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Peanut Butter VS Jelly



25 members have voted

  1. 1. Peanut Butter or Jelly? Or Both?

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Dee dee de de de deee dee is a beautiful letterrrrrrr, ...........edit............. dee dum




Ok already, I'll give it up, I'll go cold turkey, strap me to the bed ... no more _unkin anything for me ... mommeeeeee o_O



Dunkers need to be stopped at all costs....PB&J must not be drowned

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Just gonna add something to the whole dunking thing.

Chocolate teddy bears (it is a bear shaped biscuit coated in chocolate). Bite off one ear, and the leg on the opposite side, then dip that missing leg spot into the drink (best done with hot chocolate), and suck some of it through the biscuit with the missing ear area. Then eat the bear as the chocolate starts to melt. Delicious.


As for the debate at hand, Neither. I prefer salami, cheese, and whole egg mayonnaise.



EDIT: They look like this: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50514_4960706654_6928026_n.jpg

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Admittedly I'm not a dunker, though I make a single exception for biscotti in latte :dance:


But of pb vs j, the only thing Jelly really goes with, is butter toast; while on the other hand peanut butter is wonderful on bananas, peanut butter goes well with honey; and it goes well with apples, (but cheddar is better). But peanut butter is best with chocolate! Especially melted together and poured over ice cream! :woot:

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Admittedly I'm not a dunker, though I make a single exception for biscotti in latte :dance:


But of pb vs j, the only thing Jelly really goes with, is butter toast; while on the other hand peanut butter is wonderful on bananas, peanut butter goes well with honey; and it goes well with apples, (but cheddar is better). But peanut butter is best with chocolate! Especially melted together and poured over ice cream! :woot:


I don't believe in corrupting my chocolate with peanut butter. PB and banana though. Yeah, that's yummy.


Jelly also goes good with cream cheese on bagles.

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Aaah, myrmaad needs to come to the tea party with Lisnpuppy, Granny and myself, so that she can be shown the delights of jelly, or jam, combined with Devon splits, scones, sponge cakes, Bakewell pudding....


*Begins to drool...*


But now you mention it, it IS good on hot butter toast, too!

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