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Kill all NPCs


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Well, if you're going to make this mod, then here's what you need to do.


1. Download and install the TES CS into your Oblivion install location.


2. Load up the TES CS and click on Data > Double click on Oblivion.esm then click on OK


3. On the left (Object Window) click on the + next to Actors, then click on NPCs. It will then load the list of all the NPCs in the game.


4. Double click on an NPC and check if it has a tick in the Essential box. If it does, untick it then click on OK.


5. Repeat step 4 until you've finished. Remember the cold drinks and music, this will take a while.


Important note: After loading a large amount of NPCs, the TES CS will eventually stop opening them. When that happens, just save the progress so far and then restart the CS.

Okay, I did all you write, but it won't take a change. I can't kill even now. I want kill everyone, but I can't they just wake up and ready to attack me again, it's so annoying. Agrhhh. What could it be?

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Did you activate the ESP you created (and this one will need to absolutely last in your load order if you use any other mods)?


- Edit - In addition, reading through the mod comments for the mod you linked in your other post I noticed that some who used it were having problems killing everyone because game scripts also take some NPCs an turn them from non-essential to essential at certain points of the game. You would need to edit the scripts for those NPCs or use the console to set their status to non-essential (and accept any game problems resulting from doing that ... i.e. I'd save Martin for last).

Edited by Striker879
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Well, you need brain, TES Construction Set 4, OBSE, and this plugin http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/8414/
First install TES Construction Set 4 becouse there is no such mod to remove death-script, and you must do everething by hands, about this later.
Install OBSE next step need it. Lunch game from obse_loadex.exe if you have non-steam version obse_steam_loader.dll shall not be in game's folder, it is important.
Next install mod, you will get ability set or unset essential flag on npc. I tried other mods, but they is not working.

Next if you going to kill Martin open Construction Set, load oblivion.esm (double click on left ond ok) then press on pencil, find MartinScript find line
begin OnDeath
EssentialDeathReload "Martin has been slain. All hope is now lost."
Delete it, save script (save button), recompile all scripts (red button), then save to you own .esp plugin (file - save), install it, load the game touch Martin with cheat-spell, kill him and enjoy what you done, becouse you killd the imperator lol.
Deleting his script is important becouse you get messege "Martin has been slain. All hope is now lost. and game will be finished. Cheating ain't easy mate.
If you NOT going to kill Marting you can just instal spell and kill whatewer you want, but my solution works with any script-protected npc.

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  • 3 years later...
Explain how this mod could break my game in any way that it didn't break that of Morrowind and I'll listen. Is there any difference other than that you said before?


Because, dumbass, unlike Morrowind, Oblivion was not designed to allow the possibility of the "Plot" or essential characters dying. So when you get to the next stage of the quest and there is a function called such as getLocation or getFlag on a character who is dead (therefore eliminated from the gameworld), it is an error and your game may crash, if not and you save it after that point, you may not be able to load your save again.


When the game is designed for you to be able to kill all NPCs, either it is programmed in to check if they are alive before getting their location or whatever, or other tricks have been done, such as on death of a NPC, clone them and resurrect them in an area non accessable to the player so that their location always comes back valid.


Really you'd have to know something about software programming to completely understand and that seems like something way over your IQ level

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Well, if you're going to make this mod, then here's what you need to do.


1. Download and install the TES CS into your Oblivion install location.


2. Load up the TES CS and click on Data > Double click on Oblivion.esm then click on OK


3. On the left (Object Window) click on the + next to Actors, then click on NPCs. It will then load the list of all the NPCs in the game.


4. Double click on an NPC and check if it has a tick in the Essential box. If it does, untick it then click on OK.


5. Repeat step 4 until you've finished. Remember the cold drinks and music, this will take a while.


Important note: After loading a large amount of NPCs, the TES CS will eventually stop opening them. When that happens, just save the progress so far and then restart the CS.




Has anyone done this? I would like to see this mod. I downloaded "all NPCs killable" mod but it is very old and some say it does not work

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