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Day 2 - Nexus redesign


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I'm loving the changes you've made to the redesign. It's really feeling a lot more functional and with a lot less wasted space. I'd like reinforce the suggestion to use the blank space under the ad on the right side to add a File of the Month preview as I think it would really make it complete but it looks great already.


I was wondering if you could please get rid of the unattractive bar with the diagonal gray stripes on the bottom of the blogs, list of new files (both recent and today), etc? It's not really needed and since it shows up under a wall of text and directly above a new title bar anyway. Every time I see it, I cringe a bit and just wonder why it's even there.


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The 'Hotfiles' will never look perfect as a rotating header, because it is automatically cropping images, with no concern for the content or the final look. Either the 'hotfile' images ratio should be changed, or Modders should be able to upload a specific image, with dimensions that match the hotfiles, and would be used in the case that the file became a 'hotfile'.


Also...'Forgotten or Random' files list/band/strip?

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Hey one thing I noticed and didn't like was on in the Images section was that it no longer showed the "Catchy Title" of the image that was loaded and to me that drew me to the image to check it out and talk about it and rate it in may cases.


I just noticed on the front page you can still see those, "Catchy Titles".


But when you click the Latest images link to go view them and that comes up, you can only see the Image Author name.


I think it would be a good suggestion to make it so you can still read that "Catchy Title" in both places and a person can still see who uploaded the image there as well.


I know they can see the "Catchy Title", if they run a mouse over the image you can read it there, but that takes doing that for each image, so seeing the "Catchy Title" with out having to do that and then clicking on the image, might maybe make it a more user friendly interface.


I am not saying that it isn't that way now, I am just suggesting a minor tweak to it to maybe enhance what you have already done So Very Well.


EDIT: And of course I just noticed some one has just said the same thing, a couple of posts before me, Sorry About that, and double posting the same thing, I really didn't see that until I went back to the Nexus Page to look at my post. :/

Edited by Ogramirad
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I finally got back to a system that would play the game after my old Video card died in march. I came back a few days ago and the site was much the way I remembered it. Then the next day, bang the whole complexion of NeXuS had changed. At first I was lost and pissed because I definitely did not see the things I used most without having to scroll to the bottom and all that.


Today I took the time to look around and found myself presently surprised. The nice combo boxes or Drop-down lists along the top of the frame that let the mods description spread out and breath are great. Its like having a navigation toolbar in my browser just for the NeXuS...


I might play with my own http://www.newvegasnexus.com/images/imagemap.png a bit for my own viewing preferences in Stylish. I like smaller title bars. the official color is great in small doses but on large real estate it feels cheep to me. Maybe if it was used more as trim or highlight?

This will really piss of the original artiest Sorry


altered style suggestion.7z



Any way, the change is good in my less than humble opinion. Thanks for building a better home for all of us.


Nice Warehouse 13 torrent in your bookmarks...

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1st off I love the new look, took me a little while to get use to the new layout :thumbsup:


now for the other part. I'm using IE8, becouse my system cant use IE9 (stuped Windows XP :laugh: )

the problem with the comments, is fustrating. Also on the images I cant veiw them very well, the story ones that is, thay dont veiw large to read them. But the one problem that reared its ugly little head this morning is that I can no longer down load files. I was able to down load up to yesterday after sellecting the files 3 times to get them to down.


I know your are working on these and other problems but I havent seen any update in awhile.


and to quote a little guy "May The Schwartz be with you" ..Yogurt


saddly this is the only way I can post a comment, becouse the "Post a Comment" doesent work for me ether

Edited by Timeranger
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Ok I've been fiddling around with the site and IE8 and think I might have fixed the issue with comments not showing on some pages, as well as the download pop-out not working. Would be great if others can confirm.
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Ok I've been fiddling around with the site and IE8 and think I might have fixed the issue with comments not showing on some pages, as well as the download pop-out not working. Would be great if others can confirm.

Weee Ok the Comments are working now :dance:

also the Down loads are working now as well :dance: But I got a double download twice, after I downloaded the file it would ask me again to download the same file again, but i was trying to download a option file at the same time both times.


GREAT JOB :biggrin:

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Using Firefox 6.0, today I had a 'click-thru' when I pulled down the 'Files' context menu and selected 'Latest Today'. That menu opition happened to be positioned right over the 'Logout' button on the base page layout, and sure enough it logged me out while it displayed the 'Latest Today' list.
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