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Mod Anticipation


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the mod list of the 37 you want, fall in 3 categories


1. personal choice, some of the mods you would be hated by others. buts thats modding making the game to your liking so its not a bad thing


2. overpowered, like 10 rings and 3 amulets


3. changes that skyrim already has


but the only thing we really need is smoking mod

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Yeah I think we need to get back on topic.


Mod for more extreme weather. I expect rain, thunder... But I wanna try to either make or help make more visually extreme, intense weather patterns. I want Lighting that lights up the whole sky! If they manage to pull it off in vanilla I'll just ramp that up lol.

Edited by SHIROryuu
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the mod list of the 37 you want, fall in 3 categories


1. personal choice, some of the mods you would be hated by others. buts thats modding making the game to your liking so its not a bad thing


2. overpowered, like 10 rings and 3 amulets


3. changes that skyrim already has

I have Re-Edited my Post and Removed a few (9) Mod Requests :P Edited by daventry
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I hated the weather mods for oblivion .. I tried two of the most popular ones and the weather was just awful all the time .. deep fog or heavy rain .. random snow storms .. rain that lasted day and the clouds never came out .. I like what they have shown for skyrim .. the regional weather .. maybe rain now and then
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Here's an obvious one: A house mod made out of the Dwemer tileset, with someone taking out the time to make new textures and meshes of a "restored" Dwemer set like all the Ayleid homes for Oblivion.


I hated the weather mods for oblivion .. I tried two of the most popular ones and the weather was just awful all the time .. deep fog or heavy rain .. random snow storms .. rain that lasted day and the clouds never came out .. I like what they have shown for skyrim .. the regional weather .. maybe rain now and then


I haven't looked through the source of these mods, but it felt to me like naive weighting: One type of "sunny" weather and 20 different variations of cloudy and rainy weather, except all the different weather types have an equal probability of appearing at any given time. So you'll only get sunny weather about 4-5% of the time.

Edited by Alcrin
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That was the quickest change of topics ever.



I will replace the human like Argonian eye texture with the Oblivion (Cat) like one.

I hate the human eyes on Argonians.

They look like they are on PCP or crack! So weird.
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