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Why was Negative Endorsement removed?


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You should feel blessed that you got the content at all

Whether you contribute or not.


If you're paying me, you can expect some level of support, catering to your whims, etc.

Until then you will take what I give, no matter how little or how much that is, and like it, or you can wait outside by your mailbox for a full refund of your purchase price.


I'm gonna step out of this thread now because it can probably only go downhill, anyone feel free to PM me if you want to discuss further.

Actually, no, I should not. If the content is of low quality I will not feel blessed at all.

Following that logic, I could go around Africa flinging feces at starving children and say that they should feel blessed that they got mouthful of excrements because they don't have anything better to eat.

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Here's a simple idea:


The only way to rate mods is through comments. There is no one-click button to show like or dislike. To rate a mod, you choose a score (out of 5 stars, 0 - 10, whatever) and then you must leave a comment of a certain character limit. Only then can you post what you feel it deserves.


Negative rating comments and positive rating comments each have their own section, and a counter displays how many there are of each. These ratings will average into an overall quality rating of the mod, which is displayed is a very obvious location.


I see no reason why anyone would have a problem with this, unless you're just afraid to hear criticism.

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Here's a simple idea:


The only way to rate mods is through comments. There is no one-click button to show like or dislike. To rate a mod, you choose a score (out of 5 stars, 0 - 10, whatever) and then you must leave a comment of a certain character limit. Only then can you post what you feel it deserves.


Negative rating comments and positive rating comments each have their own section, and a counter displays how many there are of each. These ratings will average into an overall quality rating of the mod, which is displayed is a very obvious location.


I see no reason why anyone would have a problem with this, unless you're just afraid to hear criticism.


We used to have something like that

It failed miserably.

It was either exploited just like the one that has been removed or completely put out of context.



For example someone could put it at 4/10 just because it's not to their own personal taste

or someone could just put 7/10 because it didn't work with such and such a mod.

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Stop whining.

As someone who posts mods, for others to use, for free, out of the goodness of my heart, I really do not want to hear that it was thumbed down because 'it conflicted with user's personal beliefs'. Thumbs up are good because they are a pat on the back and allow good mods to rise to the top over time.

If there is a bug, post it in the comments. If you just don't like it, uninstall it and move on.

To download it, try it, wait 3 hours, come back, and thumb it down is just d-baggery on your part, and keeps well-meaning folks from sharing with others.


So if you, or any other mod creater, makes a extremely bug ridden mess that crashes the game, corrupts save files etc we should just deal with it? A mod like that shouldn't even be published and criticisms should reflect that. If you post work on a public space it will get criticised and you should either acknoweledge those criticisms and aim to improve or ignore them. You seem to be living in some kind of stucky up artist fantasty "wahh I don't want to hear any criticism, take my s*** or leave it!"


"Personal beliefs" are obviously different though. If a mod is "Make all npcs green" and somebody thumbs it down because "green sucks, all npcs should be red!" then obviously its not a valid complaint.

Edited by AMonkey
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This change.

I do not comprehend.


Of course, the negative endorsement system could be used for trolling. But if people let something like the number of negative endorsements affect them I wonder what they are doing in the modding community, or on the internet at all, if they let a baseless statement from a complete stranger affect them.


I'd like to see the downvote/negative endorsement system back, but in a different iteration. Perhaps a system where an upvote or downvote need a comment to go with it, to keep anyone from signing up and continuously downvoting mods.


Or, if this change is going to last, a system where comments can be up/downvoted so that helpful comments which provide insight into the mods, by highlighting flaws or errors that could arise from using it, are placed at the top or in a separate bar making them easy to see.

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Stop whining.

As someone who posts mods, for others to use, for free, out of the goodness of my heart, I really do not want to hear that it was thumbed down because 'it conflicted with user's personal beliefs'. Thumbs up are good because they are a pat on the back and allow good mods to rise to the top over time.

If there is a bug, post it in the comments. If you just don't like it, uninstall it and move on.

To download it, try it, wait 3 hours, come back, and thumb it down is just d-baggery on your part, and keeps well-meaning folks from sharing with others.


So if you, or any other mod creater, makes a extremely bug ridden mess that crashes the game, corrupts save files etc we should just deal with it? A mod like that shouldn't even be published and criticisms should reflect that. If you post work on a public space it will get criticised and you should either acknoweledge those criticisms and aim to improve or ignore them. You seem to be living in some kind of stucky up artist fantasty "wahh I don't want to hear any criticism, take my s*** or leave it!"


"Personal beliefs" are obviously different though. If a mod is "Make all npcs green" and somebody thumbs it down because "green sucks, all npcs should be red!" then obviously its not a valid complaint.



This is why all negative endorsements should have a mandatory comment attached to them. Wouldn't that fix the issue? negative endorsements would be able to be moderated due to the comments, and people would be able to discern the valid points from the stupid ones.


Modders make this website go, but they are also the minority. Don't simply ignore one side, especially if they're the picky majority. Try to find a compromise.

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Why does negative endorsements need to exist?



What is wrong with a simple "bug report" or "review"

They can adequately provide other users with insight of problems with the mod and provide the author with the necessary feedback to improve their work.

I see no need for an eyesore.

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Stop whining.

As someone who posts mods, for others to use, for free, out of the goodness of my heart, I really do not want to hear that it was thumbed down because 'it conflicted with user's personal beliefs'. Thumbs up are good because they are a pat on the back and allow good mods to rise to the top over time.

If there is a bug, post it in the comments. If you just don't like it, uninstall it and move on.

To download it, try it, wait 3 hours, come back, and thumb it down is just d-baggery on your part, and keeps well-meaning folks from sharing with others.


So if you, or any other mod creater, makes a extremely bug ridden mess that crashes the game, corrupts save files etc we should just deal with it? A mod like that shouldn't even be published and criticisms should reflect that. If you post work on a public space it will get criticised and you should either acknoweledge those criticisms and aim to improve or ignore them. You seem to be living in some kind of stucky up artist fantasty "wahh I don't want to hear any criticism, take my s*** or leave it!"


"Personal beliefs" are obviously different though. If a mod is "Make all npcs green" and somebody thumbs it down because "green sucks, all npcs should be red!" then obviously its not a valid complaint.



This is why all negative endorsements should have a mandatory comment attached to them. Wouldn't that fix the issue? negative endorsements would be able to be moderated due to the comments, and people would be able to discern the valid points from the stupid ones.


Modders make this website go, but they are also the minority. Don't simply ignore one side, especially if they're the picky majority. Try to find a compromise.


If negative endorsements don't need to exist, positive ones don't either. The road goes both ways, bud.

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Stop whining.

As someone who posts mods, for others to use, for free, out of the goodness of my heart, I really do not want to hear that it was thumbed down because 'it conflicted with user's personal beliefs'. Thumbs up are good because they are a pat on the back and allow good mods to rise to the top over time.

If there is a bug, post it in the comments. If you just don't like it, uninstall it and move on.

To download it, try it, wait 3 hours, come back, and thumb it down is just d-baggery on your part, and keeps well-meaning folks from sharing with others.


So if you, or any other mod creater, makes a extremely bug ridden mess that crashes the game, corrupts save files etc we should just deal with it? A mod like that shouldn't even be published and criticisms should reflect that. If you post work on a public space it will get criticised and you should either acknoweledge those criticisms and aim to improve or ignore them. You seem to be living in some kind of stucky up artist fantasty "wahh I don't want to hear any criticism, take my s*** or leave it!"


"Personal beliefs" are obviously different though. If a mod is "Make all npcs green" and somebody thumbs it down because "green sucks, all npcs should be red!" then obviously its not a valid complaint.



This is why all negative endorsements should have a mandatory comment attached to them. Wouldn't that fix the issue? negative endorsements would be able to be moderated due to the comments, and people would be able to discern the valid points from the stupid ones.


Modders make this website go, but they are also the minority. Don't simply ignore one side, especially if they're the picky majority. Try to find a compromise.


If negative endorsements don't need to exist, positive ones don't either. The road goes both ways, bud.



So be it, remove positive endorsements then.

So long as it keeps negative ones away :)



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