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Why are some people cruel to animals?


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I am on break from the road and just was listening to The National Geographic Channel. The Dog Whisperer. They have a dog that was just treated terribly.


What motivates people to hurt or neglect animals. Is it a need to dominate something or is it a warped pleasure in causing pain in something that can feel it.


Do these people see these animals are living creatures or just objects to serve a purpose.

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Well I think a few things drive animal cruelty. Look at the minds of serial killers. I think it is quite similar, it has a lower risk however then doing things on people.


Also a lot of the time animal cruelty is not intentional, people may simply be unaware that the animals are being treated wrong, or they may be in a bad life situation and can't take care of their animals.


There is a big difference between neglect and purposely harming a animal though. Purposely harming a animal for no purpose is basically just insanity in my eyes.

Edited by marharth
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And those that do so purposely, simply for their own pleasure/ego trip, should be treated exactly as if they had done the same to a human. Either that, or they should be treated exactly the same way as they treated the animal. I like my dog better than I like most humans...... :D
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. I like my dog better than I like most humans...... :D

So do I and she is smarter and better mannered than some humans I know too. :whistling:


Edited by Aurielius
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To my mind anyone who harms animals, children or the elderly (or basically anyone or things unable to protect themselves) is the lowest life form. This form of abuse whether physical, mental or emotional seems to be exhibited by cowards, weaklings and the morally contemptible. As a rule, you will not see these same people standing up to someone capable of defending him or herself.
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I am on break from the road and just was listening to The National Geographic Channel. The Dog Whisperer. They have a dog that was just treated terribly.


What motivates people to hurt or neglect animals. Is it a need to dominate something or is it a warped pleasure in causing pain in something that can feel it.


Do these people see these animals are living creatures or just objects to serve a purpose.


Both, actually. And some people are animal hoarders, unable to see what they're doing to the animals they so desperately want to hold onto, or worse, don't care. I remember watching one of those animal police shows on Animal Planet, this crazy old hag had 50 cats and dogs, and she had a room where when she didn't want an animal anymore, she locked it in there to die of starvation. The investigators found this poor cat in there, it was the sweetest little thing, looked an absolute mess. The bright side in this was even though the old...hag didn't go to jail, they took most of the animals away, and all of them were found new homes. What got me was her saying she would get more animals and no one could stop her. I wanted to lock her in a room to live in her own filth to starve to death; any sympathy I'd had for her went right out the window, because I felt she fell into the 'Eff you, I'll do what I want, I don't care" category.


It's worse when kids do it. I read some real horror stories about cases where kids did it, and I am torn between them getting some help and locking the little a-holes up before they become the next Jeffrey Dahmer. I don't want to upset people with stories I've read or seen on the news, so I'll stop right now. I myself tend to go into a rage, cry, and into "I hate humanity" mode when I read stories of animal cruelty, child or elder abuse.

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AAAhhhhhhh, and this is why I enjoy hanging out here. You are some of my favorite people I have never met. :D


A pic of my puppy. She is a recent addition to the family, and is the sweetest dog I have ever met.




That's Sophie. She is four months old now, (about 3 in the pic) purebred Newfoundland. We got her dirt cheap because of the eye colors. I guess in the eyes of the canine elite, that is considered a "flaw"...... It really eerie when she is coming up to you in the dark, all you see is a single eye floating toward you.......

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Aww, she's such a pretty pooch!


Anyway, back on topic, I think a lot of people are cruel to animals because of psychological issues--yes, even just being a horrible, cruel person is a disorder, it's called "sociopathy".


Some people (especially children) might unintentionally hurt animals, because they don't understand that they need to be gentle with pets and also to not annoy said pets.

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I love animals so I could never understand why somone could hurt one =( Why hurt a kitty or somthing as this ...all they want is love and affection, is that so much to ask for. It breaks my heart to know there is bad ppl out there that would hurt them ='(. Edited by XxPockieNinjaxX
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