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DLC coming to Xbox first


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this makes me happy!

WHY? Hopefully not so you can feel elitist. I think it's uncool that XBOX gets it first, but to be honest I won't be too worried since the base game itself will keep me entertained clear after the DLC comes out even I'm sure.

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If there is only one deadric price then f*** it.


Only having one assrapes lore. Put in quite a few or none at all.


Marharth, where'd you read that? I read the link the OP posted, and saw nothing of it. The one someone posted doesn't want to come up for me. I need sources before I'll assume it's true. I'm hoping not.


As for the DLC being Xbox first, I wasn't very impressed with what they created for Oblivion, and will probably not even bother with skyrim at all until I get a new pc, which will be when GOTY comes out anyway. So I guess I understand why pc users are feeling butthurt grumpy, but look at it this way: when it comes out and people complain it's not worth the cost, you'll know not to spend your money. And if it is worth it, it's onl;y 30 days.


Or you could be like me, having to find a new job, save the money, and then finally get it six months to a year later than the rest of you :P

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Oh boohoo, it doesn't matter when I play my Xbox Version of this I would much more like to have modding, PC haves huge advantage over Xbox. Graphic wise and the ability to mod, you guys make your own DLC. And Xbox seems to get just about everything before other platforms, Call of Duty for example. We got everything a month before PS3. Don't act like you guys didn't see this coming.


And I DO play on PC also, so I'm seeing both sides of this and every time I would play Oblivion or FONV I would just think about the mods I could be using right now. And I can use my xbox controller on my laptop but my laptop isn't really up to spec for Skyrim, it could handle most graphic mods for Oblivion, but considering Oblivion came out in 2006 it should be able to handle it, but I doubt it will handle Skyrim, and my shitty G61 can't upgrade anything (trust me I read into it.)


So I'm stuck with my modless Xbox, and trust me. You guys are lucky to have a nice PC.

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