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New redesign implemented


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This is jquery.com, banjo:


"jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript."

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I wish it was more wide screen friendly. 2/3 of absolutely empty gray space is just sad. Comment font could be bigger too (with all the free space - why not?). Site/Files/Image Library/Community/Support/Network Stats - all way down the page? Why not just put them on the sides? All this scrolling is just makes browsing the site more complicated. Edited by 9tails
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I'm with banjo2E on this one; What the hell is with the scripts? The domain name alone makes me think "sketchy", but the site is completely unusable unless I allow it to execute scripts.


The login screen is also annoying. Yeah, maybe it's just a little thing, but before I could log in with just one click - Click the username textbox, type username, press Tab, type password, then hit Return. This new design renders that impossible, instead I have to click a button after I've entered my password.


The latter is an annoyance, but I think I'll be avoiding this site until the former is fixed. I'd rather just not use the Nexus than give a sketchy site like this jquery thing my implicit trust.

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Why have all the scripts on the nexus suddenly become dependent on a website called jquery.com? I don't really like setting permanent permissions on Noscript with a website as vaguely named as that.


Also, the old UI was a lot more intuitive. For example, I didn't need half as much scrolling to find the files I wanted to download as I do now. I understand that you're still developing this design, but couldn't you have kept the unfinished product off the official site? It can't be that hard to set up, say, a beta.Xnexus.com address system for the new UI.


I'll grant you that what I see right now looks like it could be as good as or better than the old system, but at the moment it's not as good as what came before it.


Oh, dear, oh dear. Now it looks like I have to allow ANOTHER random site called github.com in order to download anything. Primarily because you seem to have had the bright idea to move the download screens from their own popup window into an in-window frame...that is far too small for the advertisements you want to run in it, and STILL expands the actual download menu below said advertisement, forcing me to scroll through a frame I did not want in the first place.


Now, I understand if you want to make everything look all shiny and next-gen with your fancy in-window scripts that probably would take forever to load if I were using this site at home on my 26KB/sec connection; I don't like it in the slightest, but I do understand where you're coming from. However, could you please cut down on the script cross-pollution? Allowing all these random websites to do whatever they wish with my browser is a big fat security flaw, and there's no reason you can't hold all the generic data you're going to use across all the nexus sites on scriptnexus.com or something. Granted, it'd take a while, but in the meantime, opening the download interface in a new window is more than good enough for me.

Edited by banjo2E
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jQuery is the most widely used javascript framework on the internet. Basically put, if you don't allow it, the site won't work for you :facepalm:
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Guest deleted649591

For those who are saying that they cannot add comments to images, are you referring to images within the image share? Are you referring to endorsement comments, or just comments in general? For endorsements, it does appear that the ability to add a comment with your endorsement has been removed. However, I do see a button that says "Add Comment", and it is working as far as I can tell.



Here's what I see: http://oi52.tinypic.com/2v1t9qo.jpg


No comment button.

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jQuery is the most widely used javascript framework on the internet. Basically put, if you don't allow it, the site won't work for you :facepalm:


Most widely used framework on the internet? How have I managed to get by for the past two to four years using Noscript without ever allowing jquery.com to run scripts?


Perhaps it's because everyone else who uses it probably integrates the necessary framework into their own domain name instead of bouncing requests back and forth between jquery's servers.


Now, I can understand if you haven't gotten that far yet, but if that's the case then you should really have put this design up somewhere other than the main nexus sites, preferrably somewhere with "beta" in the domain name.

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