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New Earth; Washington D.C.: Yorgi Raichev's appartment.


The sound of someone hitting on the door woke up Yorgi and his girlfriend. She moans and asks "Who is it?". Yorgi sighs and scratches his hair. Against his wish he gets out of bet. The person at the door just keeps knocking.

"Yea yea, I'm coming!!" He yelled with a clear Russian accent.

Yorgi stumbles towards the door. He's wearing nothing but a boxershort. Yorgi works as an administrator in the White House. During the cold war he was a spy for the K.G.B in the U.S., the C.I.A nor the F.B.I ever found out and now since the K.G.B has been disbanned they dont care anymore neither. After the war, capitalism returned to Russia and Yorgi saw no purpose in going back. He stayed in the U.S. leaving everybody behind. He had a good job here, an expensive and well decorated appartment.


As Yorgi reaches the door the he looks trough the peep-hole. He couldn't see anyone. He mumbeled and cursed those youngsters who woke him up just for the fun. He opened the door to look in the hall-way. Yorgi had only opened the door for 10 centimeters when someone threw it fully open. Two men pushed Yorgi back into the appartment. Yorgi tries to resist himself but the men throw him easily in one of his couches. His girlfriend comes out of the bedroom surprised but one of the men grabs her and throw her next to Yorgi.

"What's going on?", she asks with fear in her voice.

"You two have some guts coming here! Do you know who I am?", Yorgi yelled in fury. But his words vanished in disbelief as he saw Aleksei and Sergei entering the appartment. He knew Aleksei and Sergei very well since both were his superiors in the K.G.B. He was under their command and he had always served Aleksei with pleasure but he betrayed Aleksei by not returning. A few monts later he would hear the news of Aleksei's banishment. Even Yorgi knew that the Red Army was about to revolt against her new leaders but it never got that far. Problably thanks to Aleksei who kept them silent.


"Aleksei? What do you want? What are you doing here?", he kept talking but he stopped all of a sudden. He looked up with frightned eyes.

"Are you here to kill me? Did someone pay you or is this personal?"

Aleksei didnt reply and kept staring Yorgi with an icy look. Sergei noded to the other two men. They left the appartment and took guard in the hallway.

"Please Aleksei.."

"why didnt you come home?"


Yorgi couldnt reply. He realised his hours were over and Aleksei would kill him soon. He betrayed Aleksei who had always token care of him. Sergei overviewed everything from a corner.

Aleksei looks around.

"Ah... I see why. Betrayed the Unions ideals did we?"

"Aleksei please don't..."

Yorgi putted an arm around his girlfriend who wore nothing but her bra and panties. Before leaving the room she had whrapped a blanket around herself.

"Yorgi.. Won't you introduce me too the lady?"

Yorgi sighed.

"Angelina... This is Aleksei, Aleksei, meet Angelina..."

Aleksei bowed for the girl and kissed her hand.

"It's a pleasure..."

"What do you want Aleksei? If you want to kill me stop fooling around!"

Aleksei laughed.

"I'm not here to kill you... You are too usefull for that. I have learned that you work in the White House. I need you to deliver a letter to a friend of mine who resides there..."

"No problem, who?"

"A certain mister Jonathan Parke..."

Yorgi stared in disbelief. He couldnt believe Aleksei was going to kill the president of the U.S.A.

"Aleksei you cant just kill him...""Kill him?" Aleksei laughed out loud and even Sergei chuckled.

"My friend, where have you been the last years? I'm not intending to kill him, on the contrary. I'm even going to keep him alive. If you would have stayed by my side you would have known that mister Parke, helped me out once. I'm in his debt but for now I need to contact him as soon as possible...""I can give a small note but I cant just walk in and have a chat with the president..."

Aleksei noded and reached in his pocket. He gave Yorgi a small note.

"Make sure he get's it! Or I might decide to kill you after all."


Yorgi looked at the note. It read

Mister Parke.

For the moment I reside in Washington D.C. I'm in desperate need to contact you. Contact me on this number. 555-25829

Do not worry, it cannot be traced. Let's call it a toy from the K.G.B.


Your humble friend, Aleksei.


Yorgi putted the note away safely. Aleksei noded and left along with his men. On the ground he got into one of the two waiting cars. Yorgi got himself dressed and rushed himself towards the White House. He couldnt afford failure or Aleksei would have his hide or even worse... Angelina's hide!


New Earth; Washington D.C.: The White House


As Jonathan Parke entered he was welcomed by most of his staff. All of sudden Yorgi stepped forward and shaked Parke's hand. Parke was confused, what did this clerk want. He felt a small paper in his hand and a small nod coming from the clerk made him close his hand and hiding the paper. From the moment he had some privacy he read the note. He looked up and thought what he would do...


In the car Aleksei talked to Sergei.

"This has to be prevented at all cost! Slaiv is a tiran and will abuse it for certain. I will inform Parke of this. Keep some men ready just in case."

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New Earth; Streets of Berlin; Abandoned apartment.


Major Omarov steadies the crosshairs of his .270 Remington on the head of approaching Beckam. The Maor is well hid among boards and trash in the fifth story apartment, which was devastated by fire a few years ago. He slowly gets the pace of Beckam and is following his head with the crosshairs.


Beackam walks behind a young couple in the streets of Berlin. He is starting to feel better. Beckam tells himself,"The sun is shining and its a rather warm day for this time of the year. I'll just find the US Embassy and get a way home from there. . . Hell, I'll also be safe there. Won't have all these damn Russians after me.


The Major waits for the right moment, he doesn't want to mess up again. Valkov would surely have his head if he screwed up twice. As the couple and Beckam approach the corner of the street, the couple make a right turn and Beckam stops at the curb to wait for a passing car. Major Omarov squeezes the trigger and feels the recoil of the rifle. He lies his rifle down and looks down on the street. Teh sound of the gunshot still echoes between the buildings. Blood covers the sidewalk and Beckam's headless corpse lies lay motionless in the street. The couple dashes down the street, along with all other pedestrains that were witness to the horrific act. Many stand frightened and motionless.


The Major stands and leaves his rifle. He walks out of the apartment and sees that Berlin police are aleady on the scene in just less than five minutes. He looks at the body and whispers to himself, "May god be with thee."


New Earth; Old Chernobyl Site; Underground Bunker.


A man enters Valkov's chambers. He salutes and says,"Sir, Major Omarov has assasinated Beckam. We are certain this time. Also, the European dealers have decided they will not sell . . . at least not to you."


"What?! They won't sell. Them bastards." Valkov becomes furious. He walks around the room several times.

"Sir, is there anything I can do?"

"Yes set up a new account in your name. Wait a few weeks and we'll try again."

"Yes, sir."

"In the meantime, there used to be a weapon storage base in north Siberia. I want you to find out if it still exists."

"Will do, sir."

"And I want a full report in three days. If its still there get a map of the base, what it hides, and who works there. We'll also need some help shipping the weapons back here."

"You want to get you a shipper as well?"

"Yes, Luther. And that will do for today."


The man leaves and Valkov sits down behind his desk and starts making plans for his next move.

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New Washington: Yorgi Raichev's appartment:


Four hours of worrying later, the phone finally rang. Aleksei picked it up, hoping for the best. The voice on the other end was expressionless and slightly distorted by static. No way to trace it to a specific person, he thought with a bit of annoyance.

"Your request has been granted. President Parke will speak with you. There is a van waiting outside to take you to him. But be warned, any sign of hostile intentions will result in your death. There is a sniper outside aimed at your head, and your escorts will be armed. Leave your own weapons behind and walk out the door now."

He did just that, dropping his weapons on the table by the door. Outside, a plain unmarked van waited. Not suprisingly, there was no sign of the sniper, but his escorts were obvious. Two men in heavy kevlar vests and the blue/gray uniforms of Parke's elite commandos stood beside the van. Each carried a shiny new BAR, an ancient weapon even in this time, but one with the firepower to cut him in half, through walls and armor, if needed. They held the guns ready, but aim lowered for now. As Aleksei approached, one of them opened the back door of the van.

"Get in. We'll take you to Parke."

One of the escorts climbed into the driver's seat, and the other into the back with him. Though his gun remained unaimed, the threat and ability were equally clear. The van began to move. As he stared out into the snow blowing past his window, Aleksei wondered just what he'd gotten himself into....

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ohGr stands upon a small bunker, most of the raiders dead, diabolical is in his sights, and ohGr hated him


right at his head, he fell into the building he was ontop of, ready to throw a grenade in there, the raiders were aware someone else was out there, and that was ohGr, ready to put up a fight, ohGr stands up, and rains bullets upon them with the two mp5's he had, the raiders used them as well, just a minute later, ohGr stopped, walked up to the scene, stepped on diabolicals head, crushing it, ohGr didnt care much, he was wearing a mask, so he would only look at a flat mask, ohGr took the necklace the raider leader was wearing, and headed back to the jeep, unaware of another existence, he went back slowly, only to find a complete madman, a human lost in rage, through prolonged exposure to toxic waste and cannibalism, these were the beast lords, the "tamers" of the wastelands, they had the ability to talk to those creatures, and command them at their will, ohGr quickly fired away at the madman, and ran to the jeep, avoiding several deathclaws and war dogs, the deathclaws were the main worry here, vicious beasts who could tear one from limb to limb in the drop of a dime, ohGr ran to the jeep, jumped in, slammed the door, and floored it, just managing to escape his demise.

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Mojlnir stands in the Japanese garden that covers a large portion of the roof of his giant sky scraper. This is his retreat, far above the noise of the city andthe everyday humdrum of his corporate existence.


The weather had broken, which does not often happen in Seattle in the Winter, and Mojlnir did not waste the opportunity to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the Northwest. A crisp but invigorating breeze was blowing in from Puget Sound, bring the smell of the ocean and, every so faintly, the undertones of the dense forests of the Olympic Peninsula. Away to the south, Mt. Rainer reared majestically toward the heavens, snow capped and silent. But Mojlnir knew better, he loved Seattle with all his heart, but the demon who slept within the mountain would not slumber much longer.


"Such a pity that so much beauty will be destroyed when that mountain lets go" said Mojlnir to the wind, "but acceptance is the best policy and the geologists give it another couple hundred years anyway."


Chuckling, and thinking of a joke he heard comparing geology to meterology in terms of reliability, Mojlnir turns to look out over the docks that jut into the harbor just south of Downtown. At the Ragarnok Ltd. pier two massive new containships are being loaded with slurry pumped from gigantic storage tanks located in the tank farm area of Ragnarok Ltd's massive shipping faciltiy.


Billed as "building material" and "mine tailings" the two ships are in actuallity being loaded with a highly explosive mix of fuel oil and fertilizer, which contains extremely high concentrations of ammonium nitrate. The ships are, in the simplest sense, the largest floating bombs ever created. They are not the only ones though, just the last to leave port. Mojlnir cracks his knuckles and, turning his collar against the increasingly chill wind, descends to his office.


Behind his desk again, Mojlnir reviews the "port of call" list for the container ships he has prepared. Events in the world of late have been startling, though nothing as yet along the lines that Mojlnir and his friends have in store. Seven of the ten ships are already in place, with one due in port later that afternoon and the two remaining ships did not have all that far to travel.


Holding a cup of tea to warm his chilled hands, Mojlnir orders lunch and turns on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News and settles in for what will be a very entertaining afternoon.

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Port Angeles, Washington:


As the intelligence officer stood waiting in the snowstorm covering the city, he wondered once again why New Earth's founders had bothered to recreate such a worthless town. And why the idiots insisted on killing themselves instead of making a comm network with a signal that could penetrate the storm from inside his house. Finally, the device showed the green light of a good connection. He spoke quickly, without waiting for a response from the other end.

"We've traced the ships, and you're not going to like this. Full of explosives, every one of them. Low quality stuff, but enough to make a mess of whatever port they dock in. No luck on their destinations, but we're trying to trace them now. But everything we're hearing says it's about to be too late." As he finished the sentence, he noticed the light had turned red. Hopefully enough had made it through, he thought....



New Washington:


Luck was with him, and enough of the officer's report got through for its content to be understood. As President Parke listened to it, he was already making plans to deal with it. Fortunately the explosives on the ships, while powerful, were still far below the strenght of a nuke. Mere distance should work well enough.... A quick message brought him the officer in charge of local defenses.

"Double our patrols, and bring them out to five miles off the coast. Intercept anything even close to the description of those ships and don't let them through until you've boarded and searched them. And order our fighter squadrons to standby alert. Have them armed for anti-shipping strikes."

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New Earth; Exact location unknown.


Aleksei payed attention to the commotion that was going on. He walked over to Parke.

"Don't you trust me? You think I'm trying to do some nasty trick? This offends me..."

"Dont take it personal, your reputation forces me to treat you like this."

"Ah yes, my reputation... Mister Parke, I'm here for your council, nothing else. Besides it would be dishonoring to kill a man in who's debt we are in... I want your view on the situation in Europe and Asia. It's a mess overthere."

"Tell me mister Nickolai... How much power do you really have in Russia? And please tell me the truth..."



Aleksei was the last sovjet-commander left in Russia. Russia and the Red Army was waiting for his return but Aleksei would be a fool to return without support.


"Very well, Aleksei... I will give you my view on Europe's situation."

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"Your Holiness, an interesting situation is developing in the States."

Chavez hands her a dossier, explaining Aleksei's requested (and granted) meeting with the president.

What does Parke want with a Sovjet-commander?

Armiena scans down the dossier's text, reading the spy's monotonous report.


Too much has been happening in Europe. Slaiv took control of Germany in a landslide election, and my rise to power. No doubt Aleksei is giving him his opinion on recent events

"Order our spy to follow him. Tell him to take no further actions, be discreet, and make regular reports."


She continues on, reading about a pending terrorist attack on the US.

"Chavez! Wait!"

She orders him to send additional spies to the US, and orders them to pose as protesters until she activates them.

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three strange creatures dragged the motionless body of Rudy down their crude tunnel, they emerged into a long cavern. A red glow was all around them, seemed to be coming from space itself.


Rudy awoke to fid himself in this cave, he was lieing on stone surface, then he realized- it was an alter. Dried blood was crusted all over it's surface...

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<occ MDRud216, you have the funniest signature i have ever seen :lol: >


the car broke down, and at a dodgy time too, ohGr was only a few hours from camp, so he walked, we walked in the cold wasteland, oblivious to anyone willing to put up a fight


the jeep blew up and bullets were getting fired at him, dodging them was like dodging rain it was impossible, so he was shot in the leg, ohGr quickly looked around whilst on his back feigning death, and saw many raiders, obviously they tracked him down, and his only escape was the explosives he carried around with him, he took one grenade, pulled the pin, and rolled it to his left, then his right, above him, below him, he suddenly remembered, their activated by the remote, so he pulled out the remote, and pressed the buttom


everyone was dead, ohGr was still alive, he scalvaged some armor from them, to guard himself, he was like a super mutant now, slow, but hard to kill, ohGr was almost at the base now and was expecting someone to be outside the base, instead he saw a gutted soldier, and some deathclaws running off to the north, the base was attacked.

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