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First Console Game Machine


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My first console I played would be Commandore 64 (also known as C64) if that is count as console if not then Playstation 1 (also known as PSX) and first which I myself owned console is Playstation 2 as I'm newer generation (born end of 1991) so I never really got chance experience golden ages of 8- and 16-bit games until later when I got PC and (much later) Nintendo Wii.
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My first console was the original Xbox which I got in 2004, but I remember also playing my brother's Sega Saturn sometime close to 1995.


My first computer was either a Dell or an HP from around 1998, and now I use 3:

-Custom build PC originally from 2006, but many parts were upgraded in 2007 and 2008, uses Windows XP

-Dell Vostro 1520 as a high school graduation present (2009), uses Windows Vista

-Dell Latitude C640 from around 2003, mainly for music storage, uses Windows XP


I also had some type of Gameboy and a Pac Man game console similar to a Gameboy, but unfortunately they were ruined by rain. :(

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first one that i played on was sega master system2 (with built in "Alex The Kid" game)

the first one that i owned was a nentendo gameboy pocket(the smaller ver of black and white big gameboy)

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PsOne. It was awesome. My dads friend gave it to me because his wife wanted to get rid of it. I had the first and third Tomb Raider games, Die Hard pack (It had Diehard 1,2 and 3.) and this weird game in which you control a flying space ship thing, blasting other aliens and collecting coloured key cards. I also had the first doom game on it... I think.


Then, after being banned from it until Christmas, I actually got a PS2. It was awesome. Loved it to bits. Favourite game was Medal of Honour: Frontline.


Then on my birthday about... 1, 2 years ago? I got my PS3. I love that SO much. Its freakin epic. Favourite games are probably COD4 and Bad Company. Cant wait till MW2 and Bad Company 2!

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Some weird computer. I can't really remember from which company it was, but it was white and huge. I remember how I played The lion king on it, and some funny games with hakuna Matata <3

Dos Box RULEZ!

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