


"Your first assignment will come soon. I will arrange for you to meet a man of some importance. You will not need to kill him. There is some information I need. Please lose another twenty pounds as quickly as possible. It is easy to make a thin man seem fatter. Very much harder to do the reverse."


"Malchik, weak with exercise and lack of sleep grunts. "Are you going to let me know anything?"


"There is always a risk that you might fail. I would not want you to be in a position to talk."


He places a box of casette tapes in front of Malchik.


"Be fluent in Afrikaans when I return."


He glides away as creepily as he must have arrived.

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