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What can be done to stop the violence on the Mexican/Amerian border


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Lets kill them all because they think the USA is a good country!


Like seriously, murdering immigrants shouldn't even be in the discussion. Even if its meant as a joke, its not the best thing to say.


They aren't legally immigrants, they would be technically classified as invaders.

They do not have weapons and they are not taking part in a military action or a any kind of action to harm the country.


Some of them do indeed have weapons. True, they are not members of a national military. Illegals do a great deal of harm to our country. I will let you do your own research on that aspect, there is plenty of information out there.

So we should kill them? I can name a number of people and groups that harm the country way more then illegals do.


They are not intentionally harming the country. Illegals with weapons are not going to use them against the government unless they are part of a criminal organization. It would not be considered a military invasion.


I don't support killing anyone who is not purposely causing harm to others.


The weapons simply being there, and manned, with folks that are willing to use them would more than likely be enough, to prevent people from taking the chance of crossing the border..... it's that whole 'deterrent' thing. About the only way we are going to stop illegals from crossing at will, is with armed troops. They don't necessarily have to USE their guns, but, better to have, and not need, than need, and not have. Arrest them, and ship 'em right back.

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The weapons simply being there, and manned, with folks that are willing to use them would more than likely be enough, to prevent people from taking the chance of crossing the border..... it's that whole 'deterrent' thing. About the only way we are going to stop illegals from crossing at will, is with armed troops. They don't necessarily have to USE their guns, but, better to have, and not need, than need, and not have. Arrest them, and ship 'em right back.

I don't have a problem with armed troops as long as they don't shoot unless the other person is armed as well.

Edited by marharth
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My auntie posted this on facebook the other day


If you cross the N. Korean border illegally, you get 12 yrs. hard labor. If you cross the Afghanistan border illegally, you get shot. If you cross the U.S. border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, food stamps, a place to live, health care, housing & child benefits, education, & tax free business for 7 yrs. No wonder we are a country in debt. Re-post if you agree


I thought there is one flaw with that logic.. N. Korea and Afghanistan are f***ed up places. Way more f***ed up than the states. So I am not exactly sure what the point of the comparison is, I wanted to say, does that statement imply making the states more like those 2 places would be a good thing? I didn't reply.


Anyway, I don't think ever shooting people who, lets face it, aren't trying to f*** up the US economy, they are just trying, for the most part, to do what they can to make a better life for themselves and perhaps their family, is ever going to be anything but an act of evil. A man has gotta do what a man has gotta do. Though it appears there is a crap load of resentment towards the US and it's gravy train.

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Then let them come here LEGALLY, thru proper channels, not sneak in.


I think the point of the FB post was, in EVERY other country, if you enter illegally, there are negative consequences, in the US, however, it seems we actually ENCOURAGE folks to do so....


Edit: We are also the only country in the world, that grants citizenship to anyone born here, whether their parents are here legally or not, and regardless of their citizenship.

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We are also the only country in the world, that grants citizenship to anyone born here, whether their parents are here legally or not, and regardless of their citizenship.

That's because it is in our constitution, and for good reason.


What good reason? So illegals can come here and have anchor babies? That doesn't sound like such a good reason to me. Now, if BOTH parents are here LEGALLY, I could see offering it as an option, but, not automagically simply by dint of being born here.

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We are also the only country in the world, that grants citizenship to anyone born here, whether their parents are here legally or not, and regardless of their citizenship.

That's because it is in our constitution, and for good reason.


What good reason? So illegals can come here and have anchor babies? That doesn't sound like such a good reason to me. Now, if BOTH parents are here LEGALLY, I could see offering it as an option, but, not automagically simply by dint of being born here.

The reason it is legal to do that is so the person that is born here does not have to be deported. The person born in the country did nothing wrong, it is the fault of their parents.


Are you saying that you would only offer it as a option if the parents were here legally? What? That should be a guaranteed right, that should not even be up for question.

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We are also the only country in the world, that grants citizenship to anyone born here, whether their parents are here legally or not, and regardless of their citizenship.

That's because it is in our constitution, and for good reason.


What good reason? So illegals can come here and have anchor babies? That doesn't sound like such a good reason to me. Now, if BOTH parents are here LEGALLY, I could see offering it as an option, but, not automagically simply by dint of being born here.

The reason it is legal to do that is so the person that is born here does not have to be deported. The person born in the country did nothing wrong, it is the fault of their parents.


Are you saying that you would only offer it as a option if the parents were here legally? What? That should be a guaranteed right, that should not even be up for question.




Please name ONE other country, where someone is granted citizenship automatically when their parents are NOT citizens. If you can find one of those (which I seriously doubt), what is that country's policy on illegal immigration? Do they receive the same 'right'? No? Didn't think so.


The policy in question actually ENCOURAGES illegal immigration. Back in the 1800's, I am sure this was a lot less of an issue. Today, it is a MAJOR issue.

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Please name ONE other country, where someone is granted citizenship automatically when their parents are NOT citizens. If you can find one of those (which I seriously doubt), what is that country's policy on illegal immigration? Do they receive the same 'right'? No? Didn't think so.


The policy in question actually ENCOURAGES illegal immigration. Back in the 1800's, I am sure this was a lot less of an issue. Today, it is a MAJOR issue.

Why deport someone born into the country, when they didn't even have a choice in the matter? Doesn't seem very fair to me to take the kid out of the country they were born in, and put them somewhere else were they have never been before.


Also I can name a number of countries, the most obvious being Canada. Quite a few others, even Mexico itself has similar laws.


The United States is historically a country of immigration. How much Native American blood do you have? Your ancestors were likely at one point immigrants, and its possible they were even illegal.


Is there any strong evidence that "anchor babies" drive immigration?


Not to mention if this right was removed, how will it be handled for people now? People born into the country will not be able to be deported since they do not have a official citizenship elsewhere. Do you have to deport them to their parents country and force them to become citizens there? Its a problem that will require a great deal bureaucracy and problems. You may not even be able to figure out where the kids parents came from. What happens in this situation?


The 14th Amendment was enacted to give citizenship rights. If you support the constitution and its amendments? I know a lot of people here claim to support the constitution and what it says and stands for, but what does that mean if you have no problem with things being removed that you dislike?

Edited by marharth
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