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Anyone else play Guild Wars?


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I don't, but I'm waiting for Guild Wars 2!

I wanted to buy the first, I even tried the trial and liked it. But I have to collect money for Skyrim, GW2 and maybe some other games.

I just bought Deus Ex HR without even planing to buy it, best decision in the past few months.

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I've also been tempted to buy it the last few weeks, but with the gaming line-up and the fact that GW2 is so close, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

I tried it and liked it, but with GW2 so close to release, wondering if there will be a mass exodus to play that game. Also, the trial is too restricted.

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Played it, hated it.


Graphics were solid, but there was no substance and to my eye, it looked like very strong textures applied to very low quality meshes. And the fact that aesthetic options were class-restricted was just pathetic. What I really hated though was the community. I've never seen a more obnoxious or unwelcoming community, not even COD, not even WoW was that bad. I mean, by the time I got into WoW it was simply rowdy, and I like rowdy, but GW was just abusive. You didn't dare ask a noobish question because of the shear invective people would throw at you.


AFAIK the whole community was like a bunch of monkeys in a cage throwing crap at eachother, Im never buying a GW game again, the community was so terrible that it's simply not gonna happen, no matter how good the gameplay is.

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AFAIK the whole community was like a bunch of monkeys in a cage throwing crap at eachother, Im never buying a GW game again, the community was so terrible that it's simply not gonna happen, no matter how good the gameplay is.



I never interacted with others much so I was spared this: at the time, I liked solo'ing and found out pretty fast I wouldn't get very far if I didn't group. I like having an option, I don't like being forced, so I stopped playing.

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