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Why do all the preset women faces have such sharp jawlines?


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No, I am not trying to convert anyone. I am merely stating why these presets don't do it for me, and explaining where my ideas come from. To call me obsessed IS pretty offensive actually - there's no clearer "rude remark coming" indicator than "no offense to you but...". I have yet to see anyone explain WHY exactly they feel that ugly/battered/like these presets look makes you a more credible adventurer type. Nor have I seen them explain why a good looking character doesn't look tough to them. As soon as anyone mentions that they like to make attractive looking toons, you can be sure that someone will start sneering about "Barbie dolls, etc, etc". Earlier in this thread, someone jeered at me that I had been watching too much TV/too many movies/reading too many celebrity mags, when in fact I probably watch less than most of you do, don't read celeb mags and actually meet a lot of RL people.


Those of us who like to make a good looking toon tend to respect the desire of those who go for a rugged look, why is it that this does not go both ways? Some of us stopped posting screens on the official forums because of the negative remarks. At least on here, the staff would not allow that!



I dont think people arent tolerating your view on this matter, the problem is you misunderstood...i for example never said or never thought about those presets that they are the only way to make a believable adventurous character.


I have tons of beauty mods for oblivion installed becouse i care about how my character looks and i play an elf too...reason why i welcome this change is simple...it fits skyrim in my eyes...it has nothing to do with realism.


The whole game has nothing to do with realism when it comes to the creatures its being occupied with...and i find it offensive that you trying to make people look like idiots with the whole "if you didnt realized elves are fantasy beings" argument...i think most people understand a simple fact as this.....im not trying to prove anything to you, you are free to believe whatever you want..but this is getting too personal on your side.


I have no doubts that the skyrim character creator will have many options so everyone can make a character to their likes...even from those presets.

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I don't find those faces "ugly" . Actually in my opinion most of those ladies are quite pretty. I simply find them in harmony with the land and the conditions in the TES universe. The TES universe after all, is mostly a fantasy version of the medieval times (you can see that a bit in Morrowind too). Just go to a small village or take a look at people who work under the sun, rain, snow etc in any country. Look at their faces. You will see that they are rugged and quite good looking actually.


True, it is a fantasy land and things are supposed to be different. But "Realism" can still exist in the form of convincing consistency with the atmosphere.


How can you run into a girl that looks 12 years old who camped last night out in the wilderness with a ton of make-up? I know it's fiction but tell me if that won't be a "realism" killer. The game won't feel immersive after that. Just think about how many mods are there for Oblivion that adds this type of girl children with huge boobs and armored bra, carrying a sword the size of a cannon and be thankful that Bethesda did not lean to that direction!

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I think this quote from destructoid sums it up well:


"Those wanting to customize their hero will have a lot of work to do, with a character creator that's more flexible than ever. Each of the game's races can have every facet of their facial features tinkered with, and those with OCD problems will be able to spend hours toying with eye width, adjusting nose length, and choosing their favorite type of yellow face paint. Just be warned that using pre-sets makes it far too easy to make a frightening Captain Jack Sparrow lookalike."
Edited by SHIROryuu
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Yes you did make assumptions, and it is you who is the troll. Personal attacks are not allowed, in case you didn't notice.


I don't find those faces "ugly" . Actually in my opinion most of those ladies are quite pretty. I simply find them in harmony with the land and the conditions in the TES universe. The TES universe after all, is mostly a fantasy version of the medieval times (you can see that a bit in Morrowind too). Just go to a small village or take a look at people who work under the sun, rain, snow etc in any country. Look at their faces. You will see that they are rugged and quite good looking actually.


True, it is a fantasy land and things are supposed to be different. But "Realism" can still exist in the form of convincing consistency with the atmosphere.


How can you run into a girl that looks 12 years old who camped last night out in the wilderness with a ton of make-up? I know it's fiction but tell me if that won't be a "realism" killer. The game won't feel immersive after that. Just think about how many mods are there for Oblivion that adds this type of girl children with huge boobs and armored bra, carrying a sword the size of a cannon and be thankful that Bethesda did not lean to that direction!


As I've said, I meet quite a lot of people who have been the type of outdoor labourers that you describe. I quite agree that rugged can also be good looking, I have a lot of family and friends who are also outdoorsy types (I hunt and shoot for example) and can fit that description. I just don't think that these presets do. You make a lot of points that get me nodding with total agreement. I dislike the children with huge boobs stuff myself, and certainly my OB toons do not tend to wear much make-up, as I play vanilla races 90% of the time.


Is it actually confirmed that there is better character generation for Skyrim, with much more detailed sliders and all? Someone mentioned about them being locked.

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They're great if you want to play an alien. :unsure:



I think this quote from destructoid sums it up well:


"Those wanting to customize their hero will have a lot of work to do, with a character creator that's more flexible than ever. Each of the game's races can have every facet of their facial features tinkered with, and those with OCD problems will be able to spend hours toying with eye width, adjusting nose length, and choosing their favorite type of yellow face paint. Just be warned that using pre-sets makes it far too easy to make a frightening Captain Jack Sparrow lookalike."


Well I hope so, I'm fed up of making characters in the CS/GECK.

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I'm going to start handing out strikes, and if that fails to get this conversation back into the realm of civil discourse, I will lock it and consider posting restrictions and bans. You can all lay off the armchair psychologist routines here, it's malicious, offensive, disrespectful, and ludicrously inaccurate.


Let me remind you, this is not the debate section. Mind your manners or get out.-myrmaad

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