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New redesign implemented


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In the Fallout3Nexus Supporters Imageshare, I have an image that was uploaded as "Hidden" (titled 979) currently listed and accessible from the More From This Uploader sidebar. There also doesn't seem to be any way to manage my supporter images or to upload new ones.
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Since this version isn't working for me (can't see or post comments, etc.) is there a way to access the old version in the mean time until these issues get fixed?


I have MS-Windows XP and IE8.




EDIT: Add not being able to download any files to my list. The screen just goes grey nothing happens.



i have the same problem with downloads everything else works fine

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Nice work on the redesigning of the site and I'm not just talking the look. I know how much work it is... I'm been a webdesigner for many many years lol


As such, if I may make a few simple suggestions for a better user experience:


- Since you will not b controlling the quality of the user uploaded images, using themin such a big space as the top banner may be risky. Notice the Silverlight one for exemple where we only the wall... I would suggest either a smaller banner or choosing very carefully which image you use there. or both :)


- The idea of having the small description next to the image in the banner is awesome but the text doesn't stay long enough for us to be able to read. So a slower timer would be nice. And randomize the start image as well. That way each time you get on the home page, you dont always start at the same point.


- A lot of icons are used instead of text which is great for saving space and adds "life" to the look. However not all of them are easily recongnizable for what they mean. I suggest adding either an ALT text in the image tag or a tooltip that says what it is. It is a stadard way of doing thing and user have the reflex of mousing over an image to see what it means.


And please, change the baby pink everywhere to something with more punch and "maturity" :P


Again bravo on the huge effort for the new site!


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Where is the Latest Edited Files box? Also why have the files in "Manage Your Files" going down the screen instead of across? All that wasted space and it will be a nightmare for people who are managing a lot of files. It's a nightmare for me and I haven't uploaded that many


It's also not IE9 compatible, I am having to use Compatibility view now. All new site designs nowadays should be IE9 compatible

Edited by NeilUK02
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even i got unsure if the opinions here are realy asked,i just want to mention the imageshare is bleeding out,never saw so less views on screens before which speaks for itself more than thousand *ahh its so nice new design* comments and no not speaking of mine,i meant all imagesharescetions except Tes,there was always a bit more traffic

+ not sure if its the backgroundcolour but after 10 min watching forum i got the feeling of eyecancer,need to stand up or log out as it hurts.

also yesterday i got the feeling its getting faster but today its lags again like my grandma and

the disabled image endorsecomments as mentioned before by others are still a step backwards

much thanks for letting my use a year of the best modding and imageshare forum i knowed

but if it would have been this design as i looked the first time on nexus,i am sure i would have not logged in and also not sure if i would have found good mods,images or anything as it is absolutly user-unfriendly compared to the old design



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I'm at the stage where I just want a functioning site and I'm almost ready to give up. Can anybody recommend a fully working browser that works no issues?


I have tried IE8 and Firefox, and both have problems with this site. A kudos for a working solution!

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I'm at the stage where I just want a functioning site and I'm almost ready to give up. Can anybody recommend a fully working browser that works no issues?


I have tried IE8 and Firefox, and both have problems with this site. A kudos for a working solution!

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