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New redesign implemented


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I have to agree with the others.


The new site design feels so cluttered. The massive orange blocks make it difficult to gocus on the tiny white text, and this wouldn't be so much of an issue except for the fact that on my 1920 x 1080 resolution monitor the area on the left and right is completely wasted when it could be utilized to make the small text larger. Please make the text larger and make the site fit the whole screen like it used too.


Other than that my only real complaint is that I can't browse the daily photos straight from the homepage.

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Seriously, if there was somewhere else to host my files other than the BSN which has the same issues or worse, I would.

What's the BSN?

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Yes I know I commented like 38 pages ago but now that I've gone through the new site I changed my mind.


I've gone through the site and stuff and honestly I preferred the old design something just made me wanna chill on Nexus but now with this new one I don't even wanna write this comment :( Probably because it does seem cluttered. Hope to see some bigger improvements to this site, it is a good start though it REALLY could use some more colors or at least a background.


Oh and I would've preferred a hat :)

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I like the new design, my only complaint is from a purely practical point of view.


say i follow this link:



if you look at this page, where does it say if the file is for DA:O or DA2? A re-texture or a new armor?


Could you not re-add the line that stated the section it was in above the title and authors name?




Dragon Age: Origins >> Default - I forgot to set this:

Assasin Armor and Rapiers by Petrovich

Edited by TSotP
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I'm looking and I have to say, I don't like the new look. Some of the things you've done are neat (Image share for instance), but the new layout just seems to confuse the heck out of IE8 (my preferred browser). I tried to comment and nothing happened so I had to fire up Mozilla to comment.


You did say however this is still a WIP since you still have tweaking to do. I just hope you can pretty the old girl up again.

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I wasn't going to answer you question because I thought you were just trying to be "funny". In case you aren't, the BSN is the BioWare Social Network which is where BioWare based mods like ME2 and Dragon Age are posted. Their search engine sucks but their organizations skillz are non-existent. :\ Their site is all squished like this one is now too. They do offer "skins" for their "half the screen is blank" set up though which is something I wish the Nexus will provide in the future.


OK, I feel I should at least point out the positives for the site. Their does seem to be a "reduced amount of clicks necessary" to accomplish similar things from the old site. Dark0ne has been listening and taking care of the bugs very fast. the negative endorsements are gone where they belong...in the trash. I can't remember ever seeing a neg endorsement that actually helped the author. They just discouraged not encouraged so that was a good choice. While the images....well most of the change over sucks for images. Now on the other hand, the buttons under them in the mods for like comments, images, discussions files ect. are in a nice place right below the mod's images and are easy to access.


The green "download" button is nice cuz it is easy to see even though it is redundant on the page.

I like the way the downloads for the mods are now with text and links instead of in "boxes" like they were before. I used to not like having to mess with the text descriptions in those download boxes to have them display right. The new way is better. That is actually something I really like with the new site.


I guess in all reality, my biggest beefs are no easy image share checking, the main page....uhh....yea..., and the description page of the mods that got well.....less.


*edit* someone said to provide criticism that helps Dark0ne address the issues we provide....well that would make sense if there was a chance he would "fix" them. He is not going to provide widescreen support so voicing our displeasure is all we can do on such issues. The other issues I happily provide error codes and bug reports for him to fix which he does quite quickly.

Edited by XTR3M368
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About the new look: it's a bit hard to get used, but eventually everyone will. Just some adjustment will be necessary of course.

Sugestion: Right no I can't see if a new file (from LATEST FILES list) is for Morrowind ou Oblivion. A game simbol as a tag at the side of the name would work wonders for it. Of course once Skyrim gets out a tag for it will be needed also, even for TOP FILES.


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Forget what I said about changing images to fit 600px for the time being. Going to run a few mockups or two over the coming days on some slight changes to the file pages.


OH, thank you, thank you, thank you! Just made my day. I have a sales background and especially for the internet I feel presentation is everything. If you can grab someones attention with a graphic and interest them enough to read just a little bit more then you've been about as successful as you can be in this .5 second world we live in. Having a nice splash pic goes a long way towards doing that IMO. Looking forward to what you come up with. Either way, I'm a lifetime paying customer, so that's not even an issue.

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I wasn't going to answer you question because I thought you were just trying to be "funny". In case you aren't, the BSN is the BioWare Social Network which is where BioWare based mods like ME2 and Dragon Age are posted. Their search engine sucks but their organizations skillz are non-existent. : Their site is all squished like this one is now too. They do offer "skins" for their "half the screen is blank" set up though which is something I wish the Nexus will provide in the future.


Wasn't trying to be funny. I don't use the Bioware site at all and thought maybe you'd typoed something related to PES, or that there was some other mod site I wasn't aware of.

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When using the new site I get this message:


"File temporarily unavailable

This file has only recently been uploaded to the site. The file server normally takes between 30 - 60 minutes to update with new files so please try downloading this file again after an hour has passed."


The two files I tried to download are new. They were uploaded today. But the modder told me about them a couple of hours before I went to the dentist. Now that I am back from the dentist, and I have plenty of time, the files won't download. I wasn't using a stopwatch or anything, but I am very certain it has been more than 30-60 minutes since I heard that the new files had been uploaded.


The old version of the site never did this. Wouldn't it make sense to have the site automatically hide new files until they are available for download?

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