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New redesign implemented


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I personally liked some features of the old design better.


For example:


The hot files of the last 21 days (immo it is a lot better than just 7 days).


Access the comment section for the uploader via the comment tracking function (this does not work at the moment ... I am using Firefox).


The display of the pics of a mod. Now there are three pics shown above a mod. If you are a modder and upload a bunch of pics you don't know which will be shown there. I personally would appreciate it, if a modder could choose the images that will be displayed first above the mod. In my case one mod shows interiors but it is a race mod and many people will not download a file that doesn't show for example the race pics (the only solution for me right now is to upload all my pics again).


The "more from uploader" section of a mod shows (in my case) only really old files with only few endorsements and this is what I can see at all of my mods. For me it is clear ... I have to delete my old mods to be not shown anymore in this section but really ... I don't want this.


I hope this helps ...

Edited by Mondstein
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To the people who don't like the new site design, if you had the possibility to make the Nexus sites look however you wanted, with the exception that they can't look like the old Nexus. How would you have it look? Just curious. :)


Aside from the few "this sucks" idiots, most folks have provided constructive criticism.


Primarily I don't want to lose any functionality. Right now column sorting isn't available in the tracking centre but that seems fairly easy to implement so I think it will get done. I'm lucky I trimmed my tracked list by about 50% just a day or two ago. :)


People complaining about the lack of width scaling are spot on though. There is simply too much wasted space and vertical scrolling with this design.


I think the new layout as far as menus, looks, and all that is fine. It is a change but I will adjust. And if it makes Dark0ne's job 100x easier, it's great.

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And I guess I could just press the matter that I have an "Edit" button on every post by everyone.

It isn't just you, although those edit links don't actually work.

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I'm not going to bother to say what's negative about the new site. Chances are it's already been said.


Not all change is bad, yes. But this is hilariously bad. You removed the option to not endorse a file. The new site is laggy as hell, and navigating it requires a college degree. I subscribe relatively often to the nexus sites (and would still be subscribed if a recurring charge option was available), and I absolutely loved how clean and easy to navigate the old designs were.


Unless an option to use the old interface is added, or this one is SEVERELY revamped (and no, I don't mean use it as a "starting" point). You won't be receiving any more of my money. Ever.


It's been a wonderful five years,


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It takes some getting used too but overall I like the new design. I do agree with the comments on waste of space though. I have a pretty big screen and it is unfortunate to have to scroll that much just because so much space is wasted. If that can be improved then things would be perfect.


Great job!

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