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Bethesda sues Notch over the use of the word "Scrolls"


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It will not be that long before every word in every language is 'copyright' owned by some corporation. But worry not! Your 'smart' cell phone will keep track of every word that you say and it will tell you how much you owe to each corporation for copyright fees!
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Well, I hadn't intended on actually posting a comment about this, but after reading through a couple of pages I feel I should point something out.


Everyone is saying that Zenimax and the Bethesda Legal Department are suing Notch because of the use of the word "Scrolls". This isn't naturally the case. They're suing him because Bethesda thinks that people will get confused by the name. Just thought I'd point that out.


Either way, I do think it is rather stupid for Zenimax and Bethesda to be doing this, most people don't even refer to the TES games as "The Elder Scrolls (Insert #): (Insert Name)" all the time, they usually just call it by whatever the title of the game is. Like Oblivion or Skyrim in this case.


Just another bunch of corrupted corporate dirt-bags hoping to get some easy cash. :|

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Everyone really should read up more on copywrite laws and why this happened. It has nothing to do with any belief by Zenimax or Bethesda of brand confusion or etc.


Copywrite laws require the person possessing the copywrite to defend it. If is not defended then legally the copywrite is considered relinquished.


Only the lawyers that get payed for these enjoy this stuff. The companies are just stuck in a situation of either pursuing a legal case even if it is very marginal or potentially losing their copywrite/trademark.

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And what copyright/trademark are they defending exactly? Zenimax has not copyrighted or trademarked the word scrolls.


If Notch wants to name his game scrolls than he has every right to do so as long as its not Elder Scrolls rip off.

Edited by popcorn71
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Ive seen this and i thing this is actualy from the bussines section of Zenimax meaning neaither Bethesda nor any other part of Zenimax can realy have any say in this i can only assume they are currently facepalming and asking why the hell people actualy went through with this.
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This is simply ridiculous... I really hope Zenimax will just fail with this one, cause as mentioned about hundred times in this thread, who thinks of TES if he thinks of the word "scroll"? No one. A mentally healthy person thinks of paper, books, whatever....

But how about we all just write those bastards a list of all companies violating their trademarks -.-. So all companies who have a product where "The","Elder","Scrolls","Oblivion","Isles","Knights","Dagger","Arena","New","Vegas" and all numbers from 1 to 5 is somewhere in the name -.-

And of course, Las Vegas has to change names. Otherwise people will think it´s a post-apocalyptic city full of mutants and quests...

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