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Xenonauts - XCOM for a new generation!


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Yep, a new XCOM (well, they say "heavily inspired by") right here --> Xenonauts






Soldier Loadout







Landing Party Loadout







Fighter Craft Loadout







The Base







Base Storage Transfer Screen













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If done right, I think I could in an instant. I loved playing around with the load outs. I absolutely HATED that it would not remember my last loadout used and thus, have to tinker around to get it just right again.


I have not seen anything in the way of ground combat but I did see various animations of an alien. They are supposed to have destructible terrain too. Just need to see how they implemented it. Would be awesome if it reacted realistically using havok but being an indie, I'm thinking they are simply doing model change-outs. I say this because of the alien animations. One of the animations was a death anim which simply had it sit down on the ground...which makes me think they are not using plugin simulator such as havok ragdoll.

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