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Day 2 - Nexus redesign


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hi there!


i've been a long time fan of the nexus sites and especially the vast amounts of mods, pics and info for the communities of great games. being a web developer and web designer myself, i'd like to share some points of view regarding the new design (my humble opinion though ;)


from the point of usability, the new look is definitely a big let down since with the old design, everything was sorted and easy to "reach" from the frontpage - now there is an image slider which isn't really user friendly, since it is quite large but features not really much useful info. there are only five elements and the filter beneath it isn't that useful. the main navigation on top is neat but i think a lot of the content we previously had would fit quite nicely into the sidebar, which is nearly empty anyway (may be biased regarding that, i never liked drop down menus a lot).


Sorry, but I absolutely don't see what you are talking about.


I barely used the main page. As a mod author I always use to jump directly to the mod manageing area.


The main page always provided the nexus news in the very first place, and it was and is not helpful in getting an overview over files at all.


If you want to get an overview about files, look here, here and here and so on.

This pages are easily reachable by the File drop down menu, which is way more convenient than looking through a bunch of links like it was handled by the old design with the side bar.


The drop down menus are very handy since they just categorise the points of interests.


Maybe the forums button would need a drop down menu as well with game related sub forums to access them directly without having to jump to the forums index first.


Such navigating would make a huge difference in my opinion and it would help to connect the forums and the file pages closer.




e.g. like this:


"FORUMS"-button directly links to Forum index

Drop-Down-Menu links to

--Fallout: New Vegas News

--General New Vegas Discussion

--New Vegas Files Subforum



Or other categories.

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Click on the files tab, then select the specific file and on the right click on the version number, it will bring up the action for the individual files uploaded.


Hope this helps.

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hm, in terms of site design this is small fry but:

the scroll buttons for images on mods are a bit dissasociated from the actual images. could do with making them more obviously to-do with it. I wasn't sure what they were until I clicked on them and lo' the pictures changed.


I'd suggest two half-width boxes flanking the images directly (rather than nearly an inch away from it and tiny) with bigger and more obvious arrows. I had to look closely to recognise that they even had arrows.


by half-width I mean half the width of the picture-thumbnails.

I reckon that'd mesh better and look better overall.



also, for these comments:

the old system had the users details all at the left, like on a forum.

that made sense, kept everything convieniently in one place, and was consistent with a lot of other sites...

with this one, the left feels very empty without the details.

I find it a bit awkward to look up in the top-right to know how much I should take a person seriously.

I understand why; its clearly because this way, the shorter comments don't have quite as bulky a minimum box-size.



I did have the vague idea that some form of more obvious "credibility meter" would be cool. my thought was along the lines of colourising something in the post, like the top-bar. so it colour-grades based on the persons rep and kudos and so on. but that'd probably not mesh quite so well with the site's design.

for those who deride that idea and say "we're not about that kind of elitism here"...please remember that's what the kudos and experience ratings are -for-, a sense of how seriously we should take a given person.

Edited by Ruadhan2300
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Well, finally got around to trying this new design at home. I'm still using IE 7.0.5730.13 on my home computer, This is the first site I have ever had problems with this computer, and just editing this post it making my CPU usage go up to 100% periodically, which is really weird. I realize that you have to keep up with the new computers and newer technology, but I think you jumped a little too far this time. Guess I won't be back to this site for a while, at least not from my home computer until I upgrade to IE 8 or better, no real reason to do that if it's just one site.
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There is always a reason to upgrade your browser! If you're using XP, IE 8 gives much more functionality, better performance and better security! And if you're using Vista or Win7, well then get IE9 already! It gives you all the previous mentioned stuff just a lot better!


And if you REALLY want better performance, functionality and security, well, then you should go ahead and download Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome! (Internet Explorer is really lacking on all areas compared to those two.)


Robin is not jumping too far at all! He is taking the leap everyone should have taken years ago - there is NO reason whatsoever to keep compatibility with Internet explorer 7.

Edited by Zaldiir
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Well, I would debate your assertion that either Chrome or FF provide better performance (speed), functionality, or security than IE9, but that's not this thread's about. :tongue:


And I totally agree that anyone still using IE7 is long overdue for a browser update! :thumbsup:

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On the new site, how do you select which 3 of your screen shots will be displayed for each of your uploaded mods? I haven't been able to figure it out or find instructions anywhere. I want to chose the three best screenshots to display to potential downloaders since it does not display the primary image anymore or flip through all my uploaded images.
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