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Bethesda sues Notch over the use of the word "Scrolls"


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and I also know that the legal threat is legit.





There is a universe of different between doing something because it is the LEGIT thing to do


or doing something because it is the RIGHT thing to do ....




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Its all the funnier considering "Scrolls" is essentially a goddamn electronic card game. True it has a medieval theme, but so do half of all games out these days. No sane individual would actually think that the games were related. It would be like thinking Metal Gear Solid and Gears of War are related. Bethesda truly has no legs to stand on. If they win this lawsuit then I think my head might actually explode.
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I feel awful for Notch. This is a really low blow from Bethesda, why didn't they just send him a cease and desist letter or something? I also think its wrong for them to trade mark one word like that. Also, it's nothing like the examples they mentioned in the document; scrolls is less specific than the elder scrolls.
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I wish everyone would just hush up about bethesda. "I'm not gonna buy another game from them, those assholes". The developers, the heart and soul of bethesda, have absolutely nothing to do with this. They don't know the lawyers, they don't talk to them, and I am sure they were not even thinking about a little piss stain like Notch. It's just lawyers being lawyers, what more could you expect from them. Wanna gripe? Complain about Zenimax and their lawyers, not bethesda. Bethesda is one of the only american game companies that can actually make games. Notch does not even make real games. They make a pop culture pice of s#*!, and pass it off as a game. It's about as stupid as a app. Why would you be so upset if bethesda sued them anyways. I mean come on..... fallout 3 vs minecraft, enough said. Edited by twinkinstien 3000
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You guys seem as bad as what your saying about them because you say Bethsoft is stupid and so and so because they sued. Lol it makes me laugh that people can't use resources that are available to them instead of reading one thing of what so and so said and believing it right away. If the court systems was like that Then one side would win with the other that has no chance even if they were justified. Not trying to be rude at all just saying look up the facts before making judgement. to me its like So and So doesn't have this so it will be crappy or whatever. What you guys are doing is being Bias, not looking about Bethsoft side. You may say there is not a Bethosft side of the Story, Todd is very good friends with Notch. Though he can't say anything because his position is like a Barron to an Emperor. Zenimax is the Emperor Todd and his company are Barrons and can't say anything lest less money fore Skyrim as it is Zenimax that funds them. Something like "I like Bethsoft, but they are childish because they sue" is still like a statement in a way that a family is suing someone for murder but The court goes with the murderers side regardless because how the murderer acted upon said court case. Also I am sure that if Bethsoft did do it and Todd hated Notch and had a Hand in it I am sure he would wait after Skyrim. One gives more time for BGS to make Skyrim then release it. If Todd had a hand in it it would slow Skyrim's production as Todd would be there for Legal reasons. Two Sales and relationships with community, this is from a business perspective though. Todd would wait till Skyrim is out then wait a few moths when it has sold a lot then sued. This would make BGS get money (Also since it seems some of you guys aren't pre-ordering some others aren't as well which would hurt sales. If Todd as I said actually hated Notch he would wait after Skyrim has been released or after the last DLC to sue. It would be like EA suing Blizzard for an RPG or so they make later on a few years in the future that resembles Mass Effect. But Bioware is good friends with the ones that made said game but can't doing anything because it would mean retaliation against there Boss Company EA.) I am not trying to offend anyone. Over all I'm a very nice guy, it just makes me made when people read something and they believe it without other proof. That would be like People believing from a news post that said " Japan never got hit by the Earthquake and Tsunami" just because its there and doing no research upon it. People believe stuff like Johnny Depp hated Americans when he is American himself and has said he loved it on TV (Believe it or not this actually happened I read it in 2007.) But there are also those that say Notch is going as bad as Bethsoft by posting this and making himself look innocent even though he posted it for "Tattle Telling" (Not saying I believe this even though it kind of does make him look bad in other ways.) That's all I have to say so please do more research or get info from Bethsoft themselves that said Skyrim's Team and Todd Howard are suing. If I read this from Matt which I trust I'll believe it. (Probably won't say something like that but I need proof that as some think Skyrim's Team is doing this and they could do something about it if they were not.) I Trust Notch too but even he said it is basically Zenimax that did it not Todd and his team. (He says Bethsoft, yes, but the note was from Zenimax as Bethsoft does the lawsuits through Zenimax and they aren't even in control of it. Pete Hines couldn't even do anything let alone Vlatko Andonov who is very nice the Quakecon people like GI's Reiner said he was as well. Still I'm rambling but I think I have a point. Still if anyone is offended by this tell me I'll alter it but what I'm saying is true in the sense that if the Justice system did what you guys did there would be Justice at all.
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I was unaware that you could copyright a "WORD"...I always thought words were "PUBLIC DOMAIN" and belonged to "EVERYONE"...especially ones as old as the word "SCROLL"...society :wallbash: ... -_-' ...*climbs back under large rock*


Wow. A word that has been copy-written.



They must be protected or else they be consumed by dragon fires, aka the courts.

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