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Day 2 - Nexus redesign


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u may have heard this a dozen times already but just wanna make sure you are fixing the download tab wont work thing... I'm using internet explorer.
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i personally don't like it.

I think it lost that sleek design it had, i liked the old one better.

by the way, do we have an option to use the old one?


The mod pages from the old one were easier to use than the current ones but other than that I think its fine. The only thing that bothers me is the tabs on mod pages because they don't have text, instead they have low contract icons. Is there anything particular with the new design that doesn't work for you?

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I apologize if this has already been said, I did not want to scroll through all previous pages to look.




When I went to add tags to my latest mod, the vote count on the ones I approved went to 99 for some of them, but only 2 or 3 others (all ones added by just me). Also, a tag someone incorrectly added, I removed, and is now red. I am not sure if these are the way they are supposed to work, I just never noticed it happening on any of my other mods.




And in general, the new tag layout is a bit disconcerting with the colors instead of the approved and unapproved columns, like it used to be.




EDIT by LHammonds: It has been this way for some time now. If you are the author, you basically have ultimate control over the search tags on your mod by weighing your vote at 99. Other members can only increase or decrease the vote by just 1. However, admins also have this ability on all files.


Response: Well, I do apologize, it is not every day that I upload and tag a file. :/ I cannot keep track of so many changes all the first day.


I just think if my tag approval shoots it to 99, it should do that on all of them I approve, not just some. That was the part I was confused about.

Edited by KitsuneMitsukai
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Is there any chance that we're going to get to see images properly? I've been watching the adjustments to the site and that is one thing that has yet to be fixed. And by properly I mean not deformed or cut up.


Most images are a composition. Deforming or cutting up those images destroys that composition. As I've tried viewing images on the site, I repeatedly find images where the important parts are all cut off and hidden. I have no idea what the uploader is trying to show me until I click on it (which often gets me a deformed version). And yet, I have no reason to click on it because I see nothing interesting in the thumbnail.


It's no way to treat the images people upload.


As of writing this, four out of five of the latest images have had the important parts of the images cut off and hidden. All I see on them is heads.

Edited by Mitheledh
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Two things thta i'd like to see and i think that will improve a lot the site:


1)When you mouse over a last file o last image it appears in the screen at the top of the page (like the hot files)


2)When you mouse over a hot file (or if you make the 1º suggestion, also with the last images and last files) it stops swapping between file, so you can read the smal description.

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Hi Mikgram


My IE9 always loads in compatibility mode for some reason. To get the proper view I go to the Tool button - top right and press F12 developer tools in the menu, if you press on the view showing you can select the correct view and download etc.


Hope that helps. If someone could tell me a permanent way to keep the view I would be very happy. I have IE9 with Windows 7 64 bit.

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