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Dreams Topic


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Hey guys i was thinking about my dream and ummm... I thought of putting up this topic...Sooo what was your dream today, oh im gonna tell you mine! :D


I was like IN the game called Mortal Kombat that i believe all of you heard. And i was like picked to be fought with some big dude and everytime i hit him i don't leave him even a scratch :O And i was like fighting and fighting until he got a fatality on me... He like chopped me like a stick on two half's xD ... Lil' wierd eh? :D ...And yours? ^_^



Edited by RavveN
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2 nights ago (can't remember what I dreamt about past 2 nights), I dreamed I was roped into being a warm up act at stand up comedy club. I was so nervous, I'm not a comedian, and in the dream I hadn't prepared a set. I go a few laughs from my freestyle, kept it short and sweet, but I was sweating buckets, woke up drenched. It was all quite lucid.
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I made a topic like this a while back.


I like to draw my dreams and log them because I think they say things about me. Recently, I was telling my college roommate one I had last week. There were three parts to it. In the first part, I was in a family home, and a girl along with a presumably married couple were looking through a scrap book on a dining table. I approach the table to take a closer look, and then I notice that every photo is of a child with some sort of visual anomaly, like a birth defect. It might have been from working in the hospital this summer, and maybe watching some laproscopic operations done by my father.


The second part I was actually with my dad in a dark, aquarium-like setting. There was this long, arched hallway and my dad was walking up ahead and I was pretty far behind. To our left is all the aquarium crap. To the right is pretty damn weird: pinball machines and skee-ball ramps. But just like the first part, there was something wrong with each of these. Some machines didn't work at all when I tried them, and others had holes and other gameplay mechanics I hadn't really seen before. Like for the skee-ball ramps, all the holes for scoring were on the sides and there was nothing in the middle. One pinball machine lacked a left flipper, another the launcher that you use in order to begin playing.


The third part I was in a room full of paintings, except they were all of me. If anyone as seen that one particular scene in 50 First Dates, it was like that, and likely because I just saw the movie that night. (Hey, it's in Hawaii, so I had to stop flipping through channels.) But again, just like the other two parts, there was always something wrong that made the picture not look quite like me - the uncanny valley.


For the longest time I've been somewhat of a perfectionist, and I think it's the same reason why I like mathematics and science so much. I think this is what my episodes here have been pointing to.

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I was Bill Cosby, admitted to a hospital due to severe drug use. I was trying to sign some paperwork at the hospital, but struggling. My dad, being a fan, wanted to get him (I was now me again) flowers, but he didn't know how.


Later, I had a bunch of tooth whitening paste in my mouth, and trying to tell my friend to get me water to wash it out. Unable to speak, I run to a bus shelter full of people. Luckily, there was a pay phone inside of it. So I got some water from that! The coin retun was empty, but luckily the pay phone's ash tray had a spigot. I take a big swig, and with reckless abandon I spit to the left of the phone, soaking some woman and her little boy. I am, of course, all 'sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry', trying to wipe this kid off, but the mom finds this downright hilarious.


Then it just muddles it's way from there. You know how it goes.

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