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Nexus redesign finalised, launching next week


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A few weeks back I posted a heads-up regarding my plans to launch a redesigned look to the Nexus Sites by the end of August. The feedback to the redesign was mostly good and some of the constructive criticism provided has either already been incorporated in to the final design or has been noted, perhaps for addition later on down the line.


Listed below are test examples for each of the Nexus Sites. These are very close to final now and I'm not going to be making any major changes before the change over.


Dragon Age Nexus

Fallout 3 Nexus

New Vegas Nexus


Witcher Nexus


A few things:

  • Some thumbnail images will be broken in the test sites, they won't be broken after release.
  • You might get a cookie error page if you're logged in to a Nexus site and trying to look at the test site for that Nexus site. To fix this just log out of the Nexus site you're using.
  • Don't try to upload any images for your files through the test sites.
  • These sites are not IE7 compatible; we dabbled with the idea but making them IE7 was too much work for the 1.5% of people who still use IE7 and visit this site. It would have also limited some of the things we've done in the design. Seriously, consider upgrading your 5 year old browser!!


I will be doing the change-over early next week and there will be some short down-time while I get the designs rolled out. Hopefully no longer than an hour or so for each site. Having said that I'm still taking on feedback, especially bug-reports (please remember to tell me what browser and version you're using!) so feel free to leave any comments.


After the release Axel is very close to finalising his rework of all the code for the sites. This is very, very exciting news because he's a genius and he's already made lots of awesome stuff, and there's lots more to come. Mod authors, you're going to love him. I'll post up more information about this via my blog posts and in the news closer to the time.

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I love the new site. But Dark0ne don't know if you read my suggestion in the suggestion, feedback and question section but here is what it is about. Basically for mods that have 3 or more downloads in it I think a check mark system where you can download more at once is good (I know bandwidth issues and other things can limit this though.) at a time, maybe for Premium members only. I don't know but it would be a good time saving feature I think. Here is the link of course to read more on it. Might be a good feature for the new site. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/422591-mod-time-saving-feature/ Edited by Camonna Tong
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Changes to the way downloads are handled are in the pipe-work. Not going to say any more than that, but I think people, especially Premium Members, will be very happy :)
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Changes to the way downloads are handled are in the pipe-work. Not going to say any more than that, but I think people, especially Premium Members, will be very happy :)


OK Thanks eagerly looking forward to it whatsoever. I know I will love the New Nexus design from seeing it. Thanks, Dark0ne.

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Looks a lot better than the original concept, I really do like it now.


Add a "File of the month -Month- -Year-" button to show that a file has won that award in the future and you've won me over completely ;)

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It'll take some time to adjust but I generally like the new look, thing is, the test sites won't load on my Internet Explorer 9 at all, it redirects to a url ending with cookie.php and gives a 404 not found error, it does load perfectly on Google Chrome Version 13 however, as well as Firefox 5.


Correction: only Fallout 3 & Fallout New Vegas test sites have that problem, the others load but have display corruption issues when using compatibility display.

Edited by vollach
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Vollach; as I mentioned in the notes, if you get the cookie.php error then log out of the Nexus site the test site pertains to (so if you're looking at the Dragon Age test site log out of Dragon Age Nexus) and that problem should go away :)


Where be comment tracking gone? :/


It's in the member area


the others load but have display corruption issues when using compatibility display.


Compatibility mode puts the browser in IE7. As per the notes IE7 isn't supported on these new sites.

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