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"Aversive" therapy


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I do not care what anyone says. I do not consider starving people, shocking them with electrical devices, or forcing them to inhale the fumes of harmful chemicals, to be "therapy" in any way, shape, or form. I consider it to be a horrendous violation of human rights, and a callous disregard for the well being of other humans. It is monstrous, inhumane, and cruel beyond all reason.


It is a place that takes in many people who are mentally challenged. Many of these people are not able to understand much of what the staff at this place expect of them, or why, or why all of these horrible things are being done to them. As it says in the second link, the woman had a mental disability, and could not have understood that getting the right answers to some questions on a computer meant getting her meals, yet they completely disregarded that and showed no consideration for her health.



Edited by Lehcar
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The Center administers 2-second electric skin shocks to residents using a Graduated Electronic Decelerator (GED), which was invented to administer the skin-shocks by remote control through electrodes worn against the skin.[4] Most often, the shocks are initiated manually by the staff. Automatic punishment is also used by forcing the patient to sit down on a cushion; if they stand up, they are automatically shocked. To address high-risk, low-frequency behaviors, a "Behavior Rehearsal Lesson" has been planned: The person is restrained and forcibly told to misbehave: if the student pulls away, he is shocked; if he follows the order to engage in the risky behavior, he is shocked even more. Reduction of food is also used as punishment: up to three-quarters of the daily required calories can be withheld from the patients if staff members judge that they are misbehaving.


And this is legal?? That's just stupid. These are humans being used as guinea pigs. And this has been going on for forty years. Seriously, what the heck??

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I'm guessing those are things you can't do to prisoners of war ( somebody correct me if that's wrong ), and they're supposed to make people better? That article was very nonspecific about what they're supposed to be treating. Why do I get the feeling it's good ol' fashioned "You're not right. Zap you 'til you're better!"?
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That is horrible. I completely ignored such things were happening even today!


Imagine someone with a mental problem was actually a dangerous person. Imagine just for a minute that the aversive treatments were efficient in changing this behaviour ( half a minute maybe). Still... what kind of person would accept getting paid to torture? I mean these 'persons' don't mind inflicting pain on a daily basis to others!And they even get to see how it does no good at all! And they choose to stay and work there... and on their spare time they roam free in our society! Am I the only one creeping out?


Really? Being forced to smell ammonia because of 'staring at objects'? Deprived of food because of 'laughing in a silly way'?:facepalm:

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Is this like Therapy! as in like science in fallout is called Science!.


I have a couple years experience with autism. And all I can say is WTF. And check this out.. it costs 220k a year to have a student go to that institute.


Yeah, quite the racket eh? They got to live out their sadistic fantasies, and get PAID for it as well.

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"Behavior Rehearsal Lesson" has been planned: The person is restrained and forcibly told to misbehave: if the student pulls away, he is shocked; if he follows the order to engage in the risky behavior, he is shocked even more"



Can you imagine how badly a normal person would react to this? Now think of how confused, and terrified a person with a mental disorder would have understanding this.. This may sound cliche, but this is how monsters are created not cured.

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