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Ask RipTen Anything about Skyrim! Vampires n stuff ^__^


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How was the character movement? How different was it from Oblivion, if at all?


And did any enemies ever like run past you just to make a U-turn and attack after? Because I think I saw a wolf do that in the video from... QuakeCon was it? And how did they act in battle in general?

Edited by Nysba
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  On 8/27/2011 at 1:05 PM, Nysba said:

How was the character movement? How different was it from Oblivion, if at all?


And did any enemies ever like run past you just to make a U-turn and attack after? Because I think I saw a wolf do that in the video from... QuakeCon was it? And how did they act in battle in general?


It was better, still a bit herp derp but much improved from Oblivion.


In general the AI was pretty similar to Oblivion, although even though the bandits were clearly hostile, there was a definite "delay" to how they reacted to me.


It's kind of hard to explain, but don't expect any groundbreakingly mind blowing enemy AI, this isn't RAGE.

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Did you notice extra bones in the character rig that weren't present in Ob, For example in oblivion robes lower half stretches quite heavily, there were no bones beside the thigh/calf/pelvis bones that the artist could rig the outfit to. So when the walk/run/sneak animation happens, the robe mesh is distorted quite heavily. Was there less stretching and perhaps seemingly another bone or few that might add a little more realistic movement to certain types of clothing.


I say that because in one of the old trailers there is a character walking with a robe on, but it is only up for 1 second, but to my eye something might be there. The rigging actually looks quite well done from what I have seen, compared to Ob... which isn't too hard to do :P

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  On 8/27/2011 at 1:08 PM, Iv000 said:

Thanks for answering Dave!


Just one more question:


Did the world feel alive?


EDIT: Not really a good question. I understand if you can't answer it.


Interesting question. Kinda? I mean, I'm sure it will feel much more "Alive" on PC. The one thing I can say is that the dynamic weather really helped.

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  On 8/27/2011 at 1:50 PM, Ghogiel said:

Did you notice extra bones in the character rig that weren't present in Ob, For example in oblivion robes lower half stretches quite heavily, there were no bones beside the thigh/calf/pelvis bones that the artist could rig the outfit to. So when the walk/run/sneak animation happens, the robe mesh is distorted quite heavily. Was there less stretching and perhaps seemingly another bone or few that might add a little more realistic movement to certain types of clothing.


I say that because in one of the old trailers there is a character walking with a robe on, but it is only up for 1 second, but to my eye something might be there. The rigging actually looks quite well done from what I have seen, compared to Ob... which isn't too hard to do :P


lol sorry, I wasn't really paying attention to that.

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  On 8/27/2011 at 4:58 PM, Amras0808 said:

you said you played in third person view, did you perhaps use a bow while doing so? if so how was it like (crosshair and stuff)

This reminded me of another question I had, did you do any tweaking to the 3rd person view? They said it's adjustable, not sure what they meant by that, exactly...

And yeah, I'd like to know about the 3rd person view a little more as well :)

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