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Mod Anticipation


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I'd like to see a Sheogorath mod. Nothing too fancy. Just have the guy walk around doing the silly Sheogorath things you read about like doing a little jig or teleporting people ten thousand feet into the air. A shivering isles mod/expansion wouldn't be bad either though that will likely only ever exist in the realm of my fanboy pipedream for the forseeable future. Edited by justwannaddl
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In addition to cosmetic mods (characters' faces/bodies/clothing/armour, landscape and object textures etc.), I'm probably going to delay my first play through to see what the overall difficulty is like and see if anyone develops a slightly more hardcore/survival style mod. I loved Fallout NV, but in a way I wish I'd delayed my first playthrough until some excellent mods like Arwen's Realism Tweaks were out. I prefer RPGs when they're a bit more of a struggle, especially early on trying to beg, borrow and steal to get half decent weapons. At the moment, a lot of these games on release seem balanced in such a way that the designers are desperate that no one who plays them will ever get stuck at any point. I like feeling my character go from weak to powerful, instead of starting at awesome and hitting god mode about 4 hours in.


Really looking forward to Skyrim and the excellent mods people will make!

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In addition to cosmetic mods (characters' faces/bodies/clothing/armour, landscape and object textures etc.), I'm probably going to delay my first play through to see what the overall difficulty is like and see if anyone develops a slightly more hardcore/survival style mod. I loved Fallout NV, but in a way I wish I'd delayed my first playthrough until some excellent mods like Arwen's Realism Tweaks were out. I prefer RPGs when they're a bit more of a struggle, especially early on trying to beg, borrow and steal to get half decent weapons. At the moment, a lot of these games on release seem balanced in such a way that the designers are desperate that no one who plays them will ever get stuck at any point. I like feeling my character go from weak to powerful, instead of starting at awesome and hitting god mode about 4 hours in.


Really looking forward to Skyrim and the excellent mods people will make!


I would totally go for a mod like that! I'm usually not big on realism in games (fun should take priority), but that feeling of really struggling at the beginning adds a lot to the experience for me, too. I love forcing my character into desperate situations just to buy that shiny new sword, or having to think really hard about how I want to spend my 50 gold. If I recall correctly, FCOM and Cobl did this quite well for Oblivion.

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The First Most Important Mod Request

01. Please make a Mod that Removes any form of Romance/Seducing/Dating/Marriage. I shouldn’t be able to give something to the Person im trying to get to know better, or Vice Versa. She/He shouldn’t even acknowledge me or Vice Versa. I dont even want to get to know my Best Friend or tell Him/Her He/She is Cute, or He/She tells me Im Cute. When i have a Companion and we become Great Friends, it shouldn’t go further into a Romance. Any form of Love Amulet that start up a Relationship and Marriage, should be Removed.


The Second Most Important Mod Request

02. When Viewing the Menu or Inventory Screen, there is a Blur Background, please Remove it.


03. Please Remove the Blur Stagger Effect and Remove Water/Blood from my Screen.


04. Please Remove the Violent Gore and over exaggerated Blood and Crude Sex Themes.


05. Please Mod out all Swearing or Crude Words, even Text.


06. Please Remove the Decapitation Perk.


07. Please make a Mod to Remove Third Person Slow Motion Finishing Moves.


08. Please make it so i can Free Roam the Camera around while playing in third person view like Batman Arkham City, without holding a button to look around my Character.


09. Please make a Mod for when i Absorb the Soul of a Dragon, its Body doesent go raggedy, it must be still.


10. Please make a Mod so i can wear a Shield/Torch/Bow in my Right Hand, that goes for Blocking and Fighting aswell, plus i should be able to hold two of them in Both Hands aswell.


11. Please make a Mod so i can wear what i want, instead of Merged Cuirass and Greaves for example.


The Third Most Important Mod Request

12. I would like a Mod to give me Real Days/Weeks/Months/Years.


11 February 2011




13. Please make a Mod to Remove the Shout cool downs, or make it fill faster.


The Fourth Most Important Mod Request

14. I would like to see Clearly as if day, instead of everything Blue when I use a Nighteye Object, something like this.




15. I would like a Mod for a Better Detection Spell Affect, something like a Big Glow when you are in Distant View of the Character and then it turns into a Thin Glow when you are Close to the Person.

http://media.[Blocked URL: Spamming mod authors with advertising links]/Curse.Projects.ProjectImages/5248/8695/WoWScrnShot_071208_185251.jpg



16. Please make it so i can wear 10 Rings on All my Fingers.


17. Please make a Mod for when I Cast a Summon Creature Spell, it Stays With Me until It Dies from a Fight or I Kill it Myself, instead of Disappearing within 30 Seconds.


18. I would like a Mod for when i Cast a Summon Creature Spell, the other one doesent disappear, so I can have 10 Different Creatures at the same time for example.


19. Please make a Mod so i can have More Pets at my side without the other one leaving.


20. Please make a Mod so i can have Companions from Each Faction without the other one leaving.


21. Please make a Mod so the Game Loads Faster for everytime i enter a New Building and Delete the 3D Interaction between Loading times.


The Fifth Most Important Mod Request

22. Please make these Casual Clothes so I can wear them in the Game, just have a Shopkeeper Sell It.



23. Please have a Shop sell Armor Stands for my Clothes and Armor.


24. Please make a Small Magical Panel that appears in the First House i buy so i can carry it with me, then i can use it to Teleport me to one of the Choosing Houses i own around Skyrim. When i use it again, it Teleports me back to where i was. If i leave the House, its a New Location from House to New Area and it should Never work when im in Danger or in the middle of a Fight.


25. Please make a Mod so i can drop things the Game wont let me.


26. Please make a Delete Spell Mod for Useless Spells.


27. Please make a Mod to Remove the Favorite List Option.


28. Please Remove the 3 Save Slots, i just want a Save/Load Button(s) with an Auto Save that works when i stop or the Game Loads into a New Area, like Oblivion.

Edited by daventry
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wow.. 37 hu... Most of those are addressed and fixed from oblivion .. the first one there no way in hell I would change and I think its a major improvement .. The clothing is something I plan to make mods for depending on if I'm happy with in game clothing or not .. a lot of those may be in the game already .. fist fighting isnt taken out .. only the skill is .. a recent interview said that you could beat the game using hand to hand .. so.. that list could really be trimmed down a lot o_O
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12. The Shout Voice on my Character is Annoying and his Constant Dragon Soul Absorb Scream is Annoying aswell, is there a Mod to Shut him up please.


What, you mean like at the end of the GTTV video?The shout was something they added in, if you look at it again you can see his magicka bar drain by a lot, so he's just casting a spell.And I don't think mages shout "Dovahkiin!" everytime they charge up a two-handed spell.

Edited by Corakus
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