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The Snow Arena


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Henrik Vaalman is the reclusive controller of the world's gem trade, with influence over international banks and it is rumoured the arms trade. He has never been known to leave his heavily guarded estates in the Union of Southern African States. He is, however aging, and it seems he wishes to find a suitable replacement. Henrik is politically unbiased, and will supply anyone who can afford to pay. He needs to ensure the neutrality of his replacement.


That he is willing to meet with those at a suitably powerful level for discussions is suddenly widely known to the international community. In the wrong hands he could bring about the economic collapse of even the strongest nation. It is a source of major concern to all that his empire does not fall into the wrong hands. His death would be a distaster until the direction of this empire could be assured.


He is ready and willing to hear from the world's power-mongers.


Shin gets a telephone message.


"Your friend is fine. He will be along to see you shortly. You may not recognise him."


It is not Malchik's voice.

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<occ, ladies and a excuse for gentlemen, i am back <_< >


ohGr wakes up in a junk yard, his blurry eyesight can make out men in a type of armor, he realised that this place was far from technologically advanced than his, it seems it was a nuclear winter, already knowing he was in a second life, he accepted his fate, abusing his power, killing people for fun, he deserved to get stuck in this hellhole, a man walks into the room and looks at ohGr for a while, then says

alright maggot listen up!, my name is general barnaky, this is the brotherhood of steel, you will do what i say, and we will get along fine, in the next week, i will teach you how to run, sleep, shoot, spit, talk and pee like a brotherhood soldier, but untill then, your ass is mine, now get into the standard initiate uniform, you will join the rest of the exiled in the training grounds, get there in 5 minutes or i will personally shoot you


as the general walks out he pauses and says

one more thing...welcome to the brotherhood


the general walks out of the room, ohGr gets up and changes into the uniform, as ohGr walks to the training grounds and mutters to himself

i swear lucifer, when i find you, i will kill your immortal ass


ohGr lines up with the rest of the recruits, among the recruits, he sees one that looks identical to sarah, ohGr thinks to himself

thats it, no more booze or jokes about jimmy carter, im seein s**t again


a seargent briefs the recruits what their exercise will be

see that wastland out there, SEE IT!, you make one mistake at this camp, and you will be out there with all the tribals and mutants starving your ass off, if you cant break the rules, then try to bend them, dont get messes around with the trained initiates, their little girls without a gun, now, for the next 40 hours, you will do this course, 25 laps, this takes a mutant 80 hours since their slower, if your unfit, then god help your sorry ass, NOW MOVE LIKE YOU GOT A PURPOSE


choiceless ohGr runs, he figures the only way to get some power here, is rank up, and when he ranks up, he will have more firepower, a squad and a meaning to his life...


<for you fallout tactics : brotherhood of steel fans, youll what im ripping off <_<, why?, because i was playing it 10 minutes ago reliviing the old days two years ago>

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OOC> I'm sorry Peregrine. However, I don't see how using your character to read a file (which gives a short background of my character) and destroying that file. It affected nothing. Maybe me killing off a 'no-named' character was out/line, but the rest was, in my eyes, a minor reaction.


New Earth; Old Chernobyl Site; Underground Bunker.


Valkov walks down one of the long corridors of the bunker. The bunker was a secret project that was started by the KGB to be used as weapon hiding. The bunker was never completed because of the the fall of the USSR and after later forgotten. All the proof of its existence was burned with the other files in the KGB Headquarters. Valkov later took over the project and finished the bunker, his new safe haven.


Are you sure this place is safe? And the air?"Valkov walks and has two men following him.


"Yes sir, Lead walls and the air filtaration system is very effective."


"Good work, Jacobi" Valkov turns to the other man as Jacobi walks off. "I want you send out a message to all weapon distributers in Europe. We have an oder that needs to be filled. Tell them we need an inventory list and give each of them 500,000 for the list." The man walks off and Valkov enters his quarters.

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New Earth; Prague: The Kruchev Church.


Several black BMW's stopped in front of the church. Aleksandr and his compagnions stepped out. He ordered his men to guard the entrances as he would enter the chuch. He entered and stepped all the way to the altar where he kneeled for the cross. He could hear the singing of the practising Russian choir. Exept for one man the church was empty. He returned and sat dawn next to the man who had black hairs and looked straight forward. The man was waring a long black coat. All off a sudden two men came in by the backway. They stopped and clearly made sure that that entrance was safe. Ivanovitch's men covered the front and these man the back.


"Why did you let me come to this place, Aleksei?"

"I want you to return to normal business, drop everything around Valkov."

"Valkov? Valkov is dead..."

"No he isnt, something tells me he isnt..."

"And why do you want me to return to normal business?"

"Because thanks to mister Mitchell we have drawn to much attention. Things are getting out of control. I will return to Sarajevo and contact a friend in the US, at least I hope he's friend."

"And what about me?"

"You keep yourself low for a while. I can't afford to lose you. You just give orders at your loyal men who will execute them. Just make sure business keeps running but don't show yourself to much. You know where to go to... You will operate from there."

"What about Mitchell?"

"Send word to Mitchell to get out of here. There is nothing we can do for him anymore. Valkov is problably hiding so if Mitchell wants to get out of here, this is his only chance. If he doesnt, he's dirty..."

"Very well anything else I should know?"

"No... You wont do anything till I give orders. Central Europe is getting out of control. They are grabbing power everywhere! Italy, Germany and mister Mitchell drew too much attention on us here. the Russian authority's dont like having us around, nor the Czech. I will contact Parke first, I want his idea on this madness..."

"Can you trust Parke?"

"No... But he's the only one we can turn ourselves too right now. Do as I ordered."


Aleksei stood up and walked away, leaving the church by the entrance in the back. Ivanovitch sat down for a few seconds. After that he stood up and left. He got into the cars and they took off. Aleksandr would do as Aleksei ordered him to do.

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<ooc: The file itself was fine, but the evil comments/randomly murdering someone for "security" when Parke wasn't even involved in the events in that file.... those are completely out of character. Remember, he's not American. Why would he care if the old president's secrets get out anyway?>



Flight 1421, Near Prague:


Ryan Tabanne contemplated the scene outside his window. Snowy, cold, and depressing. Business as usual on New Earth.


He returned his attention to the intelligence data. The files Parke had given him were helpful, but there were far too many holes for him to be comfortable with. Especially on a job this dangerous....


The plane began its descent into Prague. He stuffed the papers into his bag and watched out the window as they flew over the half-destroyed city. Again, business as usual on New Earth...

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On a plane back to Seattle from Algiers, Mojlnir reviews the recent series of events in his head. Too much attention was focused on the Red Star and its denizens for Mojlnir's comfort. Preferring to stay in the background for now, Mojlnir quietly slipped out of the hotel the Russian's put him up in, boarded his plane and headed to Algiers, where he met with Loki, G.K. and Rothgar to review the purchase of a port facility and storage depot on the remote Western coast of Morocco.


With his Europe/Middle East depot purchased, Mojlnir begins to feel more comfortable with his plans. The cover of a shipping magnate, owning the most extensive port system and fleet of container ships in the world will greatly facilitate his ability to move goods and persons around the globe with speed and ease.


Loki's report on the newest class of containership brings a smile to Mojlnir's face as the plane sets down in the eternally raining-shrouded city. Displacing 120,000 tons when fully loaded, they are the largest completely contained transport ships ever built. In addition to that, their nuclear power plants, coupled with a revolutionary hydro-ramjet pushes the behemoths through the water at a stunning 40 knots when fully loaded.


"I think certain people may be interested in hiring the services of such vessels" says Mojlnir to himself as he reaches his office and pours himself a cup of tea, "most interested in deed."

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:ooc: Apoligies, Peregrine.


New Earth; Old Chernobyl Site; Underground Bunker.


Valkov sits behind his desk in the well decorated room. He has ahd alot his antiques brought from his house to the bunker. He looks around,"Almost like home." Then a man enters the room with two large files and salutes. "At ease, Major." The man walks over and lies the files on Valkov's desk.


"Sir, these are the inventory lists we got from two possible sellers. One is out of Europe and the other South America. We also have traced the bank account numbers they gave us and have each have got a substantial amount of capital. I believe they are genuine sellers and not fakes, sir. You'll also notice that the European seller sent along a list of vehicles and aircraft it has access to. The man I spoke with said, if you were willing to pay enough he could even get us a used German U-Boat that has been out of commision for some time. He also garranteed full product satisfaction. And if you want to field test any of the items, send word to me and I 'll inform the sellers." The man stands still and waits for a response.


"Very good. I think we'll most likely buy from Europe. I don't want to pay excess shipping cost. And set up a field test date with him, and I'll give you list of what we want later. Also inform the dealer that we'll need more information concerning who they are and why they're going to sell. And concerning Mitchell. I don't think the Sovjets will hold on to him to much longer since they assume I'm dead, so I'll give you a second chance to . . . . kill him. Just keep it quiet, because if Aleksei finds out about it, he'll start suspecting something. Now you're dismissed, Major."The major salutes and leaves. Valkov starts to read all the fine print in the two files.


New Earth; Prague; Second Ivanovitch Estate.


Beckam lies in the bed staring at the ceiling. Many thoughts run through his head. Are they really helping me? . . . Are the going to kill me? . . . Why did Valkov try to kill me? . . . Finally, Beckam comes to the relization that it would be in his best interest to escape from the Sovjets and get back to the States. When he gets there he can go to the CIA and explain everything that happened. That he decides is what he'll do.


Beckam slowly gets up out of the bed and sneaks over to the window. He can hear the two gaurds outside his door talking. He trys to open the window but it is locked from the outside. He looks around and finds a small stone statue. he grabs it and walks over to the door. He hides in the shadow. Beckam then kicks the small table near the bed over and the glass lamp on it hits the ground and shatters. The gaurds hear the noise of the fallen table and glass, so they rush in.


The first gaurd to enter gets hit in the face by the statue and falls over onto his back, unconsious. The second on raises his weapon a moment to late, because before he can fire Beckam left foot kicks him in the throat. Beckam then slams the statue into the back of his head. The man falls onto his comrade unconcioues. Beackam listens and can hear men above him on the third floor running. He throws the statue through the glass, breaking it, and then runs and jumps from the second story out into a tree. He then scrambles out of the tree and dashes for the fence. Dogs chase after him, but before they get a chance to attack Beckam has already scaled the tall fence.


Beckam then runs a few hundred yards into the woods and lies down in a shadow behind a large pine tree. He looks out and sees men running about with dogs, flashlights, and AKs. Beckam leaps up and starts a heavy sprint through the pines. After about twelve minutes, he has slowed to a jog. He comes out of the woods and finds a small paved road. He sees a vehicle approaching. He hides in the ditch and when it gets close enoguh he realizes it is just a truck with chickens on the back, so he leaps onto the back and lies down. The truck drives off toward Germany.

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New Earth; Prague: Public Airfield.


Aleksei, Sergei and 4 others got on the plane. Aleksei was in urgent need of a meeting with Parke, the only man left with a clear view on Europe's situation.

Too many things were going on.

Germany under the control of Slaiv, Italy by Armiena and Russia under the control of Aleksei Nickolai, last true leader of the Red Army. Altough Aleksei doesnt knows he is able to control Russia. The Red Army from where the Russian command banned him from had always remained loyal to Aleksei. When they heard of the verdict that Aleksei would be banished the entire Red Army was about to revolt. Aleksei's men were able in silencing them. Their time hadn't come yet....

Aleksei and his men did not want to drag Russia into civil war so they ordered the Red Army to remaing silent untill he would return. And so they waited... Knowing their time was coming soon.


There were two men the Red Army was waiting for, one was Aleksei, their leader and second was Valkov, the one who betrayed them. Valkov escaped his punishment once but the Red Army was waiting to fullfill it. No-one sells their weapons to the country they are in war with. No-one allows their men to die by their own guns their own commanders supplied to the enemy. Valkov did... and now the Red Army was looking for him and to make him pay for the betrayl he commited to them...


During the entire flight Aleksei couldnt get his mind of Europe. Europe had been co-operating that long and now it is divided again. He had to contact Parke, actions had to be token or a World War would be the final outcome and Aleksei knew that anyone of them would have to play a part in that war. But he was wondering wher e Valkov would play his part. The Russian army and people want him dead, Valkov isnt exactly a friend of the U.S.A and what would be be doing in Germany or Italy?

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its already been a week, and ohGr is now a proper initiate in the brotherhood, a second lieutenet walks up to him, pulls put his gun, and hits ohGr across the side of the head with the gun, the lieutenet says

ive been watching you, and i swear to god, if you steal any opportunities from me, im going to hang you


ohGr stands up, face to face with the lieutenet and replies

tell me, how did you get to be a lieutenet, sleep with the man of the camp


the lieutenet had enough of ohGr's stupid words, he repeatedly bashed ohGr and went into a frenzy, ohGr passed out, and woke up in a medical room, he sees general barnaky, he says

i have never seen anyone take such a beating and still live, hell, i havent seen anyone take a beating from that man for a while, i like you, you have the ability to not take crap from others, and at least get beaten the crap out of without apologising, if you can do this first assignment for me, youll be a first lieutenet in dagger squad


ohGr stands up, feeling fine, he reads the assignment, his job is to assassinate a raider leader, ohGr hears someone from behind him say

hi im as they say, diabloical, i dont know how i got the name, but its been decided, im to work with you on the assassination, to make you feel better, your the one who goes up front guns blazing, im the one risking my ass just to kill a fool


ohGr grabs a h&k mp5 from the wall and puts his leather armor on, armored up, and with a gun, they get into the jeep and head to the destination, as they drive, ohGr has a bad feeling about diabolical, theres just some eerie feeling about him, the way he talks, moves, looks...its as if Azgorth was alive once again.

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Aleksei receives information that Henrik Vaalman is trying to contact Slaiv. Vaalman's empire in international finance is at the centre of global trade. He could theoretically build and destroy any country simply by bankrupting it. He has never done so before, but he is getting older and is looking for someone to take over. It cannot be in anyone's interest to let this get into the 'wrong' hands.
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