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<3 I want it! /*goes off to find*



I got it.


If it turns out that you like it then it wont have been a waste of time and I will be very happy with that.:biggrin:


This was really released to generate some feedback from people who want the male stuff, so I was a little disappointed when I logged on this morning and saw that not one single downloader had left a comment. I had a few Pms but nothing on the download page. Going by past experience I thought this was really odd, so I tried to leave a comment myself and got a popup telling me the topic was locked.


Not locked by me. This is seriously too funny.:laugh: Is it hardwired into the nexus that "Thou Shalt Not Comment On Male Armour OR Clothing" ? :confused:

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Yes. Me Bad :sad: , I released a male armour mod.:facepalm: I'll know better next.:blush: I sincerely apologize to the nexus for my deviation from the game plan,:rolleyes: I just hope they don't ban me. :biggrin:




Thank you myrmaad :)




Edited by RGMage2
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OK, Time for another really serious post here. The reviews are in on my male-only outfit release.


I Googled it and found a sight in china where they are discussing it. I think this might be what I enjoy most about being a modder. I can sit in the privacy of my living room and upload my mod to the net, and people on the other side of the world can download it and talk about what I did on the net, and I, luckiest of people can lurk on their thread with GoogleTranslat and still not have a clue what they are saying.:laugh: I can't tell if they like what I did or they are laughing at me, but I love it, and I love them for it.:biggrin: And they actually matched it up with my curly toed shoes mod and I didn't even tell anyone about that. They are brilliant - whatever they are saying. It made my day.:)



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