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New redesign implemented


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I have three questions today:


1. Are front page alerts coming back for Premium Members? The alerts for comments in our mod threads and updates to files? I loved that feature and it's why I went Premium in the first place.


2. I'm on Chrome and am wondering if the thumbnails for the images in ImageShare look as distorted for everyone else as they do for me?


3. We can no longer see who endorses files. If I click on the endorsement number in a file I no longer get the popup with the list of all endorsements given I only get the option to endorse/unendorse the file. Is that information now available somewhere else?


:) llama

Edited by llamaRCA
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I have a question, and I hope I can explain it right. When I go to the image section on DANexus, some of the pictures appear to be shown properly (or what I assume is properly - just small rectangles) and others are joined to huge dark elongated boxes, the height of which causes other images to be staggered and there to be great blank spaces in the display area to account for the disparate size. The images so affected seem to change now and again. Is this what I should be seeing or is there something wrong with my computer?


I like the pink and grey - it reminds me of a galah! And I like galahs. I appreciate your hard work :)

Edited by Qessanea
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So far I've been trying to get use to the site setup.

It's taken me forever to figure out how to add my own images to mods and I notice I can't write anything to the mod authors when I endorse, though I could just comment but I always felt that the comment box should be for bugs and updates from the mod author.


My issues are that before everything was nice and well labeled.

After you made an overhaul to the last site, that was IMO the best layout.

This one feels clunky and there are major issues with how images display, something I hope is fixed.

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Have 'File of the Month' interviews been scrapped?


No... On TESNexus there is some confusion on who is to be interviewed, since the FOTM vote hasn't ended since May. The other sites still have theirs.


I personally like the new design much better. It's much easier to read the text from since you aren't distracted by the stuff on the sides (for me at least. I still don't see how white on orange is hardly legible, ESPECIALLY on this shade of orange!).

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Advanced search appears to be unnecessarily hidden...


If you just hit the magnifying glass in the search box (i.e. search for nothing), a "Search again..." link appears which, it turns out, is the "Advanced Search" page someone was looking for earlier.


There could be a more obvious link to the "Advanced Search" page (or at least more obviously labeled - "Advanced Search" instead of "Search again...") ??


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Hey Dark0ne, I love the new design and I think it will grow on everyone. That said, I think there is a new glitch in the comments of each (or some random event) new upload where a -001 gives an omen for no comment rights as if it were locked.
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