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The Snow Arena


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With his lunch finished, Mojlnir looked at his watch. It was almost time.


"Rothgar, Loki, G.K., come in here, it is about to begin." said Mojlnir into his office intercom.


The three faithful friends entered a moment later and took seats in front of the monitors that covered one wall of the office. They were about to witness the initial phase of what they all knew would be a new era on New Earth.


"We have breaking news of a giant explosion in the Port of Shanghai...It appears that a large container ship carrying an unknow cargo has explo...Wait..we have just recieved word that the the Naval Base at San Diego has been nearly destroyed in a massive...Oh my God...apparently Hong Kong has been devastated...Ladies and Gentlemen, we are being inundated with information...apparently there have been at least 7 massive explosions at various ports around the world...We'll work to keep you posted"


The anchor on CNN had a stunned look on his face as he related the information to a world-wide audience. The anchors on the other all-news channels were in a similar state, confronted with more horror than any had seen in their long careers of covering the depravity of humanity. The implication that was carried as the news continued to get worse was that terrorism was no longer reserved for bus bombings and the occasional plane highjacking...this was something new altogether.


"Gentlemen," said Mojlnir with a look of grim satisfaction on his face, "we have set the board, and now it is time for us to begin the second phase. We leave for the airfield in 5 minutes..."


"Apparently, we have confirmed the following information... Shanghai, San Diego, Hong Kong, Kiel, London, Pensacola Naval Station, Boston, Rostok. Two ships were intercepted off the coast of Washington...one was apparently boarded and stopped...the other refused to halt and was fired on by the Coast Guard which set the explosives off harmlessly in the ocean...but 4 Coast Guard cutters where destroyed in the explosion...We'll stay on top of this story for you..."


Twenty minutes later, a black corporate jet lifted off from Sea-Tac and disappeared into the gathering rainclouds around Seattle. Mojlnir and his compatriots, responsible for 67,000+ deaths and what was currently estimated at 14 billion dollars of damage faded into the cloud cover over the Pacific.

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General Barnaky had just promoted ohGr to 1st lieutenet and in Dagger Squad; tonight, ohGr was on guard duty, which is half of Dagger Squads job, apparently lots of stuff goes on at night, so ohGr was assumed lucky, with his new issued Power Armor, designed to enhance every aspect of the human body, he felt younger and stronger than ever, the guy opposite the tower to him, pointed the light on some death claws attempting a ambush, it was too late for them, the bases front lights were already on, showing them, and ohGr had already opened fire, 1...2...3...4..5...6..7..8.. they were all dying quickly due to the anti matter bullets he stole from the second lieutenet who threatened him, as he shot the last one, he noticed its young fell out of its stomache, feeling pity for it, he killed it, he'd rather suffer then watch something suffer, the guard in the other tower called out

nice shooting junior, lets see how you handle the mutants next week

ohGr calls back out

better not be a s**tty job like the one i got a few days ago

the guard replys

yeah, i heard about it, im surprised you even survived out there, last time that happened, the soldiers were sent back on horses decapitated, it was pretty disgusting

ohGr decided to sleep for a while, catch up on a few things he couldnt do, like relax.

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"Ahah, so Malchik is still around, as the owner of one of the biggest countries and one of the biggest trade operations, he should not be long in meeting me."

Said Shin on top of this new tall tower.


he says to the man behind him without caring who it is,

"Looking down on people is good, but you forget what it's like to be one of them"


the nobody givesa person replies

Yes, i agree which is why many want you dead


Shin turns around

"Wha--" before Shin can finish the sentence the man lunges at him with knife


"What an idiot," says shin as he lowers the gun that was by his side,

"I've been alive for a helluva long time and you plan to kill me with a knife, you deserve to die"


As the man lying on the floor tries to shield himself from shin, shin raises his gun and blasts his head off...


there'll be more

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Shin is surprised to find a stange face on his cinemobile phone.


Malchik grumbles "It's me, man! Look I'm into something. I've no idea. I'm in the USA trying to make contact with whoever. I could do with some friendly advice but they are around me all day like bloody minders. Oh ****, can't even visit the WC in peace. I'll try to get back to you."


In the grandest hotel in Washington DC Malchik, in his new identity, awaits contact from those who consider themselves powerful.


In the event no one arrives he has been told that the Papal state of Italy will be invaded by the Neu Bundesrebublik of Germany. (Or that is what will seem to have happened.) Whoever is behind Malchik's mission is in no way to be trifled with. The army is already in place, he has been told, although no one would know to look at them.


The creepy man in black had said: "It only takes a few high technology weapons, you need only a token force these days. And good computers. Make sure they are impenetrable, Malchik. That is how any new conflict will be one. Those with the securest computers will win."

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New Earth: Exact location unknown.


Aleksei was devistated by the terrorist attack. He decided to return to Russia because there was work to be done. He asked Parke to be returned to Yorgi's appartment where he could meet up with his companions. If Parke was in need to contact him he had his number. Parke agreed and Aleksei was transported to Yorgi's appartment. On arrival he and his men took off in their cars, straight to the airport from where they took the flight to Moscow.


Seven hours later they landed on Moscow where Ivanovitch was waiting with escort. Aleksei was glad to see Ivanovitch.

"Now what?"

"Get your uniform and the necessary men, then meet me at this location."

Aleksei pointed out a location on a map of Moscow. After Aleksei gave orders they all took off. Aleksei gathered up with a group of Sovjets he assembeled just outside of Moscow. On arrival they were all wearing sovjet army uniforms. They saluted when Aleksei got out of the car.

"Everybody into your car. We ride to Nordvik!"


Nordvik is a naval base. It's forces had always remained loyal to the U.S.S.R and to Aleksei. It had been warned of his coming and had been preparing a naval cruiser. The Mostovik was one of the Navy's most proudest ships. After meeting up with Ivanovitch and his unit, they took off to Nordvik from where they would board the Mostovik. It would be in Aleksei's benefit to leave Russia till the time was ready. Till he got some news from Parke. Things had become awfully quiet after the terrorist attacks.


It was late when Aleksei and his convoy of trucks and jeeps arrived at Nordvik. Nordvik was expecting him and it's commander, Captain Il'ya Romanov was waiting on the docks.

The convoy holded on the dock where the Mostovik was harbored. A group of at least 150 soldiers jumped out of the trucks, armored and dressed in sovjet uniforms. Aleksei, Sergei and Ivanovitch wore the uniforms of Sovjet commanders.

Captain Romanov saluted military.

"The ship is ready, Commander! The Donetsk is waiting for your arrival."

"Your men are present at the Donetsk?"

"Yes Sir! Everything is in order..."

"Very well, good work Captain."

Aleksei saluted Captain Romanov and boarded the Mostovik along with his soldiers.

The crew of the Mostovik saluted when Aleksei entered the ship. On the bridge

Captain Popov Drekovitch was waiting for Aleksei. They both saluted eachother as Aleksei entered the bridge.

"Good to see you, Captain."

"The pleasure is mine, commander."

"Very well Captain, do your work and bring us to the Donetsk."


After completing preparations the Mostovik sailed out to the north. North of Russia there was an old oilplatform, the Donetsk. The Sovjets had installed a HQ there. It was well defended by two other naval cruisers and only the greatest idiot would open fire on an oilplatform. After 2 hours the Mostovik docked at one of the docks that was contructed to the oilplatform. The present soldiers on the Donetsk stood in formation on the dock to welcome their commander, along with Sergei and Aleksandr and their men.


On the Donetsk, Aleksei would wait for news from Parke and there he would wait till the time was right to send word to Russia and the Red Army.

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A cold night wind blew. In the meadow where Dr. Corbett was standing, alone, he reflected upon his misfortune. <i>Oh why, oh why, did they have to go to space?</i> He was covered with drying (freezing) snowball splatters, but unfortunately, there was nobody there to fight against him. He looked upon the trees in sorrow and dissapeared out of the topic.



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Armiena is making a speech about the lack of progress of her investigations of the terrorist attacks on Parliament. A massive explosion shakes the ground, and Chavez and Sam Fischer (ooc: can I use that name without breaking a copyright?Sam Fischer is Splinter Cell's hero.) tackle her to the ground.


A tanker full of homemade explosives has detonated in Rome's port. It has decimated an entire block of warehouses, and docks. The explosion set other tankers ablaze, and firemen have little choice but to let some of the tankers burn. Billions of dollars of oil and other goods have been destroyed.


Armiena struggles to sleep that night, and has a strange dream. A man named "Mojlnir" celebrates his attacks.


"Gentlemen," said Mojlnir with a look of grim satisfaction on his face, "we have set the board, and now it is time for us to begin the second phase. We leave for the airfield in 5 minutes..."


She puts in a call to France, and asks the Prime Minister for their records concerning a man nicknamed Mojlnir. There are none.

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*Stares in awe at the insanely long posts almost everyone here made. Shudders at imagining what would happen if I were to read them all. Makes a giant snowball and throws it at Pack Rat, but it lands 20 feet short. Starts to run away but trips and falls in the snow.
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