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Why was Negative Endorsement removed?


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"Positive feedback doesn't require a constructive response. It's just that; a pat on the back. If they so choose, they can give some constructive thoughts on the mod."



Then why cant a negative just be a frown? Why the double standard?


For the same reason telling someone their kid is adorable is a minor compliment that is quickly forgotten and telling someone their kid is ugly is a major insult that may end with bloodshed. Or the same reason telling your girlfriend she looks great will get you a quick smile and maybe some attention for a few hours, but telling her she is ugly will end it forever. There is a double standard because the two are not equal.


And telling your uncle his cooking is bad before he spends twenty grand to open a chain restaurant? Baseless praise is JUST as a bad unwarranted criticism. Complacency breeds mediocrity.


You just destroyed your own argument extremely well :) If you tell you uncle his cooking is bad to stop him opening a restaurant, why would you immediately book him to cater at your wedding? If my mods are so bad that you think I should not be modding, why do you care if you can or cannot download any more?

If his uncle knew that his cooking is not that good, he'd surely start reading books about cooking and improving.

Then I'd book him to cater at my wedding.



Then you would essentially be removing your thumbs down, and I am sure his uncle would once again agree to cater at your wedding :)

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"Positive feedback doesn't require a constructive response. It's just that; a pat on the back. If they so choose, they can give some constructive thoughts on the mod."



Then why cant a negative just be a frown? Why the double standard?


For the same reason telling someone their kid is adorable is a minor compliment that is quickly forgotten and telling someone their kid is ugly is a major insult that may end with bloodshed. Or the same reason telling your girlfriend she looks great will get you a quick smile and maybe some attention for a few hours, but telling her she is ugly will end it forever. There is a double standard because the two are not equal.


And telling your uncle his cooking is bad before he spends twenty grand to open a chain restaurant? Baseless praise is JUST as a bad unwarranted criticism. Complacency breeds mediocrity.


You just destroyed your own argument extremely well :) If you tell you uncle his cooking is bad to stop him opening a restaurant, why would you immediately book him to cater at your wedding? If my mods are so bad that you think I should not be modding, why do you care if you can or cannot download any more?

If his uncle knew that his cooking is not that good, he'd surely start reading books about cooking and improving.

Then I'd book him to cater at my wedding.



Then you would essentially be removing your thumbs down, and I am sure his uncle would once again agree to cater at your wedding :)

No. I would be adding a thumbs up, not removing a thumbs down.

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Removing negative feedback is ridiculous. Just like removing positive feedback and leaving only the ability to make negative reviews would be silly (albiet better than only positive feedback because at least you could give constructive feedback with negative reviews only.) This will just turn the feedback system into a circlejerk.


And... you can't do that through the regular comments...? :facepalm:


Which I can add, most people who do have something constructive to say, do.


Also, I was under the impression that one of the reasons for the positive endorsements is to help YOU downloaders find the good stuff faster on the top lists?

Edited by amycus
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Gopher my good man, I like you. We may not see eye to eye on everything in this thread, but instead of demanding we listen to you, or leave in a huff, you refuse to quit because you want your opinion heard, and I respect that. If I could kudos you I would.


We need a review system! :thumbsup:

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Removing negative feedback is ridiculous. Just like removing positive feedback and leaving only the ability to make negative reviews would be silly (albiet better than only positive feedback because at least you could give constructive feedback with negative reviews only.) This will just turn the feedback system into a circlejerk.


And... you can't do that through the regular comments...?


Which I can add, most people who do have something constructive to say, do.


Also, I was under the impression that one of the reasons for the positive endorsements is to help YOU downloaders find the good stuff faster on the top lists?

That backfires horribly when a mod that corrupts saves 50% of the time gets a considerable amount of positive endorsements from half the people who used it, with the other half not being able to downvote it.

Judging by the amount of positive endorsements is also a bad idea. There is a handful of mods that were extremely useful to me but had only three or five positive endorsements.

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Let me ask you a question then: Can you name one mod you gave a thumbs down to, where you gave a thumbs up to the author of it on a different mod?


Because I don't browse mods depending on the author unless I am uniquely interested or impressed, which I have never been on tesnexus, unfortunately I cannot. I can on the other hand give you an example of when I would have done it, had the option been there!




Julan, as I think we can all agree, was an epitome of modding, but some of her other mods were definitely not sparkling.


Let me shoot back at you with this, can you think of an author who felt the ramifications of a negative feedback? Someone who's modding life was heavily affected by the ability for someone to say "No, I do NOT like this!"

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Yes. Me. I had a couple of projects I abandoned because of demotivation from some particularly stupid negative endorsements. I know I should ignore them. I know I should not care. But at 5am in the morning when desperately trying to overcome some odd problem in a new project getting your first negative endorsement for a mod and its 'because the mod does not do what it says it does in the description' can literally have me deleting esp files and swearing to never mod again. Yeah I know. Way too tempremental :) But when you spend thousands of hours doing something like this, your mods become more than just causal hobbies to you. I would not compare them to my kids (although they keep me awake at night and often make no sense in much the same manner), but often a mod author will be very parental to his creations.


Some people dont care about the thumbs down. I envy them :) I love doing this, and I know I get way too involved. But then some people seem to like the fact that I keep so passionately engaged.

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Removing negative feedback is ridiculous. Just like removing positive feedback and leaving only the ability to make negative reviews would be silly (albiet better than only positive feedback because at least you could give constructive feedback with negative reviews only.) This will just turn the feedback system into a circlejerk.


And... you can't do that through the regular comments...?


Which I can add, most people who do have something constructive to say, do.


Also, I was under the impression that one of the reasons for the positive endorsements is to help YOU downloaders find the good stuff faster on the top lists?

That backfires horribly when a mod that corrupts saves 50% of the time gets a considerable amount of positive endorsements from half the people who used it, with the other half not being able to downvote it.

Judging by the amount of positive endorsements is also a bad idea. There is a handful of mods that were extremely useful to me but had only three or five positive endorsements.

For a mod to corrupt a save it would have to pretty much be deliberately done to sabotage your game. And those mods get removed quickly.

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Yes. Me. I had a couple of projects I abandoned because of demotivation from some particularly stupid negative endorsements. I know I should ignore them. I know I should not care. But at 5am in the morning when desperately trying to overcome some odd problem in a new project getting your first negative endorsement for a mod and its 'because the mod does not do what it says it does in the description' can literally have me deleting esp files and swearing to never mod again. Yeah I know. Way too tempremental :) But when you spend thousands of hours doing something like this, your mods become more than just causal hobbies to you. I would not compare them to my kids (although they keep me awake at night and often make no sense in much the same manner), but often a mod author will be very parental to his creations.


Some people dont care about the thumbs down. I envy them :) I love doing this, and I know I get way too involved. But then some people seem to like the fact that I keep so passionately engaged.



And that is why we wanted it removing.

(and because it offered no insight as to what needs improving)


Sorry, not getting back involved, just lurking and watching :P



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