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Challenger NPCs


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There are mods out there that are basically this. They just do not say 'I challenge you' like some weird Pokemon duel... or was that Digimon?


I have two in my mod load order, Immersive Factions (which has either been removed from the Nexus or been renamed to something else) and Sands of Time Sleeping Dangers Stand Alone. The first adds Witch Hunters that hunt you if you are a Conjurer, Necromancer (or Illusionist but I added that), Dragon Fanatics that hunt you after a certain amount of progress in the MQ, Bounty Hunters (different from the in-game vanilla quest based system, instead running entirely off world placement and AI packages), and the other adds a configurable amount of enemies that attack you while you sleep in Dungeons, Caves, Inns and so on.


It is also just really easy to do... just create a desired NPC (duplicate a Warlock/Bandit/Draugr/Vampire/Werewolf/Thalmor/Whatever) add new desired stats and abilities, a package designed to follower the player, which again just duplicate an existing one and make some modifications such as adding conditions (level, skill level, stat level, quest stages, quest completions, etc etc) and when conditions are met, and the NPC is placed somewhere in the world they will track you down and give you the business. Easy as pie.


For example a condition for that package could be an offensive skill, like one handed, and the guy you create could be a 1H duelist type who wants to challenge you, etc, etc. Or hell you can make it a relative of someone in the game who you killed come to hunt you down. Well, you could make a condition to check if a specific NPC is dead, not necessarily that you killed them... but lets face it, it was probably you.


Not a bad idea for a mod really, looking for all the named characters killed in vanilla quests and making a revenge oriented NPC to hunt you down with varying abilities, equipment and skills for each... "My name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die!" teehee


I would do that right now if I did not have too much to do. I am already on a break from a mod crunch session yet to be finished. So much work so little time. Though most of the time would just be gathering the amount of NPC's that are unique in the game that are killed in quests. Actual implementation of the revenge NPC's would be a smaller time sink.


Also... I wonder how often the checks for the AI packages would be run on all those NPCs... could cause engine CPU strain problems if there are too many. Could be wrong.

Edited by Darthsith
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It hasn't been done before and it won't be done, because most talented people are involved in other projects and in 5 years of modding no one has done it. You can argue that some mods do similar things, but that's a different thing.

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The only difference there is would be the 'I challenge you' dialogue. So if you're going to split hairs it's closer to being done than not. The 'generic npcs that will hunt you down' idea is the focus. Anyway if anyone wants to take this idea up they have some confirmed places for resources via the mods mentioned by me and Darthsith :)

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The Sinister Seven is going to be the closest thing you'll get to what you requested. I built that mod because there wasn't nearly enough challenger / thugs in the main game and I enjoyed that aspect a lot, being hunted.


In fact the Sinister Seven quest it can go on for perpetuity, it doesn't have to end.

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Now that I think about it, I want to say that the Immersive Factions/Mercenary ESP's I have were from really old versions of Immersive Patrols that the author no longer has on the IP page, if I remember right. Still work flawlessly, though... I wonder why he removed them.


I did end up making a few generic re-spawning silver sword wielding fire-throwing monster hunters to my private overhaul, has a lot of ermm, stolen content in it, so I cannot upload it. I gave them a bunch of Witcher Armor/Clothes variations and the Rustic ESO Nord Armor at random intervals and a specific perk that reduces all damage received from undead/daedra/assorted monsters by half and amplifies offensive damage by 50% to them (which matches a lot perk add-ons I gave the Vigilants/Dawnguard to balance out new raw stat power given to monsters who would otherwise just steam roll them). They hunt the player while the player is in Werewolf form or Vampire lord form, but if you are a werewolf in human form or a regular vampire and you run across them in the world, usually near human settlements protecting villagers from trolls, they know what you are and attack you.


Took me like 10 minutes, well plus 20 minutes for adding and making the Witcher armor look right by making sure all the faces/bodies/traits of the hunters were male with a weight of 100 to avoid the issues with those armors. Do not tell my boss any of this, though, teehee.


Back to work.

Edited by Darthsith
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I have never beaten that damn mage that often times is unavoidable just as i leave breezehome. I step outside, he challenges me, i dead. Learnt to cheat thoughss.... :devil:

Yea, he comes a bit too soon, I edited him to make him show up when you are closer to 90 in Destruction skill instead of I think it was 50 or so in ANY magical school, which can be Illusion, Restoration, Alteration, leaving you pretty much screwed if destruction is still at a novice level.

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