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Borderlands 2 confirmed!


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Loved it,until...my char was nuked by that freakin split screen bug,lost a second char as well,after that i found a way to hack it and make custom weapons and stuff but i still fell...demoralized by the whole ordeal


So no more freakin game killing bugs...oh and not everyone has live for the updates,1 of the reasons being i considered what happened to the psn guys as a possibility early and of course the whole $$$ thing.

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Geezz hostile much? I'll correct myself then, it is expected to be "announced" very soon, but the developers themselves are speaking of the sequel as being in the works.




Edited by Jeux
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i still dont think its a complete conformation. they said as soon as the first game was successful that they were already thinking about a Borderlands 2, which is when they mentioned the term "Borderworlds" as well. they just came out recently and said that Borderlands 2 was still something to keep an eye out for. im sure its already (and has been for a while) in development. what business/gaming company wouldnt develop a sequel to such a successful game.but they havent said (afaik) that ya its deff in development and we hope to show you stuff soon, it was just a ya you can expect it most likely kind of thing lol similar but not quite the same thing......


for a second one, i would wanna see more monsters like the Rakk Hive roaming everywhere, or Skagkilla. not overly hard bosses, but would be fun with a group to take down multiple, for farming/grinding (much like you do in MMOs in dungeons) more weapon types wouldnt be bad, but its not like the game NEEDS it or anything. i loved how weapons get better the more you use them. i liked the mini challanges you could shoot for for extra XP. maybe lvls to your weapons? that would be a serious amount of weapons. maybe mods to your weapons? a gun you really like, with a scope you like, silencer, etc.


maybe if you keep buying from certain companies you get bonus, discounts, deals ect with that company. i wouldnt mind seeing more of a selection with your power tree. instead of 5 each, maybe 2 or 3 each with more options. maybe more of a persuasion to stick to one tree instead of being able to go into all 3 pretty much to the max.


i say maybe so much because the first game was soo good i dont know what id change or wanna see. hell i hope they return the same four classes/characters just with upgrades. i dont really wanna see new classes, or a complete overhall to the game, i wanna see a borderlands 2.


whatever they decide to do ill buy it day one and most hopefully love it! and spend countless hours playing it like i did the first one (PS3 though)

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...I know it's not a complete confirmation. They have yet to announce the title. Buuut considering the success of it's predecessor, the trademarked names, and the MULTIPLE OBVIOUS hints at their eagerness to start development on a second, any non-bogus rumor can be taken as a "oh look, they're actually working on it" confirmation.


But then again, there is this: http://www.borderlands2.com/


I like your idea about company bonuses to loyal customers the most, mostly because I've never thought of anything like it. That would be nice to implement in the game's vendors. Also, the bigger game as you mentioned would be a complete win.

Edited by Jeux
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its gonna be on gameinfomer so we'll get more info then


...I know it's not a complete confirmation. They have yet to announce the title. Buuut considering the success of it's predecessor, the trademarked names, and the MULTIPLE OBVIOUS hints at their eagerness to start development on a second, any non-bogus rumor can be taken as a "oh look, they're actually working on it" confirmation.


But then again, there is this: http://www.borderlands2.com/


I like your idea about company bonuses to loyal customers the most, mostly because I've never thought of anything like it. That would be nice to implement in the game's vendors. Also, the bigger game as you mentioned would be a complete win.


i love how you can already pre-order the game on the website.... the same day it announced. this is very LOL to me.

Edited by hector530
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Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,Yes, Yes,Yes :teehee: :teehee:


please be true, please be true.


Also please come out for the psvita.


Possible release date September 18, 2012


check this out comment


possible leak??




Edited by Thor.
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